To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sargon of Akkad. The centrist philosophy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Science™ most of the videos will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sargon’s individualistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his internet persona his personal philosophy draws heavily from Classical Liberal literature, for instance. The followers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they’re not just insightful- they say something deep about SJW. As a consequence people who dislike Sargon of Akkad truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the intelligence in Sargon’s existential catchphrase “the Alt-Right are right-wing SJW’s,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Jean-Pierre Faye ’s French epic Le Siècle des idéologies. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those collectivist simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sargon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Sargon of Akkad hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
He's slime, but boring. Stop giving him attention
Sargoy of cuckkad gets the bullet.
>Thinks that 'individualism, freedom, self-determination' aren't just buzzwords that every ideology on God's green earth uses
This dude's a brick wall of nothing; no beliefs or values whatsoever. To him, there are no Gods, blood, soil, or exercise. AmazingAthiest 2.0's fedora-tier, lazy 'skepticism' will fade into nothing soon.
I'd apologize for your hurt feelings, but you should never apologize to a SJW.
Would be considered black by old American laws
Fool. The Alt-right is unstoppable right now. Why should we relent when we can break them? Prolonged exposure to the Alt-right is suicide for any political or intellectual movement right now. Literally every enemy we target will fall. Its the skeptics turn now, and he is the face of it. I say no mercy. Fuck the skeptics, its their subscribers we want and need.
I would think his grandpa was North African. I don't believe he's a quadroon, and he's most certainly Caucasian, but he's far from white. You are correct. He'd have to go back.
the explanation behind horseshoe theory thinking
Sargon and his fans hate the alt-right because they're fanatical and constantly threaten to kill him along with the Jews, not because of their actual ideology. Stop being autistic and maybe he'll listen to you.
Call me a retard, but who's on the upper-left? I can't identity his face.
you're fucking with me right?
that's marx you nitwit
just some hobo who never amounted to anything
>Literally every enemy we target will fall.
Does that include Tara McCarthy and Nick Fuentes? You fuckers claim to be unified but you constantly eat your own because of minor ideological squabbles.
Oh fuck off. Sargon is white, he just claims to be nonwhite for virtue signaling points. If you'd seriously want to deport everyone who's not 100% Bavarian phenotype when we're living in 56%land then you're delusional.
SoyGay of MostSad
must burn for eternity in the bowels of hell
death to the sceptics
I'm concerned that the 'alt-right' may just stay an internet meme if we don't place ourselves above internet retards like Sargon. YouTube isn't a big deal, and almost all commentators on the site are cringey manchildren like Sargon. The average person doesn't care. We're above this.
Fuck me. Upper-right. I truly am retarded.
>Stop being autistic and maybe he'll listen to you.
Sup Forums doesn't care if that e-celeb listens or not. It just wants to destroy traitors and the (((enemy))). So he either gets with the program or he gets into a different one, and not by choice.
>The other program involves ovens
Julius Evola
Appreciate it.
>join us or we'll kill you, and even if you join us we might kill you anyway
Great recruiting strategy, friend. And keep in mind you're not just scaring away Sargon, you're scaring away his viewers as well.
this is why everybody hates Sup Forums
You aren't capable of helping it, user. Your education system probably raped your mind from a young age.
Yeah, I’ve never understood that ideology. I have no incentive to side with the alt-right since I have mostly Greek blood, which would instantly get me out in an oven
There will NEVER be unity between northern and Southern Europeans in America. The kind of white nationalism we see on Richard Spencer's side is eventually going to become WASP nationalism (eventually they'll reach the conclusion that Italians and Greeks came here later and therefore aren't white). If anything America needs two alt-rights; one for each half of Europe.
I’m more worried about Varg’s revisionist WE WUZ theories gaining traction
Anybody got that one horseshoe theory picture about fucking your sister for drugs?
I love it
Why does anyone watch people on youtube?
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
Yeah you're oodles better off. Five eyes are all.
