Are unironic based black men allowed to stay?
Are unironic based black men allowed to stay?
Yes, we hate niggers, not black people
no. they deserve the first bullet.
mutt detector is off the charts
If he does so much good here imagine how much he could help out in Africa.
just because he is black doesnt mean he is of african descent
They’d eat him alive.
Smart blacks get to stay with other smart blacks but are not allowed to vote
No and those who call them based or use any dindu style language should definitely go too
Token blacks are recycled farming equipment
you fucking what now?
Thats the liberals and race traitors you larping naziboo faggot.
But do you throw away useful equipment? Seems like a waste.
You're in favor of the ethnostate? Why?
It's not even about hating niggers, it's just observing that it's obnoxious to force all ethnicities to live together.
Kys faggot
fuck off reddit
If the equipment threatens to destroy it's owner or other property, then you get rid of it. Otherwise, old equipment can be successfully repurposed
Lol cucks. The "good" blacks should be given a rowboat and a map to Africa instead of a bullet.
>pic related
your average nigger
No, they still have to go back
Depends, if they don't miscegenate and generally stick to their own neighborhoods I could tolerate it.
This is strictly speaking about black people with roughly 25-30% European admixture who understand race realism.
Fuck niggers.
Hope this makes it on Tucker.
Blacks have been in the US as long as whites have. You'll never get rid of them unless you slaughter them all. (Which will never happen)
I believe America should be a safe haven for a small percentage of colonized blacks. They should have their own states carved out for them and given a modicum of support from us whites, but everyone else has to go. Americans are white.
Blacks have the right to be here and thrive in this country. Our forefathers stupidly brought a giant horde of them over to work as slave labor.
Other races should not be recognized as true Americans, but the black population are part of the core American identity. Unfortunately our forefathers didn't enslave a bunch of high-IQ asians, but it is what it is.
This is a shill thread. Think!
Didn't you know goyim? Europe has always been multiracial. Your history has been whitewashed. Why even Zeus was black according to the new cinemas.
fpbp, ethno nationalism isn't about killing other races, it's about securing one's own race and a future for their children.
Literally could have black ethno nationalists in Africa doing a nigger apartheid. Betcha the US would fund it.
Nigger detected
I dont give a fuck as long as they dont band together, undermine culture, mix with us, and blame us for their shortcomings. So in otherwords no.
i see your nigger mutt blood is resonating
They will be allowed to rule in Africa. Other niggers will be their slaves.
>never happen
Never say never faggot
he still has to go back but he can be kang of the niggers in africa
>implying the niggers across the sea would actually make it possible
No. Whites only. All blacks must go back to africa. Anyone saying anything else is a race traitor or a jew
I'm not racist, I just really really really really really hate democrats, communists, and socialists. Also kikes.
Ironically these
Hate niggers all you want, but a few of them are pretty fucking great. You have to admit we wouldnt have shit like jazz or rock and roll, etc.
Yes 90% of blacks need to be removed but I enjoy the company of the few shining stars there are. That senator did a great job of blowing that guy the fuck out, people like him shouldn’t be told to leave after fighting on our side.
Not allowed to stay, no. Ideally they would be given direct high status positions in Africa, with an ongoing eugenics program so that Africans eventually get smart enough to control themselves with the right leadership.
Fuck off. He's right. Nigger is a state of mind.
No he's not you fucking cuck. 99% sure you're a nigger trying to push this shit, post hand Tyrone.
*unironically fuck
if it's an unironically based nigger, why would it WANT to stay?
>pic related
>posts white person with straight black hair
>a country founded to escape persecution
>be forced to live there
Now, i hate niggers as much as the next guy, but if all you see is race, and you like to play identity politics, what makes you any different than low IQ liberals/blacks?
>modern liberalism is literally a white man judging a black man by his race
The problem with blacks isn't that they are blacks, it's that the majority of them have 85 IQ or below and are generally sociopaths. Non-sociopath high IQ blacks are fine.
Fuck yes they are out most powerful weapon!
>t. kike
watcha doin rabi?
Quintessential mutt posts.
I'd take him over a white liberal full of white guilt and cuck behavior any fucking day of the week.
Or we could just, you know, give them some dedicated space of their own and have our own dedicated space. Idiot Jewish slave please pic related until you're prepared to argue without resorting to dumb misrepresentations and other such Semitic rhetorical strategies
ohhhh, abbos. he's got a point, not a good one, but he's got a point
Why do I never hear of this man.
Shitposting aside there are some blacks I truly respect, I would just keep them in small numbers. However, I would forbid them to racemix.
Uhh user
This plz desu
No but they can survive the rope and go to Africa if they are incredibly based.
>muh civic nationalism
Listen newfag, only pureblood niggers I’ve seen that apply to that are Malcolm X and Death Grips’ singer. Other than that biology is a major factor. Besides, explain why, despite their population in Africa existing just as long as whites in Europe, being separate from whites and being in incredibly fertile lands, blacks in Africa still haven’t progressed their societies further on their own as fast as whites?
Oh shit fucking REKT
Because he was emotionally traumatized by the smear campaign the left ran against him and tries to keep a low profile. Look at the pain in his eyes.
If he wasn't ironically shitposting he might have meant that the guy could be from the Caribbean
Or he didn't and Trump is using him as a prop.
underrated post