It seems like Europe and even the American media are totally against Trump's declaration concerning Jerusalem. How is this so? If the American media is controlled by Jews, then shouldn't they be on Trump's side? Genuinely want to hear what you think is going on.
It seems like Europe and even the American media are totally against Trump's declaration concerning Jerusalem...
Other urls found in this thread:
Europeans are naturally anti-Semitic and afraid of Muslims
American media just hates trump
But the media Osborne run by the Jews, right?
>American media just hates trump
Yes, but they are also all owned by Jews. I can't figure out their angle here though.
The Jews are starting their own 4D chess game now.
We won't have any idea what's really going on until the next election.
oil/petroislam you fucking idiot.
leftists in the US hate israel and have a palestine hardon
their jew masters don't really care about Israel itself cause they live in the US
If the Jews don't really care about each other at all, why do they screech about the holocaust so much?
Because it obviously benefits all of them to be able to scream about anti-semitism?
and it also gives the goyim the illusion of freedom of speech to be able to blather on about muh palestine
>their jew masters don't really care about Israel
Let's get this straight.. There are two different jews.
1. Progressive socialist jews (these are the jews that are pushing for multiculturalism in the western world. Their final goal is a world government, where countries are basically states and a single government makes a decision for them all. These jews also HATES Israel, just watch Soros comments on Israel for example..)
2. Conservative jews. (these are the jews that are pushing for greater Israel. Their main goal is to make Israel larger and more powerful, the borders will spread from Alexandria to Kuwait. These jews also have a goal to have as much influence as possible over the world on the global stage, but prefers a stable western world for the simple reason.. Israel's(theirs) safety)
I thought it would be pretty obvious to people nowadays that the conservative jews are the "lesser" evil. Considering Israel coming to Hungary's defense against Soros, when Soros claimed that Hungary were "anti-semitic" and "muh racist".
prove me wrong
Of course they hate Israel Israel is an ethnic State and traditional homeland that is very nationalist and conservative
Oy vey!!!
As a Jew your breakdown is exact globalist rich Jews aka billionaires and conservative Jews aka normal people and actual zionists that like trump and hate the left
That's not how this works. You have to prove your claim. You don't just spout shit and force other people to "prove you wrong"
Not all Jews are the same.
Most Jews hate Trump but Liberal Jews want him gone and are hysterical about it.They're the ones who end up in the mainstream media jobs because they have Jewish connections but they're the low tier Jew.
The same Liberal Jews don't really care about Israel.
Stop taking Sup Forums serious idiot. Jews owning America is a meme
Everybody in this thread needs to read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion right now. It will answer all of your questions regarding why the media and the UN would oppose Israel, and it will explain everything else that is going on in the world around you.
There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Israel.
Smart jews don't want the backlash, or the attention. What Trump is doing right now is putting them in the spotlight, pardoning that ridiculous jew and the acknowledgement of Jerusalem is just the beginning of him turning the left against the Jews, meanwhile we talk about it from our perspective and that wakes people up to the JQ as well. This doesn't look good for Israel to the world and that's the point
American Jews are generally anti-Zionist and oppose Israel's existance.
That's not a meme or a conspiracy theory.
A select number of very wealthy Jews own a good chunk of 'Merica.
They're lying/acting when they say they don't like it. Their people have been scheming to acquire that region and city for centuries. They just want whites to take the blame from the rest of humanity, as usual.
kek confirms
They're the greatest foreign enemy of this country and Europe, so yeah, there kind of is.
Holy fuck, Sup Forums isn't satire you fucking leddit faggot. How many fucking times are we going to tell you before you get it?
antisemitism is degenerate
judaism as a religion does not matter any more. the only ones who practice it are orthodox crazies. reform and conservative have dissolved into the wind.
the jewish people have become the israeli people living in israel, and americans/russians who claim jewish decent. the extent of their observance is avoiding pork and maybe lighting candles on friday.
Can't Israel make any city it wants to it's capital?
This was my initial thought too. Jews don't push their own agendas openly. They manipulate Americans and sometimes Europeans to push the agenda for them.
My god, the dark day that Sup Forums turned into /r/the_donald has come
It’s all written in THE BIBLE.
The “jews” in control are ZIONISTS not the original, Orthodox-Jews.