>Sargon and his fans hate the alt-right because they're fanatical and constantly threaten to kill him
No, they hate 'le alt-right boogeyman' because they're too afraid to take positions on things that go against the zeitgeist (e.g. race, judiciary-overreach, immigration, culture). He only tackles 'edgy' things that the average teenager should have realized stems from something else (e.g. Anita Sarkeesian, feminism, BLM, transgenderism).
He's lazy. You're lazy if you like him.
The once great Skeptic™ Empire has now crumbled after the disastrous attacks of the Alt-Reich led by the leader of the Skeptics™ Kraut and Tea (who has now committed seppuku after the disastrous effects his rash attacks on the Alt-Reich have had on his kingdom). The once great empire which up until it's stagnation in 2015 conducted frequent intellectual raids into defenseless Christian territory has now been reduced to rubble in a chaotic collapse after the brilliant defense and counter-attack by General JF-Gariepy and General Ryan Faulk of the Alt-Reich which completely devastated and demolished the great army of scientists™ which had been assembled by de facto marshall of the Skeptic ™ state. To commemorate the great victory in the Skeptic™-Alt-Reich war which led to the Alt-Reich annexing most of Skeptia’s territory and gaining respect for their racial theories, Reichsführer Ben Garrison has given it the name “Greater Alt-Reich” giving both of the great generals who achieved this intellectual theory the title of ‘’Feldmarshall”.
Yet there are those remnants of the once great empire who refuse to submit to the authority of the Reich asserting their independence of their small territories left. There is one such warlord by the name of Thunderf00t viewing himself as the legitimate successor of the Skeptic ™ Empire claiming direct succession from the fallen Skeptic™ kingdom. He has in bold defiance of the GAR vowed to defend his territory against the GAR and even going as far as promising to reconquer all of the lost territories and reduce the Greater Alt-Reich to the ground. But since the large gains he is not in a position to dictate the war and is left with no other choice but to wait and prepare for the inevitable attack of the GAR. Führer Garrison has sent his two best generals JF Gariepy and Ryan Faulk to besiege his kingdom, subdue him and conquer what is left of the once vast Skeptic™ realm.
What the fuck is “the sceptic community” anyway?
He's not avoiding those topics, he just realizes it's not his duty to talk about them. There are people more knowledgeable on those topics than he is. And yet he still gets regular harassment from the alt-right for avoiding those subjects, which certainly doesn't encourage him to do so. The alt-right is a lynch mob.
The fuck is this pasta?
You're the dutch guy from the Kraut thread aren't you?
Keep calm and get some sushi.
Tara McCarthy was targeted BY Nick Fuentes and because the divisions caused by him he was exlied from the Greater Alt-Reich by Führer Ben Garrison!
You may be right, but before you can wage war you must make sure you have the number, if a rash attack is made when you don't have them you destroy your entire chances. We are still in a phase of recruitment and there must be patience, everyone who can be turned must be turned and if there is some community is holding them back from the red pill and feeding them blue pills in red capsules that community must be crashed with no survivors
Tara McCarthy isn't even white according to some here. Also Nick wasn't the one who targeted her; she forced his hand,
>He's not avoiding those topics
You're right. He's actively taking the default 'le individualism' bullshit that every self-described neo-liberal takes so that he can wiggle his way out of it. Gotta preserve the money-machine.
>he just realizes it's not his duty to talk about them.
Then why does he always talk about them?
>And yet he still gets regular harassment from the alt-right for avoiding those subjects, which certainly doesn't encourage him to do so. The alt-right is a lynch mob.
This could be said about all groups of people that disagree with somebody else. Every group's a 'lynch-mob' if they disagree with you.
Then why doesn't the alt-right try to convince him otherwise on his views rather than autistically screeh at him?
That's what the Skeptic™ Empire said... King Sargon's Centrist™ kingdom will fall just like the skeptics did! KEKU AKBAR!
Because since I redpilled I am phisically sick when I watch normie TV and seeing the subliminal messages which were previously insivisble to me.
>Then why doesn't the alt-right try to convince him otherwise on his views rather than autistically screeh at him?
