Ultimately we Whites are in it together with the East Asians as the only peoples capable of beauty, civility and the rule of law. Asian women are beautiful, intelligent, and even more averse to mixing with the blacks and browns than we are. I call on all White Nationalists to embrace an alliance with the East Asians and Whites who are in union with them.
White / East Asian Alliance
Other urls found in this thread:
> together with the East Asians as the only peoples capable of beauty, civility and the rule of law
Don't make me dump my chink webms you soulless gook insect.
>Those hands
Maybe hit the gym instead of playing video games and posting images of books you don't actually read
Whites and Nips, the other asians are savages, can work together but there can be no race mixing. You only dilute the strength found in either race and produce a mutt whose not at home in either culture. Why is that so hard for you idiots to understand?
posting a random one without checking which one it is
The only East-Asians i'd consider an alliance with are Indians (aside from not pooing in the loo, their philosophical orientation is pretty hot) and Japanese (they need to stop guzzling soy like it's daddie's cummies, but that aside, they're fucking inventive and hard-working).
(and of course we in the west have our plethora of weaknesses and problems)
The rest is pretty much an abhorrent shitshow of regression and blind ancient thinking masquerading as enlightened thought.
Hey hey, I've read 2 of the books and I go to the gym a few times a week.
ZERO spatial awareness
another random:
They are not like us
lol is this your potato queen butt buddy or gook gf?
Cute hands
We've been married for 10 years and have a hybrid child.
Yeah look at the Hapa nations (Central Asia) and how successful they are....
lol the eternal canadian butthurt against asians
LARP thread
east asians are shitskins and to unite with them in any other way than internationally would directly contradict white nationalism
>No Naruto manga to represent the Japanese side on the table
I've bought my son almost 100 volumes of One Piece, and he has 10 volumes of One Punch Man coming for Christmas
>Translated by Ralph ((((((Manheim))))))
what could go wrong am i rite :^)
OPM is too edgy for a kid, you should have gotten him BNHA which is a better manga/anime anyway
Shit, I was searching for a good translation, I thought this was the one. Which translation is best?
Indians are not East Asians.
East Asians are leftists whores you faggot
Amazon reviewers said this one was legit for fans of the great Uncle :/ amazon.com
that´s unbelievably rare.
>only east-asians I'd consider an alliance with are indians
>are indians
Nigger, if Indians are East Asians, then who the FUCK are South Asians?
This is really pathetic.
Ahaha, of course!
>mfw two high IQ races mix with each other
you're unbelievably new.
Don't waste time fighting your own little guy, we need to fight together.
Asians are the lowest race.
Yellow fever numales can head back to plebbit
The problem is that East-Asians vote left when they are in the west.
Mostly because they are heavily clustered into areas already dominated by Democrats without any real Republican opposition. They are neurotypically conservative when it comes to finances, property rights, 2nd amendment, etc.
>tfw whites think they're the master race when kikes, chinks, and poos make more than them
Plus, college "education".
>muh east Asian gf!!!
go home soyboy
only the Caucasus is the best
Poos are not actually smarter on average, we just import their overclass
The best and brightest 1% of chinks and poos come to the US and other Western countries. Meanwhile the vast majority of their race is still living in Asia, eating dogs and shitting in the streets.
>a literally Who
When it comes to Indians, only indian-americans (and in some other countries) have higher average iq than whites. Probably due to more selective immigration. Indians in India do not have higher avg iq than whites.
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Sigapore. The White mans system if governance works extremely well in these countries and cities. The Asians can handle it.
>being rich makes you the master race
>kikes, chinks, and poos are all poorer in their own countries than white western countries
really makes you think
it's almost like selective immigration processes could cause such a disparity
Mein Kampf is a bad book. Its hard to read. Hitler was a great dictator but not a good writer. Maybe the translated version is better.
>I go to the gym a few times a week.
But seriously, this thread has a strong point. Eurasians are the only civilized people in the world.
The future is East Asian, I frown on Whites that race-mix with a Asians but I don't get triggered.
He really doesn't. East Asians are a completely separate racial group, and view themselves as such. The moment they hit Western shores, they vote for leftist policies at about 80-90%.