Even the Swedish right-wingers want communism in Sweden.
Even the Swedish right-wingers want communism in Sweden
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There's a third option.
>not liking unfettered capitalism makes you a communist
Remember that 3rd world immigrants are brought in by corporations for cheep labor
What is the 3rd option?
That is not an inherent part of Capitalism. That is goverment policy. China and South Korea say hello.
You don't have to be a communist to realize there are tons of flaws in capitalism
National Socialism.
>racist Marxism
Nice try, Achmed
These sure look like Capitalists, kek.
>The only alternative to Capitalism is Communism
He's dogwhistling, you brainlet.
Non brainlets.
He's absolutely right though, c*pitalism is shit. Fully automated post-scarcity communism is the only economic system befitting the white man.
Capitalism and communism are both globalist Jew created systems
>Live in a socialist state.
>Think it's capitalism.
Disliking capitalism=/wanting communism
It has brought the greatest economic development for the greatest number of people in human history
>exploiting people for profit isn't an inherent part of capitalism
Point to a country (present or past) you think is doing it right and say "let's be like them".
Prediction: Every communist country you point to is an impoverished shit-hole with an openly murderous authoritarian leadership.
Read a book.
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
>Muh Fascism
North Korea is the closet thing to a fascist state in the world and it's a complete shithole. The governing class is completely corrupt and the the people are starving. But atleast they're an ethnostate right guys?
Sure, it is also not perfect, and showing it's age badly in Western societies.
PeterSweden is NAZTROT
Most countries in the West post WW2. Read George Orwell and tell me 99% of people are not living better. So fucking what if people are richer than you and if you can't make it in this day and age you are a cunt.
National Socialism
if you don'd think gapitalism is perfegt you're thinging of the wrong type of gapitalism and you're a gommunist :DDD
Poor you, who can live of the goverment, be a fat cunt, have an iPhone, 38 inch TV and a warm house. Poor fucking you. Capitalism is so bad.
Learn how to make an argument
The capitalists got too greedy and a correction is due. Their money will make nice kindling for the pyres they'll burn on
Germany from 1933-39
Political discussions are best when people are able to have a bit of nuance. There are many valid criticisms of Capitalism, that doesn't even necessarily mean that alternatives are better.
Pure capitalism, would necessitate the end of Nation-States, citizenship, and mean utterly free movement of labor and resources with no taxation at all.
Why should I waste my time explaining to someone that the UK is not a socialist state.
You do realize there was a world before both capitalism and communism?
Actually China is probably the closest to a modern fascist state and its a world superpower. Neither of those are actually fascist though.
That's called globalisation my friend. Not "pure" Capitalism.
>petard Swemo
It isn’t, Germ.
Which honestly was a lot better than what globalisms final form is going to be
Globalisation is a sort of buzzword for "Global Capitalism," or basically the Globalisation of trade and Capitalism, Global Free Trade agreements, etc.
>Thinking Communism is the only alternative to capitalism
wew lad, you sure have been kiked
....Where did I say that UK is a socialist state?
I'd say it's got a worrying sign of creeping socialism but I never once said the UK was a socialist state. learn 2 read and not get triggered so easily.
>Swedish right-wingers
When will you learn that the line between communism and nazism/facism is so thin. One (the commies) want multikulti shit where there is no borders and we have classless, raceless society. And the others (nazis) want pure race society, without classes.
They are both with central super-power, everything is state owned, you cant have land etc. You go to work, where the state tells you to go and do whatever the state tells you to do. The main power of both ideas is that the propaganda is fueling the "voting" for the "right" party. But really there is more to that, the commies literally killed every opposition and every man who is with the opposition. While, nazis where hones in that, they just took control over the media, and it wasnt by force (unlike the bolsheviks).
Also, Lenin killed over 2 milion jews way before WW2 (and much more milion Russians)
Yeah and 99% lived in poverty, no healthcare, clean clothes, heating, transport, medicine etc etc etc. and you was lucky to live to middle age. And this is not even 150 years ago. That world user?
