Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Latest translation from summaryanon was posted on a Rem thread so someone might have missed it!9NFCST7D!lHPNmLwFIZFA4x_qJjAdKbrgQV5KRrXPdht24Z39xsE

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garf new #1 bro!

friendship with otto is finished

Wait, isn't Rem Subaru's best friend?

Some new context for the birthday story with Emilia. It looks like everyone set her up to play the role of a decoy, and left her out of the actual planning. I think they may have given her false information because they knew she'd leak it to Rem.

Gimme a rundown on this guy

He's the hero. Can't be beaten unless he wants to be. Can't be touched or harmed unless he wants to be. He's got so many blessings that it's impossible to list them all, and he can always get more.

Even without his ridiculous powers, he'd still be an incredibly skilled swordsman.


Bete was a good man

Remembet that time when Reinhard got doubles and triples at will?

This doujin is so stupid

Don't forget the whole resurrection thing

Every thread until Rem wakes up.

>Please be rough with me.
>I'm about to cum from my pussy!
Is this a parody of normal doujin dialogue?

That's going in the folder

What are Pandora's motives?

Oh I do

She's just super horny. The world will burn because this chick wants to satisfy her corruption fetish.

Well the goal of the Witch Cult is to revive Satella so. But What's confusing is that they refuse to acknowledge the other Witches.

Rem is Subaru's wife.

Why is the Princess Room so important?

Bete was a Cardinal? Why was he demoted to Archbishop? Who is the Cardinal now?

I like that these chapters are finally happening because it means less random baseless speculation about Pandora. Like someone goes off saying a line of stuff and then they throw 'Pandora leads the witch cult she's the one corrupting people this probably has something to do with Pandora Pandora is involved I bet Puck has something to do with Pandora' on the end. I mean she's certainly up to something but hell let the speculation about her now be baseful.

That's really smart and really mean

It's just summaryanon terminology
Cardinal = Archbishop

>Pandora can control mabeasts

Well shit

>A fucking rabbit

If you think about it, everyone in Sanctuary has experienced a rabbit up their ass


Someone should update it with the LN illustration. Then again, it might lose some hilarity factor

How many rabbits do you think could fit in Garfiel's tiger ass

Question: Did Regulus obey Pandora because she was stronger than he or because she was her master? And what was the relationship between those two?

We still don't know much despite this, so I'd most likely go into crack theory territory with her. Because Pandora isn't being bad for the sake of being bad so.

I have a suspicion that she was mind controlling him or influencing him with her authority

>The blood seeping through the thick fabric gives suggestion of how gruesome his state is, and informs that an unimaginable nightmare is unfurling in his interior.
>It's almost as if, just a little while ago, she had witnessed the exact same—
>???: “You have proven your resolve magnificently. Cardinal Betelgeux Romanée-Conti.”
>A breezy female voice interrupts Emilia's thoughts.
>The calm speaker is Pandora, looking down at Juice
Emilia. I know you're not exactly the brightest girl around, but this is something you should be paying attention to. Subaru needs someone to notice this.

Pandora is the true Dark Lady


I was too busy laughing to fap, thanks user.

Poor Bete

Is it canon he got cucked to death like Hal?

Every thread until Crusch-sama gets her memories back.

Depends, he never really loved Satella in the first place. But in a sense yes he did.


Summaryanon sometimes uses names and terms that are not really used elsewhere.

>It's not the White Whale, under Gluttony's command
So, there was already a Gluttony back then?

It was probably that archbishop spouting about pregnancy

I think this is actually pretty close. She shows her pleasure when the Sins are released and absorbed by Betelgeuse. Pandora exists to release Sin on the world. It's not hard to figure out.

Anyhow, I noticed the language used to describe the Sins makes it sound like something alive, and that there's a proper process for mastering it that Betelgeuse disregarded. Makes me wonder if Subaru will learn more of the proper way to master those powers.
Probably. Though maybe there's an even older original one.

I think the proper way is just for the sin to go 'you look like a cool guy, not like those other punks, wouldn't mind making you go 10x more batshit than you already are' and you go 'sounds cool lets hang out, i mean you hang out, inside me, we're friends now and i am insane, wives'.
Or put otherwise, I think there's a personality(?) meld between the factor and the host. Juice isn't suited to the factor so they can't meld properly and it's causing problems.

What did Bete do to deserve such a cruel fate Sup Forums? He was such a good dad.

My dick cringed

Who... who the hell dropped all the Ferriballs?

He got a family

>tfw this flashes in Betel's last moments of death
>tfw the fragment of sanity he still had deep inside came out to give him found memories
>tfw he died know he was just a shell of a man he once has

He was Slothful.

