Hi, upper middle class white here

Hi, upper middle class white here.
Do poor whites think people like me have shared interests with them because we are both white?
As a lawyer I can attest the white working class are lazy, entitled, pill addicted drunks.
Do they just want to freeload off me because we are the same skin color?
> InB4 shit skin
Pic related, my baby blue eyes

Other urls found in this thread:


As an American I can tell you lawyers will be one of the first to meet the rooe

>this guy thinks he's hot shit
>can't distinguish blue and gray
good on you lad

>pill addicted
you realize pills + alcohol will literally kill you, right?

also this, Lawyers are literal and figurative kikes.
They intentionally poison society because it grows their industry and they gain more. Why do we have so much divorce and frivolous lawsuits? lawyers, they encourage it.

Boomer thread

What kind of law do you practice?

>public defender

And that’s why you only interact with scumbags. Should’ve done better on the LSAT and gone to a better law school. Kys my man.

I think you should care more about poor whites, as they are your allies. Imagine what will happen when niggers and spics replace white working class. They will notice that you are white and rich, while they are brown and poor. They will immediately link it with racism, and then turn communist. Goodbye wealth, welcome gulag!

Upper middle class white here.
If you want the Haiti massacre to be the reality of your family, be my guest. Or you can just side with poor whites who will leave you alone.
Your choice.

Hi lawyer!

Upper middle class blue collar small business owner here.


Your whole profession is nothing but poverty pimps and shysters. When the times come you'll be treated like the rest of the shit heels.

That is truly a faggot eye. Are you part Asian?

Slide thread.
In all fields

> Pol is super serious
Get fucked

You're at fault for this. Your class has been consistently counter-signaling the outrage and worry of the white working class for decades and you've built a disgusting and hedonistic culture of indignity and depravity as a result.

This is your fault and when the middle class collapses I will laugh as you struggle to feed yourself and your sheltered family.

Poor Americans used to behave respectably
Now they've adopted the habits of minority poors

Yes it is my fault poor whites bang heroin, refuse to move, refuse to train and expect a well paying job with a HS degree

are you sure you are not a woman?

I would never use a white lawyer, desu. Lawyering is one of those things you need to pay a jew for if you want the best results.

Thank you for your biometric scan citizen. You may proceed.

Hi, former upper middle class white man turned poor blue collar working class white man here. I can attest to at least half of my current poor colleges being lazy, which is why many of them are poor, but pills are for the upper middle class and alcohol is for everyone. Me and my poor friends pay very little taxes, but that's because the cast majority of our income is already spent when it is earned.

Housing and food (groceries, not takeout) take up over half of my income, and taxes and mandatory bills (ie, auto/health insurance) take a large chunk of the small remainder. The steady increase in cost of living, and the fact I'm no longer capable of building any equity as I cannot afford to own a home ensures that by the time I am no longer capable of working, that I will have nothing to show for it.

This is temporary; I am educated, drive, and an entrepreneur, but for those that I now call friends in the lower class, it is their reality.

>pills are for the upper middle class
Many poor people do vicodin and oxycontin.

Is that reviewbrah's eye?

Lawyers are the scum of the earth. There is literally no reason law must be complicated except for the fact that you purposefully want to rip the goyim off by forcing them to hire you.

Give me one good reason all Law couldn't be written in common tongue. Just 1 reason is all I ask.

Do you think Lawyers are the ones who create laws? kek

>does my community think we share interests just because we're of the same community??

>poor whites bang heroin
which is primarily brought in by gangs of foreigners and racial sub-humans. They're able to do this because the White middle class refuses to take a strong stand on mass immigration and often even profit from it in the form of cheap coolie labor.

>refuse to move
Your sheltered side is showing. This costs a considerable amount of money and involves big risks. It may not be that big of a deal to you, but for people with low income it's oftentimes not an option.

>refuse to train
as if trade school is free. Even so, you're limited with training prospects because the job market is so saturated.

>expect a well paying job with a HS degree
We had that before White middle class boomers destroyed this country. Everyone should be able to make a wage that is at the very least dignified regardless of education status. Not everyone comes from a family wealthy enough to put them through college and not everyone is stupid enough to plunge themselves headlong into tens of thousands of dollars of debt that they probably won't ever be able to fully pay off in order to get a university degree.