Once again, this could be said about every opposing group. Another defense mechanism by replacing the word 'arguments' with the cringey, overdone 'autistic screeching' meme. Nobody on here genuinely 'hates' Sargon, you fucking retard.
The Centrist™ fears the fashgoy!
People that make cringey smug "religion destroyed" videos and jerking off to Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris thinking they are intellectual heavyweights and sniffing on their own farts believing nihilism makes them smart whilst refusing to replace the order brought by religion with new societal standarts thus devolving into meaninglessness and subhumandom while they sniff their own farts and tip their fedoras over how awesome they are.
Also not "is", "WERE" there is no Skeptic™ community after the devastating counter attack by General Gariepy and General Faulk of the Alt-Reich. The followers of meta-phisical disciplines around the world have rejoiced and expressed their gratitude to the newly dubbed Greater Alt-Reich for ending the reign of terror the Skeptics™ led over them. Check my earlier comment for the full story ------>
>Nobody on here genuinely 'hates' Sargon, you fucking retard
I regularly see comments on his videos that say things like "mongrels like you will hang on the DOTR". It's because of that kind of shit why he doesn't bother with the alt-right.
I posted that same Horseshoe meme and you responded to it?
Check his debate with Ruhichard Tuhaylor
i don't know, but i made it yesterday
The flag does not surprise me
Daily reminder that on the DOTR centrists will be the first to get the rope since both sides will hang them.Pick a side and stick with it or be collateral casualties.
Anyway revolution is a spectators sport i know that most normalfaggs will pick whichever side wins.
>literally "kill those who disagree"
Once again, great way to recruit people.
I have heard enough of Sargon of Akkad not to want to hear any more of him.
This. I think the alt-centrists are way too soft, but the alt right removes itself as a viable alternative to the left because the entire ideology is built around killing people in large numbers
>say things like "mongrels like you will hang on the DOTR". It's because of that kind of shit why he doesn't bother with the alt-right.
>Muh internet death threats
That's why he'll go after black extremists and ISIS, right? You're fucking delusional. He doesn't do videos on them because he knows he'll lose. He's going to continue being a centerist bitch with no actual substance that grabs the lowest hanging fruit he can.
To commemorate the great victory Führer of the Greater Alt-Reich Ben Garrison has built a monument to EdgySphinx, a young warrior of the Skeptic™ Empire who made his name very fast very quickly, developing sympathies and eventually defecting to the Alt-Reich only to be killed by his former friend Kraut and Tea as he reached the peak of his intellectual power enjoying great popularity among the Skeptic™ plebdom being viewed as the man who revived the greatness of the Empire after its stagnation after making "RELIGIOTARDS DESTROYED" videos was no longer a sign of prestiege. He commemorated Edgy for his brave stand against Kraut at the peak of his powers with the help of a backstabbing rat by the name of Spinosauruskin who has since defected to the anarcho-communist kingdom to the sound of women weeping for the fallen warrior who was slain roughly a year ago by the vengefull Skeptics™ begining the feud between the Skeptic™ Empire and the Alt-Reich which has now resulted in the complete destruction of the first. The Führer adds "They used to laugh about it, these skeptics™! They thought it was a joke! They are not laughing today, now they understand the full gravity of the situation!" as the warrior has now been avenged!
Read . The alt-right isn't presenting itself as a viable alternative to the left because they're becoming just as belligerent and hostile. Also, he has had Jared Taylor on a podcast, so he is willing to debate some of their points.
Oh ok, that was like an hour ago, wrong dutchman then
>That's why he'll go after black extremist
He does, though?
Yeah, he does. It's contextual. Read again.
Genocide isn't exactly a proponent of the alt right's platform
He is definitely not Sup Forums at all
based af
One glance at the comments section on any alt-right video and you'd see plenty of people saying that they're willing and eager to commit genocide, or at least kill nonwhites in large numbers.
>The alt-right isn't presenting itself as a viable alternative to the left because they're becoming just as belligerent and hostile.
So why doesn't he tackle them? The fatass isn't afraid for his physical well-being. He's just terrified that he'll be embarrassed, because he knows it's not low-level bullshit like everything else he does.