China is not Fascist. They are more capitalist than any other country on earth. Sweatshops are not apart of fascism. North Korea on the other hand follows fascisms main tenets of racial superiority, emphasis on the military and the state, nationalization of industry and silence of opposition to the ruling class.
>showing it's age badly in Western societies
I don't agree. What has happened is it's been turned into a mixed system and slowly been exploited and corrupted and cabaled while with most other systems it would be instant abuse.
No such thing as "capitalism": all it ever was was a strawman invented by Mr Marx to advance his "solution" of communism.
you are stupid and embarrassing. you are a serf and you advocate for serfdom ('you get to live in a hovel! and have turnips! just kiss the ring!') because you are a pathetic abnormality. you can't imagine a world not structured by big strong daddies, and the you-know-whos use that against the west. you are a grub.
At least it doesn't commodity culture or deliberately subvert it. Doesn't have to feudalism per se, but from how old is capitalism and communism really from a grand historical perspective? There can be another world to work towards in the immediate to far future.
>implying capitalism exists
"Capitalism" is a word invented by Mr Karl Marx, user. It's a nonsense word, just as communism and marxism are nonsense concepts.
>One (the commies) want multikulti shit where there is no borders
>And the others (nazis) want ... society ... without classes.
>They are both with central super-power, everything is state owned, you cant have land etc. You go to work, where the state tells you to go and do whatever the state tells you to do.
>implying "capitalism" exists
Look at what was said to me when I said "read a book" which you then replied "learn to make an argument"
We haven't got a creeping rise of it here. We have the largest financial market in the world and it's the only thing keeping this country a major player on the world stage. It won't happen.
I don't deny progress in industry, technology, and overall material well being under capitalism, but it was a Faustian pact and we lost our souls. We just need to put checks on decadence. There are other modes of being though i admit it's not immediately practical in the world historical situation.
Capitalism is a Jewish scheme. It is globalist by nature as the profit driven individual cares not about his people but selling and buying from the cheapest bidders no matter who they are.
The communist revolutions have been primarily backed by the world's richest capitalists. Rly makes you think.
"Mixed-systems" that are still primarily based on free-trade, private ownership, and economic liberty, all fall under the Capitalism Umbrella or, spectrum.
Shoo shoo dirty jew
"Capitalism" doesn't exist, it was a strawman idea invented by Marx to advance his pet philosophy of communism.
>muh jews
user., you're boring.
How many serfs own a multi-national company with a 2m turnover. Not many. People need leaders, it's been that way throughout human history. Even when we was monkeys. Even groups of friends have leaders.
hitler was a slave to capitalist jews
really really got some balls to make that claim today kid
>free-trade, private ownership, and economic liberty
Economics is a dead subject, user., because any "economist" who says the obvious that "every white country is a rich country and all brown countries are poor third-worlds" loses his job.
Truth can be boring.
>The term "capitalist", meaning an owner of capital, appears earlier than the term "capitalism" and it dates back to the mid-17th century. "Capitalism" is derived from capital, which evolved from capitale, a late Latin word based on caput, meaning "head" – also the origin of chattel and cattle in the sense of movable property (only much later to refer only to livestock). Capitale emerged in the 12th to 13th centuries in the sense of referring to funds, stock of merchandise, sum of money or money carrying interest.[22][23][24] By 1283, it was used in the sense of the capital assets of a trading firm and it was frequently interchanged with a number of other words – wealth, money, funds, goods, assets, property and so on.
Naw senpai.
>muh jews
...Yawn. ZZ...
Yeah I said learn to make an argument not strawman my argument and make it about Britain instead of Sweden.
Also lets see
Who is in charge of the healthcare?
Who is in charge of television and telecommunications?
Who looks after the poor aka welfare?
Do you have a minimum wage?
These would all be signs of creeping socialism.
I don't disagree
>government intervention via taxation is bad
>allow businesses to compete against each other globally on a level playing field
This is not Capitalism?
>it's either full capitalism or communism goyim, no alternatives!
People are really just copying and pasting from thesis generators now.
are you non functioning retarded by chance?
