Trump approves weapons to Ukraine

So today Trump just started World War III, MAGA!

Other urls found in this thread:–present)#August_military_invasion

Source, faggot
>inb4 fakenews wapo

>on the advice of his (((top officials)))

>lethal weapons

who hires these people...

2 things will happen:
> Rebels will buy these weapons from ukrainians.
> Afghan "freedom fighters" will discover a lot of weapons.

This isn't going to stop them from accusing you of collusion with Russia you dumb orange fuck. Is Trump officially a cuckservative now?

How will Hohols buy expansive US shit when they barely have money to import coal?

Shut the fuck up Ivan. This was a piece of Obama era legislation which allows for Commercial exports, sanctioned by the Department of Commerce.

When you see ITAR stuff like SAM's and OCIW's approved, then you can get all worked up about shit. These transfers were happening since 2003 through G2G, it just legislated it for non-BIS settlement procedures.

>Is Trump officially a cuckservative now?


>a clear break from a ban
>de facto
>dates ALL the way back to the obama administration

the ABSOLUTE state of journalism in the [current year]

Fuck Russia

America is probably going to give money so they can buy it

>that dates back to the Obama administration
My has the last year flew by

They won't araps will, hohols will just deal it, make some money for themselves. I'm surprised that Trump allowed this.

this is such a cancerously facebook-tier pic, I can imagine my retarded racist grandma unironically saving this

Hilldawg was selling arms to these people for years. Just make a 20 mill dollar contribution to the charitable trust.

> dates back all the way to the Obama administration

Soooo, a year ago? The audacity of gronrald blumgohf!!! Breaking a long standing history of not doing something since literally the last president!!!! OMFG it's ww3!!!!

Hey Russia is time to quit your bitching about free markets and lose your monopoly status in EU, ok?
>Drmpf is sparking ww3!1!!!! Guiseeeeeeeeee

Yeah no. Kill yourself. Trump should Balkanize all Russia and Glass it's sandnigger puppet dictator

I like how they say "dates back to the Obama administration" like it was 70 years ago.

Have millenials compressed time so much that last year feels like ancient history to them?

Sending weapons to Ukraine and them starting some shit will give possible justifications for additional military intervention by Russia. That's the whole idea here. Make it look somewhat "ok" in order to further weaken the EU, ultimately crushing it.

nothing wrong with that

Based Trump supplying arms to ukrainian freedom fighters. Slava ukraina!

Good. Fuck those Russian communists. Kill all of those motherfuckers and send them to hell.

wtf i love jewish neoconservatism now


Fuck off russian shill. Hopefully, one of the guns from this ship kills you, and ends your pathetic existence.

If you support Russian aggression against NATO forces/allies/interests you need to be killed - no questions asked.

fucking based! stop those evil russians so they cant steal our precious diversity!!

WTF I love Russian shills proxying American flags now!

And people wonder why pro-jewery came to Sup Forums the same time /r/ptg/ did.

But but but Trump hacked the election with Russia why is he turning against them? Is this 4D chess?

look ukraine is becoming western! how wonderful!

we can't let those evil russians destroy our western values of tolerance and diversity!

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with being jewish. There is no global jewish conspiracy you moron. Was Rockefeller jewish? No, does Soros fund Israel? No. In fact he sold out other jews and shipped them back to Hitler during the holocaust.
There may be a global conspiracy but it sure as fuck isn't jewish

We never supported Russia. get the fuck out you slavic subhumans.

>yfw trump started the war with russia instead of hilldawg

This. All journalists should be hanged.

>implying supporting the west = degeneracy and supporting russia = muh moral decency
Faggot. Commies get out.

The Ukraine crisis began under Obama, you dumb amerifat.

We had this agreement since 2005. You know what I mean. Read the press release and legislation before falling into a RUS bait thread. Look at what was agreed and what has been exported to date. Pull the Dept of Commerce permit sales from the DComm gazette.

Stay off Ukraine topics until you see a sign. There is a plan. It's not, Bob war 1 elegant, but its working and its keeping things cool / amusing with the Russians & Yanukovich oligarchs at the same time. Nothing 4ch can do to help on this one at this stage.

If you can't read the Commerce posts, the transfers are mostly medical, communication and small arms. Nothing which was not already distributed under the ATO agreement. Setup is tit for tat with what Russia is providing their guys.

maybe you should learn a thing or two from your grandma about having testicles to stand for your beliefs and people

>US Sale of weapons
>pic shows kalashnikov

Does the US sell kalashnikovs?

>lethal defensive weapons
So their guns can't be used for offensives? At least they're lethal.

hehe i always wanted war silly

i only said those dumb things about how warmongering Hillary was to get the shitlibs to pussy out

>dates back to the obama administration

They say it like it was 200 years ago or some shit.

wtf trump was the candidate of peace!!!!!!!!!

They obviously can. Do you seriously still take news headlines literally in 2017?

No, I love peace and "saving the world, for the lulz". There is nothing "jewish" about this, and this is a old KGB strategy to sew discord by projecting. You newbees and newfags were trained to spot this shit, so do your redpills and assume we're doing Bigly things out there.

Yes but, Chinese

Yay, finally!

You're on the wrong website.

>the bear will leave it's cave forever

jewish elites want to turn russia into a degenerate "westernised" society, see george soros, boris nemtsov, garry kasparov, masha gessen
that's what "western values" are, exported by the USA and EU

and you think russia is still communist? ignorant twat

Kyle should just call weapons weapons.