If you people would spend 3 months researching The Bible without any prejudices, you’d understand what’s going on.
And please don’t start with the “it’s for controlling the masses” bullshit.
Yeah, maybe religion is, I’m talking about The Bible not any man’s interpretation of it.
reminder that jews are superior to whites
At being slaves
There is a difference between Jews and Israelites.
Most Israelites are pro-nationalist, anti-globalists who just want to live in their own country, with their own people and don't give a shit about the rest of the world.
Jews don't give a shit about their country.
I knew this Jew thread would attract newfags, but this is insane. They are convinced that everyone who speaks out against the kikes is a "shill" or "shareblue." It's stunning how many people on this website don't know what Sup Forums is/was. They still think it's just an extension of T_D.
Hold my beer, I got this one.
Maybe it's because there is no Jew conspiracy? Maybe your tinfoil hat bullshit is full of shit and therefor full of holes? It finally dawned on you?
>Implying pol was ever anything more than satire
jews do jew jews, user
>If the American media is controlled by Jews, then shouldn't they be on Trump's side?
Because the media is anti-Trump regardless of what he does, even when they agree with his decision.
It's not a conspiracy whatsoever, Jews are disproportionately powerful and their interests are different from ours. They are tribal and they want our countries brown.
like how they call him presidential when he doesn't sound like a complete retard? WOW he can read a script! Presidential!
that's the definition of a conspiracy fuckstick.
"Their" and "ours" aren't all of you burgers capitalist pigs?
Sup Forums is officially gone
Out of all the fucking sites, you had to choose to invade our podunk corner. You couldn't just let us have this one fucking obscure site. You had to flood over and dilute us out, turning our board into plebbit 2.0. Why can't you just fuck off? There are so many more popular websites that you'd fit in more at, why are you fucking here?
>Genuinely want to hear what you think is going on.
Why isn't the media running big stories about the fact, that the Trump administration has been colluding with the Israelis? They did invent all those stories about Putin but now that the Israel collusion is basically out in the open, which big media outlet has touched it?
This whole UN stink is just a big coverup. Like the "Fuck the EU" from Victoria Nuland on every newspaper headline which was basically a big smokescreen to prevent everyone acknowledging the fact, that it was Washington that had organized the regime change in Ukraine.
Dude watch out that all your conspiracy theories don't start getting into each other's way.
are you literally braindead?
Nice arguments by the way. STOP SAYING THINGS GET OUT ITS MY SAFE SPACE WHEEEEE Grow the fuck up kid.
Jews are not monolithic, the leftist Jews who want to BLACKED the world had the ethnonationalist right wing Jews in Israel (though of course they'll stand with each other when push comes to shove)
I'm constantly wondering if it can be some kind of reverse psychology shit. The insane and incompetent shilling by the media towards Trump seems to just redpill more and more regular average Joe voters. Maybe that's exactly what they want
You forgot to hide behind your meme flag on your second post.
Yeah, agreed
If really international and ethnic kikes are against one another, the question is: Does really one ACTIONS that hinder the other? Else it may very well be a fake confrontation.
Previous presidents have said Jerusalem is the cap and should have their embassy there. It's been planned on paper since Clinton and was pushed by Obama.
People are jumping on it because it's Trump who actually DID it and they can't accept anything he does.
>denying it was obscure before you came here
You're literally proving you're a newfag. Sup Forums was very obscure before fags like you flooded in. The fact that you don't know this proves you are everything I said you were. Please please become an hero already
Their spat is more or less inconsequential because the Jews have the world by the throat to such a degree that they're not really endangering themselves by publicly disagreeing. America is already le 0.00001%land and Europe is not far behind
>American media
Hating Trump is what they've always done, it's a tradition
>European media
Just trying to appease Muslim populations. If May supported Trump on this there would be chimpouts.
What conspiracy theory?
Das ist nicht der einzige Teil, den ich nicht meinte.
>Medien sind Lügenpresse wenn sie sachen Schreiben, die mir nicht passen, aber wenn sie meinen Punkt unterstreichen, zitiere ich sie trotzdem
It already is the capital but in name alone.
Its an easy topic to criticize his leadership/decision making on.
Its more importants to attack his performance and record then support him on this. Plus if the media just magically all praised this decision it would be to transparent.