>The Hollandische Mercurius uses capitalists in 1633 and 1654 to refer to owners of capital
>n French, Étienne Clavier referred to capitalistes in 1789
>first recorded English usage by Arthur Young in his work Travels in France (1792)
>In his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), David Ricardo referred to "the capitalist" many times
>Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet, used "capitalist" in his work Table Talk (1823)
>Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term "capitalist" in his first work, What is Property? (1840)
>Benjamin Disraeli used the term "capitalist" in his 1845 work Sybil
nice pasta
Watch this video and show me something better. Pro tip: you can't
No I'm actually a straight A accounting student at one of the best universities in the country, just finished my Tax 1 final.
How would you describe an ideal system in contradistinction to Marxian communism?
>thinking communism and capitalism are the only economic systems that exist.
>not knowing what Capitalism is
post-scarcity will probably never happen and it definitely won't happen with niggers around
niggers are always in a Malthusian resource crisis, more resources just means more niggers on the edge of poverty and starvation
cohesive western white societies can probably implement any economic system fairly effectively, absent a jewish elite of course
How would you define ethnicity?
The merchant class, which was always viewed as the lowest stratum of society across cultures and for most of history, take primacy under capitalism. Why do you think entire nations are being sold out for cheap labor?
>Swedish right-wingers
You do know that Peter 'Sweden', isn't actually Swedish right? He's never even been to Sweden. He's British/American/Israeli, born and currently living in Norway. His real name is Peter Imanuelsen.
He calls himself a journalist but all he does is take Swedish right wing/alternative media, google translates it, posts it on Twitter and asks for donations.
>implying "capitalism" exists
All it ever was was a strawman invented by Mr Marx in an attempt to advance his pet philosophy of communism, user.
Haha fucking kek. Please tell me that's not true. He certainly looks like a swede.
A group of people with shared blood or common history ties to land through which tradition, identity, and culture is transmitted through generations. But ethnicity isn't an economic system.
The school system has done an excellent job at what it has been set up to do starting from 1910 then (teach you misinformation and brainwash you)
It's been a slow burn but I'll be damned if it hasn't finally taken hold and robbed almost all of you
This is a total absurdity. How would you describe the transition from feudalism to the system that succeeded it?
His parents claims Swedish heritage but they're super christian pro-Israel Americans, and who the hell knows when it comes to American "ancestry".
Hitler's model.
>Make your currency liquid.
>Allow the Goverment to create currency from labour (allows the population to create their own currency by exchanging goods and labour for money).
>Eliminate loans.
You also have other models like resource based economies and other forms of meritocracies but I've never been totally convinced nor seen them work in reality ever. Hitler managed to get 100% employement, a tremendous industrial boost and a very happy and healthy population.
>Watch this video and show me something better. Pro tip: you can't
how about a country whose people can easily afford pencils but also aren't forced to cohabit and interact with retarded smelly foreigners in the communities they call home
oh wait, you're right those don't exist because all white western countries are capitalistic
now call me a communist
Pick one retard , even nazi Germany was kicking America's ass in terms of economic growth.
In 2017, economics is a completely dead subject, based on writings that were penned before London became Mozzie, back when the United States was 90% white instead of le 56%.
Nowadays, if an "economist" says that "every white country is a rich country while every brown country is a poor third-world" that individual loses his job. Thus, it's a dead subject, because obvious dishonesty prevails over the alternative of instead investigating it like a legitimate science.
"Ecnomics" is now no more valid than any conspiracy theory or prognostication, user.
>Even the Swedish right-wingers want communism in Sweden.
Then they are not right wingers or they are insane. Anyone with any grasp of history knows that communism is horror, ugliness, destruction, misery, ,and death. All these either evil or sick people who want communism need to go and spend a few weeks in a communist country.
>thinking that respecting other'side people private property while putting your nation first makes you a slave of the Jew.
>while supporting one of the ideologies that were created by Jews.
wew lad
I agree that modern "economics" is not a science, if it ever was. The question of today is not "economic" but at root socio-political.