The real question is will Emilia ever get a new family

Why did you do this to me, anons?


When Subaru will stop to try to get in her panties

>Seeing Rem’s blissful smile, Subaru can’t help but smile back. In his arms, Emilia stirs slightly, a peaceful expression on her face. It was as if their own smiles somehow put her at ease, a truly heartwarming scene.

Never ever

Best kouhai

What are the chances that the Witch Cult was never the villains of this series?

Fugel has some good taste

>Juice: “Do you believe that I desire any SUCH SEAT? My present desires total merely to one. Without a moment of regret for my sacrifice, the safety of that family!”


Can someone gib that WN pastebin?


This is a goldmine for edits


5 days already and still no chapter

Sigh I wanted to see Julius getting further destroyed




>novel is up to Arc 6
>trans are only to Arc 4
What the actual niggerfuck? Is this one of those where I have to wait for the entire thing to first get written then fully translated?

Holy shit this is fucking gold

I heard the next episode tune while reading this

>Rem immediately gets heart broken at Subaru being flaccid

This doujin is hilarious.

>only up to arc 4

Arc 4 is long as fuck in the WN. Chapters are like 15-20 pages and we usually get one every other day. Also there's supposedly going to be 11 arcs anyway so the original is hardly even halfway through.

>characters names are names of stars
Could this be a clue? Both Aldebaran and Betelgeuse are stars.

>Toyota starts getting mindbroken and fixed in Arc 3
>there's 11
Just how many of these characters will die by the end of this?

None if Mitsubishi can help it.

Every single bishop is named after a star. It's surely a clue, since Regulus's star name helped in figuring out how his power worked.

We still don't know why though.

Regulus Corneas of Greed.

Ley Batenkaitos, Roy Alphard, and Louis Arneb of gluttony.

Sirius of wrath.

Capella Emerada Lugnica of lust.

The only authority holders who don't have star related names are Hector of Tristitia, and Pandora of Vainglory it seems, but they're not bishops so.

Also it's likely that Aldebaran has Pride

Remon just got his BD5 delivered and got the short story.

He found a second illustration inside of it, aside from the other one of Rem and Ram collecting things while they still lived in the village.

Not the best quality, since it's just a picture he took.

So its legit confirmed, based on this, that Al is evil? Has it already happened in the official thing? The fucking voice actor sorta gave it away. They always get that guy to voice badass bad guys.

When is Suburu changing his name to Polaris then?

He already has a star-related name.

Subaru is the moon name for the Pleiades.

No. We know jack shit about him, other than he seems to know something about Rem, that pisses him off since she's alive, he's from earth, has a power similar to Subaru's and he lost his arm early on when he was brought into that world.

Thank you

I thought the ETA was March 3rd, lucky us he got it early

I guess maybe Ram took his arm or something? Since he's clearly some sort of Bishop, based on the name.

Pay attention, he has no trouble with Ram, his problem is with Ram being alive.

Also he was in the south kingdom, so he couldn't have meet Rem and Ram. And he lost it early on, probably less than a year when he got into the world. He arrived one year before Rem and Ram's birth.

With "Rem being alive" i meant.

The definitely ARE the villains, but it's very likely they got subverted at some point in the past.

>monkeys everywhere

>he's from earth,
I still think he's not from Earth.

And I still think he got upset because his Gospel was wrong.

>has a power similar to Subaru's
Between his fight with Capella and his fight with Priscilla's late husband, we have a pretty good idea of how his power works.
When he uses it, either he or his opponent (randomly chosen) gets stuck in a time loop.
Whenever Al dies time gets reset, but the chosen target retains their memories.
When he gets chosen, he fights until he wins. When he doesn't get chosen, his opponent (eventually) gives up or goes insane.
Also there's some spacial limitations to it? They haven't come up in detail though.

>randomly chosen

I don't think it's random, he probably sets it himself.

He choose to forget against the husband, since his intention wasn't to kill him, but to break his mind. He probably suffered a lot thanks to this power already, so he knows how damaging it is. He didn't want to outright kill him, so making him forget was useless.

Against Capella, he wanted to kill her to simply get rid of her, so he probably choose to remember in order to learn how her power works and how she attacks in order to do so. But since her power is cheap as fuck, she survived all his kill attempts. Maybe making her go crazy wasn't the best option since he didn't know if she could endure the mind break, due to being pretty much already insane for being in the cult, but also involved with authority stuff.

If it is random, and then it has been very convenient so far.



He makes a comment to Capella about lucking out with his power.