Clearly this is because he's a Russian puppet.

this1 = this legislation change
this 2 = OP is using a proxy and is being gay using outdated methods to fuck with chans.

Why is Russia even invading the Ukraine? Why won't they let Ukrainians live in peace?

welcome to the new, western ukraine!

Ooh great, now we can let the (((Americans))) steal even more money from us. So happy

oh look Trumptards do another 180 and now want war with Russia
at this point "Hillary would be worse" is debatable

I will never proudly revel in sin like the faggots on that float, it's an extremely bad shift in cultural norms

Exactly what McCain and Graham wanted.

> Ye olde Obama Regime ay.
This is not even shill 2.0 this is Vanilla hyperbole shilling.

Defending American arms trade is defense.

Western Ukraine is pretty comfy t.b.h.

He didn't start war. Everyone knows Ukraine can't win, Trump ony wanted America to profit from their dying.

Yes just like with Assad, Trumpcultists will throw anyone under the buss in order to support their little orange ape of a president.

First, the ban only dates back to Obama, so it can hardly consider long standing policy.

Second, Ukraine is opposed to Russia. Especially in relation to Crimea. Why is a "Russian puppet" actively working against the puppet master by arming it's enemies?

russia isn't "invading" ukraine. locals in the eastern regions rebelled against the new, westernised government which wants to take away their language rights and russia occasionally steps in to help them, they have military bases on the border
didn't you hear? according to nu/pol/ mccain and other neocons are fucking based!
because it was built by poles and austrians

>, the ban only dates back to Obama, so it can hardly consider long standing policy.

Which is when the Ukraine war started you stupid faggot.

>Second, Ukraine is opposed to Russia.

Wew time to send US troops, join NATO, bomb bomb bomb everything.

>russiaboos/pootinophiles are against this
It has been maintained by Ukrainians for ages though.

No trump just stimulated our economy by increasing sales for domestically made firearms and related equipment

yet another 5D Angry Angry Hippos move!
Trump can't seem to make a move that's not an elaborate plot within a plot with an M Night Shyamalan twist!

>wtf i love jewish neoconservatism now
Id say kys but I want you to be around for the next 7yrs to enjoy it

apparently you still take Sup Forums posts literally

Holy shit that's beautiful

hey wasn't that soviet intelligence espionage team that fucked with the election based in Ukraine?

In the trash it goes.

Now arm polandball, and train them, so that Eastern Europe can defend themselves from the Muslim caliphate of western Europe.

against the government, idiot
this is exactly what hillary would have done stupid trump cultist

>Is Trump officially a cuckservative now?
no he's a loud mouth kid from queens

kind of like a mix between flash thompson super chad and autistic peter parker

>learn a thing or two from your grandma
Nah , he's an Feminem fan from way back

> Stopping Russian/Eurasian globalist plan
> Cuck
Pick one.
Most /poltards have no idea who Aleksandr Dugin is and what is his relation to Putin. Please, read a book.

>That dates back to the obama administration

Okay, so not that long ago. Great fucking headline.

Why shouldn't he sell weapons to Ukraine?

It's unlikely to be used against real Russian soldiers and only used against Russian adventurers who don't follow Kremlin orders.

NeverTrumper admits Trump is GOOD on foreign policy

>russia isn't "invading"

Wrong. They sent troops into Ukraine and are actively supporting the rebels against the government. Ukrainians have the right to decide their own future and the direction they want their country to go in. Fuck you for being a Russian shill who supports aggression to ensure that Ukraine stays a Russian puppet state.

Russians are THE REAL globalists!
Russia was actually supporting Hillary (lock her up!)!

>Russian/Eurasian globalist plan

>supports US/Saudi/Israel globalist plan

Yeah fuck right off kike.

North Korea is the only non-globalist country there is and Trump wants to nuke them.

>Russia was actually supporting Hillary (lock her up!)!

This is literally want Hannity is saying now. It's fucking pathetic.

Remember when Trump wanted a bromance with Putin?

Lol, looks like the kikes got the better of him.

>against the government
Nah, most of you idiots call for either segregating or nuking western Ukraine (which is the only part that makes Ukraine truly European, without it Ukraine is just another bydlostan).

>America sold guns
In other news China sold rice.

>Trump wanted a bromance with Putin
>things that never happened

so it's not real because washington post reported on it? is this what you actually believe?
>he thinks dugin is a globalist
>he thinks dugin has any power
>They sent troops into Ukraine and are actively supporting the rebels against the government
that's literally what i said you illiterate spastic

the current government of ukraine represents the western half of the country not the whole population, by your logic the people of eastern ukraine have the right to decide their future as well

look! ukraine is now talking to germany about taking in thousands of niggers and muslims! fucking based! diversity is ukraine's future!

fuck you for supporting the anti white EU and NATO, faggot
no one talks about nuking western ukraine, retard, it belongs to poland

>Remember when Trump wanted a bromance with Putin?
>fighting with Putin is bad
Pick a fucking side already sharblue

His presidency is a non stop thrill ride. I am not sure how much more I can take. Every day is suspenseful.

Saint Petersburg looks more /comfy/ desu

It did.

in b4 /sg/ shills throw another cuck shitfit about their big slavic daddy being bullied by DRUMPF

>he thinks this is all shareblue
i bet you think everyone on Sup Forums supports trump still lmao