Thank you for reaffirming my prejudice. Your bourgeois arrogance, pettiness, wastefulness and unwarranted pride are contributing to the death of our national and racial community as much as any Jew or minority. I honestly hope your neighborhood gets diversified.

>as a lawyer
You're working class too retard

> What is oxycontin
How do you think millions of poor whites became heroin addicts?


You're more than likely a kike claiming to be white.

is that you Reviewbrah?


> People make us use heroin and remain ignorant

Are you blind?

I know you don't. I'm a former Eurofag who moved to the states after the communist collapse/Balkan war.
I grew up around upper class whites, they represent a good portion of my friend base. I know they don't like poor anyone except for very rare circumstances like me. (It's because I'm not a total fucking moron and like the same stuff they do)

Hello. I'm white too.

>i understand nothing about human society
Your class is pretty fond of cocaine.

> I am the same community as white trash

Absolutely. Why do we have a gorillion new laws every fucking minute? Why is the code of federal regulations nigh indecipherable? Work for lawyers by lawyers. About half to 2/3 of you fuckers should have been doctors but couldn't cut the mustard so you went pre law.

You're half way there


If you aren't Jewish pretending to be white for the OP, you certainly sound like a kike.

No, you're not. You have the soul of a Jew. You may be white but you'll never be a part of the racial community. You might as well start going to temple.

Remember lads, traitors get the bullet first on muh rope day.


> I refuse to take responsibility and instead blame specters and paranoid delusions


Hi, Atlantean pure white here.
Do diffusion whites think people like me have shared interests with them because we both look white?
As a pure Godman Aryan I can attest the diffused mongrelized whites are impure, entitled, subhumans.
Do they just want to freeload off me because we are the same skin color?
> InB4 shit skin
Pic related, my baby blue eyes

Unless you're a landed Anglo Protestant then you've failed at life

I am so sorry I am missing out on the community at the trailer park. What's the best part of it? The meth, crippling poverty or the incest??

You'll probably find out in your lifetime.


dumb as fuck

>Do poor whites think people like me have shared interests with them because we are both white?
Has the TV told them to think that way? If not, they're probably just bitter about income disparity.

sup reviewbrah

>muh day of the rope

half arab half white mutt here

im sure i can pull off italian greek or spanish

You get fucked faggot. ALL FIELDS.

claims to be white. probably is a kike. lawyers are pretty much the same thing as a kike anyways...u will be gassed rught along with them.

bag under my eye is hand pushing up cheeck

>posting a pic of your eyes
>posting that you are a lawyer
>not realizing that facecuck and apple already use iris recognition technology
>not realizing that some autist on this board will look you up on your state bar's website and get you fired and blacklisted for your hateful comments about the economically disadvantaged.

>everything will always stay the same and society will remain stable and i will be able to continue my lifestyle of comfort and plenty forever

>as a lawyer
>a lawyer

You're literally working class/poor. My dads a lawyer and we are proletariet

Fuck you my dad is a lawyer

good for yu

Impossible you can't do that.

Lel I never went to college and work as a union master plumber and probably make more money than OP.

Don't talk to me filthy casual.

What I have noticed is that poor whites expect the entire nation to rework the economy so that they can make$30 an hour to push a button in a factory which is the most entitled attitude I can imagine

>sees (((lawyer)))
>sees anti-white


He is probably a shit lawyer

Why would you you fucking parasite Lol.

>Be OP
>work with criminals
>be surprised that all the lower class whites he meets at work are criminals.
You are retarded.

kind of but not really
half of them just want their drugs and benefits, they don't think of it as freeloading though, they don't know you and can't even imagine how you live, it's just money from nowhere to them
the working class who have their shit together somewhat have similar political goals to you though
t. born a pleb and made it out

No it's just about what school you went to

screw you.

((Fellow white guy)) here. I'm rich.
Don't you just HATE those working class fags?!
Such losers amirite?

> Any day now my army of boomers, heroin addicts and obese Hicks will purge the nation


>grey eyes
I smell a kike

>Hi, upper middle class (((white))) here.
>The goyim are lazy, entitled, pill addicted drunks.