>Also, he has had Jared Taylor on a podcast, so he is willing to debate some of their points.
Yeah, and he got destroyed. Jared Taylor was also incredible nice to him, which goes against your whole 'ALT-RIGHT BIG MEANIES' mantra. He doesn't play with fire anymore.
Sargon is a YouTube commentator somewhere between h3h3 and Jared Peterson. He's the John Oliver's of YouTube; grabs low hanging, political fruit and makes the person listening feel good about themselves. He's not on the same level as Taylor or The Alternative Hypothesis. It's just entertainment, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, the problem arises when you claim that he has any substance or when he feels that he has substance. He doesn't, and stop saying that he does.
His videos are fine when he's not beating the dead horse of feminism or talking about Anita Sarkeesian. The types of videos where he talks about censorship on college campuses or the progressive agenda making its way into various forms of media are good. I don't agree with his politics but I appreciate him for what he is.
>someone else posted my image
That's the atmosphere in the world right now, we are responding to it, we didnt create it. Blame god
s chosen people for hatepreaching against us until the point of breaking.
Is responding to it in that way absolutely necessary? I wouldn't think it is.
I get you. I need to accept that there are some people that just want to take it easy. He obviously doesn't want to go in too hard. He's not an academic, and he's not too passionate about anything large in scale. That's fine. He should stick to easy YouTube drama and pointing out blatantly obvious stuff and needs to bring his ego down a notch or 600.
The 'alt-right,' which is still in its infancy, needs to refrain for violence. I agree with that. This shit is going to develop into an actual political movement with large scale soon enough.
Hope you enjoy it getting worse because you couldn’t shut keep your goddamn mouth shut for 5 seconds before fantasizing about Turner Diaries again
This is basically what I've been trying to say. If the alt-right wants to grow into a serious political movement then it needs to actually take itself seriously, and that means maintaining good PR. As it stands right now the alt-right is filled with some pretty bitter people who have a tendency to elevate their memes over reality as well as eat their own.
HAHAHAHAHAH yes, when a people are trying to exterminate you, you do that to them, forget the laws of justice and honor, it's about basic self-preservation!
>Just sit still and the hoardes of agitated low-iq nonwhites will be kind to you
Yep worked out perfectly for the Rhodesians and Boers
LARPing on the internet is going to solve none of your problems. It’s just going to make everyone on your side look worse
>have to have a very high IQ to understand Sargon
Good thing we have geniuses like you dropping by to explain things to us..
I agree for the most part. However, I'd argue that most the alt-right isn't violent or hateful excluding Sup Forums. It's also important to eat our own if they are traitors or bring us down.
Ackshually he claimed to be a part of white genocide. But he is a cuck nonetheless.
What are the Skeptics crying about now.
Nice try
How do you figure?
You should read "Art of the Deal" by Donald Trump.
>when a people are trying to exterminate you
You mean those fucking loser-larpers who just want to have an extended-suicide and/or supermax for life? Because, muh, modernism?
Give those fuckers forced two hour romb with two blonds and whatever they think after that has nothing todo with getting into trucks to larp world domination. Even the "overrun" french stopped what, five or six attacks, this year. By other people who snitched on them big time.
Is this a pasta? I'm confused. Sounds very retarded. Memeflag makes it worse.
He is literally just a Penn Jillette biter.
Watch Bullshit, it's pretty much the progenitor for all this shit. Notice how in Bullshit they are careful to focus on real issues maybe 10% of the time and stupid, meme issues like people pretending to be psychic 90% of the time in an attempt to legitimize the 10%. Also note how when they do focus on real issues like prostitution their arguments are paper thin.
Sargon is no different.
I'm still waiting for the camp of trainined assassins in France, Belgium or even Germany running an op anywhere. What I see are fragile manlets that see that they are trash and just want to go out with a bang.
The rest psy-ware by second class propagandists, that either should be working on their third kid with their 8/10 blond-ethno waifu. Or just keep on with the funny.
>I'm still waiting for the camp of trainined assassins in France, Belgium or even Germany
>The rest psy-ware by second class propagandists