Satoshi (creator of Bitcoin) is still using BTC for transactions, below you'll find 2 of wallets with transactions filled with coins from the first 144 blocks (I found them by tracing transactions from block 9)


I need the power of weaponized autism to find any link between the coins and any pumps/dumps bitcoin experiences.
Post anything you find here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wallet with the most recent transaction with coins from the first 144 blocks

(((David Chaum))) is Satoshi Nakamoto (Samsung, Mitsubishi, Naka, Morotorla)
Mark Kerpeles was a stooge that took the blame for Mt.Gox's double spending that MOSSAD was doing behind his back between 2013 and 2014.

what was the name of that graphic blockchain explorer that plotted addreses and transactions as circles and arrows? I got a full node I can check it out but I cant seem to find that program

something like this would be cool too

so which transaction comes from early blocks say you? this is a bittrex hotwallet with only balance during 2017 ...


regarding the second one, I got no clue how you got from the first blocks to there, also pretty hard to find any link since he has like 60 transaction spliting a huge bunch of btc into 1btc addresses and all those are getting spent too
mofo is paying a shitton of fees, 900sat/b, are you sure these are not roger ver's coins? it's most likely him doing this spam attack and buying bch with these coins

The first 2 wallets have transactions that come from block 9 which was one of satoshis blocks.
I just traced the transactions and ended up with extremely odd transactions such as in this wallet where you can see there is 1000+ btc seperating into different transactions, I think someone is trying to crash the crypto market cap. There is over 300k unconfirmed transactions right now.

>t. Jew shill.

well that's what I was trying to plot
you're saying you traced one of those 1btc transaction to the bittrex wallet? can you provide transaction hashes?

>trying to find out who satoshi is in order to literally send mossad to kill him.

btw even if it's tainted by satoshis coins doesn't mean it's him, he gave away btc to test the software, in my mind it's still most likely roger ver

the 1500btc come back from this one
where 30k btc are split, into that one 1500 that further splits into 1 btc adresses, but the remainding almost 30k are spliting into 100btc addresses, you aware of that?

So is the satoshi fried thumbdrive story totally debunked by this activity?

>ponzi scheme creator is ripping people off
Oh no that sucks

I can't provide the exact transaction hashes because there's so many of them.

one of the spliting transactions further down from the 2500 split pays 50btc to bitstamp at 2017-12-21 09:18:19, not sure what timezone are the timestamps

i love how more retarded you are the more confident you sound

Bump. Cant check anything now


Humongous if verified

40% of all Bitcoin are owned by less than 1000 people

>still autismo mongrel think dis will kill the joo
>muh anonymouse money

Just kys already

you sure are trying to cope


Satoshi minister, I...

no. Someone might easily have taken the private keys, after Satosh killed himself with two shots to the back of his head. Many such cases.

as I was saying, roger ver

Spoke like a true autismo kid pissed he lost his virtual air Internet gibs
Kek, how much did you "loose" today?
Again, kys

keep coping

>resulting to point out grammar errors because the butthurt for getting cucked by kikes and losing fictional interweb virtual gibs
You dun goofed, better start dealing with it you inbred retard mongrel rape baby autist
Just tell us how much you "lost" and fuck off already
Also, sage

up 800k YTD, now kys

Yeah, come back when you will have been able to cash 800k in eur
Kek you autismo are amazing, you literally believe you will ever see any of that money
Kys mongrel


So the mother fucker is alive or not?

it's most likely not satoshi but roger ver, their coins are related

Just sell 10% of that 800k and post balance with time stamp and I'll send you 0,15 btc
Pro tip: you can't lol

How are they related? Because yesterday as Bitcoin Cash went live on Coinbase someone dumped 2 billion coins in 10 minutes.

Less than 1000 people own 40% of bitcoins
Why do you goym fall for kikery every fucking time?

>Rich people are investing in this stop competing with them.
Does Spain even have an economy?


Another retarded and butthurt nocoiner.

Here's cashing out.

Isnt that what rmblunt did back in the late 1700s to life line the south sea mega bubble?
Is btc expected to crash?

What does Sup Forums think of Litecoins?

historically the price of litecoins is tied completely to bitcoin

If there is news about bitcoin, people also see litecoin. when bitcoin is expensive, they buy litecoin etc.

1 person (nakamato) owns 20% of ALL available bitcoins. This was reported back in 2011, so just think how many bitcoins haven't yet been mined and how many have simply just been lost and realize how hard you're being jewed.

lol no. Satoshi was 3 people

>go make an 80k financial move to appease some bitter no-coiner on the internet

kek 14k, wow your so rich now!!

Imagine that

So you haven't been able to cash out not even 10% of 800k even if I promised you 0.15 if you did so.
Basically it's confirmed totally virtual useless interwebz money with no real value
Nice thx for proving my point

More like Memecoin