Consensus cracking, divide and conquer post.

Go diaf, shill.

God you people are just so fucking gullible.
You'll literally take every single OP at face value, and fall right into their D&C game like a bunch of goddamned retards.
Every single time.

Nobody is predicting that. We are living in a very unstable time though. We now have a -world- economy, meaning that if one of the big players go down everyone else takes a hit. The bigger it is, the harder it falls. Sooner or later something will send it tumbling down and with it, law & order. When it happens the weak and effeminate urbanite whites like you will be the first to go.

I rather have my money helping whites, yes even papists than non humans like niggers and orientals.

Truth is, the only good Whites are the lower middle class. All else should be purged. Whites at the bottom are dumb scum, Whites at the top are psycopathic scum. The Whites in the middle are just right.

Why would I do what?

Also, why do you think I am a parasite?

>upper middle class

Pick one.

I can almost guarantee you I make twice as much as you in the Oil and Gas Industry, poorfag.

And yep, I am entitled to a high paying job that earns more than your career because I am a skilled worker who's specialized field is 1000x more valuable to this country than another redundant, "middle class", poorfag paper pusher such as yourself. I dont consider you people my brothers either and would have no hesitation caving your faggot soy boy skull in.

PS: All Americans who are willing to work hard should earn proper wages for their work with adequate safety standards. This triggers the entitled lawyer who thinks everyone should work for pennies in slave labor conditions. Good luck with that, fag.

> I will shatter my body and spent my post35 years in pain
Wow,really showed me!

Why would you try to pass as White

>Also, why do you think I am a parasite?
Because you'rd trying to get into the Aryan genepool by pretending to be White.

And you don't have any friends or family who are within bad-luck distance of becoming white trash? Friends of their friends?

Having said that, I wouldn't mind if welfare went away and people were forced to rely on friends and relatives when their luck is down. We'd stop blacks from breeding this way.

>young "lawyer"
Enjoy your debt good goy. You're a faggot

top kek what a woman

because it will benefit you look at the jews how they work, even if you have enought material incoming your dignity and pride is being shattered your history rewriten and when the working class fall you will be next in the line.
When minorities became the mayorities they will leech you as a tax slave


Faggot, your ancestors had used brute force and manual labor in the past, maybe evolution was a mistake

Your eyes aren't very blue - more green, I'd say.

> Crippling yourself is manly!
Lmao. Enjoy that cane

Your whole field goes off the premise that everyone is willing to "play the game". That is, hire lawyers, appear in court, follow the law, go by the books, etc etc.

What happens though when enough people decide they are fed up and no longer are willing to play the game? When the system is overwhelmed by people who tell soy boys like you to go fuck themselves? When everyone just one day checks out and they simply just say "no, no more"? When there is nothing left to lose and bullets look more appealing than whatever punishment "the game" is willing to dish it?

Paper pushers like you will be the first to be purged. All it takes is one slip up on this overbloated, global economy and it is game over for soft faggots such as yourself. Your arrogance in this phony "system" will be the death of you.

> Societal progress is bad because my warped view of masculinity says so

I said I could pass of as Southern European, that's hardly Aryan....

Hi reviewbrah! Loved your jet blue video

Kill yourself. Or post your address. Problem solved.

Yuo're a poorfag though. Anyone who works is a poorfag

LOL you are a women, keep working away. LOSER

> Conjecture and fevered belief: the post
> I will be a king and shit come the collapse
Sure thing

>white working class are lazy, entitled, pill addicted drunks
>Not niggers and spics

Multiculturalism gives us all a bad attitude.
If we were working towards something more meaningful, I can guarantee you the differences would be unimportant.

>Everyone in blue collar labor is an overworked slave!

Spoken like a true middle class, paper pushing poorfag. My job keeps me fit and active, and well compensated, unlike skinny-fat office dorks like you. I even have energy left over to hit the gym after work!

Why dont we meet in person and I can show how "shattered" and "in pain" my body really is you soft, "middle class" pussy...

> niggers
Like these two, amirite?
> Inb4 no true Scotsman