Stick to their main purpose which is to serve their corporate masters and destroy the platform trump ran on which is anti-illegal 3rd world labor, trying to prop up the middle/working class, and the interests of the Nation state over globalism.
I don't think they fucking care what happens with jerusalem being officially declared. Its not on the list of items they want to address.
Then what is your point? Besides posting straw man fallacies.
>starts to slowly wake up
>realize the contradictions don't add up
>what if it is MIDF not JIDF shilling
ITT: alt right cucks arguing with trump supporters in a huge circlejerk. i hope all of you feel stupid.
Fear is what's going on. Fear of the shitskins causing mayhem from this decision. There are two roads you can take when confronted with fear. Fight or flight. Flight is what 128 faggot enriched countries chose. The rest chose to fight. While the world is placating and submitting to the misplaced rage caused by this decision, the USA once again has chosen to fight.
There is no courage without fear. I don't give a fuck about kike-istan, but when some shitskin flooded shitstain of a country threatens violence against a decision our elected leaders make, I say bring it on faggots. Not scared in the least bit. Everyone else may be scared of your threats, but bring that shit here and you'll learn the true feeling of pain.
I don't see what the big deal is. Could someone fill me in?
This, I think.
Trump is doing it to piss off muslims. The UN is against it because it's pissing off muslims and making them look bad, and they don't want to deal with more angry muslims in their countries. France and the UK don't want muslims to get bad press because their countries are already full of invaders.
>Maybe it's because there is no Jew conspiracy?
hahahah I lol'd, stop being so obvious, do you know where you are? This kind of shilling will not work here, we are way past this here
bink nailed it
It's even worse now.
There are two main groups of power-jews atm. You have the globalist Jew, trying to dissolve all boarders and create one darkbrown working class of subhuman slaves, and then the nationalist Jew, trying to create jewish ethnostate in middle east. First is represented by people like Soros and Rothschilds, secend by Netanjahu and his right wing friends. Some call them the bad and the good Jew. I say gas them all.
Link to free copy?
They did it just to rile up the public. My guess is that it's part of subversion of larger conflict. They try to pit people one against another to create ''fertile ground'' for civil/conventional war. Muslims/Islamic countries surrounding Isreal have not yet been completely destroyed (Yinon plan). The dealing with Jerusalem might get blocked by UN, but it already served its purpose - muslims chimped out. They are also sent to Europe partly to make them hated there (by their own actions) and create conflict.
because the media isn't run by mostly jews, its run by mostlty arabs, since the 70s arabs been buying up shares of media like crazy
i dont want to read that shit. just explain why that would be.
That 2014 spike was due to the fappening, not gamergate.
because we like making you bigot idiots mad by making you think for the first time
>Europeans are afraid of Muslims
Is that why they imported millions of them over the past few decades?
l hope net neutrality law going and the amerimutts get blocked to visiting Sup Forums.
My only hope is that, like always, this causes conversion
is there a video of this? I don't have any idea what happened with this meme.
That math isn't even hard, looks like intro calc. Is this image meant to impress?
Fuck jews; my post is relevant.
You know just labeling it doesn’t make it false right? Just like how something having the label “racist” slapped on it doesn’t make it false, calling something a “conspiracy” doesn’t make it false (or true) either
“If something has the label ‘conspiracy theory’ it is false”
The most annoying part is the same Jews being both
I was bug sprayed five times goy.
>using "bigot" unironically
Kys, lady
This is consistently the stupidest point that I hear Jews raise on this issue. As though the actions of international Jewry can be conflated with some minor point about Jerusalem, to the point that disapproval of the latter can be regarded as disapproval of the former.
The problem is that more and more goyim that are waking up today aren't so easily fooled by the false equivalency
You really think you're gonna convince anyone in here? You're better off distributing pamphlets in some market square. All you're doing is making a fool out of yourself.
The kikes are split into two camps. The diaspora kikes get fat off their host countries and want to destroy their hosts by opening up their borders to mudslimes, while the israeli kikes built their own state and fight for their existence against the same mudslimes. Most of the media kikes and their goy shills are pro-palestine.
Smart jew, more smart than the jew in Israel, they now that this isn't the best time to world War III, they save ww3 to emergency time
Because it turns Muslims on Jews, who are supposed to work together with in destroying Europe.