Noam Chomsky says Racism in Europe is Worse Than America

>"The problem with Europe is it's too homogeneous, if everyones blond hair and blue eyed, there not being many minorities meaning the racism doesn't show. In America at least their's some effort to hide the racism, it's more subvert and systemic. Many Germans would have no problem saying they don't want more Turks on their streets" - Noam Chomsky

He's a Jew.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Talk about a Jew that needs to be shot!

To end for racism we must end multiculturalism

I imagine Chomsky would have no problem with more Turks in Israel then

Wow, I'm so glad I have someone as brilliant as Noam to tell me what to think!

This is great, actually.


>what we gonna do, then?

>let's milk Europe even harder

We are winning, guys. They are moving away the target because their bullets can't go over the Trump Wall.

Noam Chomsky doesn't even support the idea of the state of Israel.

>The problem with Europe is it's too homogeneous
And those people are called "anti racists"

Fuck, (((they))) onoly have genocidal hatred for us.

We can not even exists as a homogeneous people without being racist.

Fuck this anti-white boomer commie.

He actually would. He hates Israel. Probably hates other jews too.

Noam Chomsky is in complete agreement with the US government then.


Thank you for that neat fact for the day. I didn't know that about him

No shit.

I bet he said something more relevant that day but you had to repeat the dumbest shit.

This faggot is worse than Alex Jones

Don't you ever compare this pseudo intellectual to a great man like Alex Jones ever again you daft cunt.

Who's "they"?

hes not a boomer



He needs to go back to linguistic theory and stay there.

>Alex Jones
You mean Bill Hicks?

Why is anyone taking seriously what this guy has to say? His far from being brilliant. In fact, he's full of shit. Only normies worship him.

Noam Chomsky is about the only anti-globalist American

chomsky hasnt lived in europe after the muslim refugees came in and has IMO no real idea of what its like to live in europe.
There´s a lot of anti-racism and shaming of racists in EU, but also racists from more than one race.
Saying you dont want Turks on your street is blunt but very clear messaging of "these people rape and steal, ive seen the news, i dont like them because of what they actually do."

Only reason behind racism is facts related to race, so racism like that is self-protective.

>if everyones blond hair and blue eyed, there not being many minorities meaning the racism doesn't show.

Lmao what is this fucking giga kike smoking? Try walking through a Germany city with >50k population and tell me that there are a lot of "blue eyed blond" people. This fucking bastard is using Hollywood's movie imagery for his propaganda. Low burger education probably still thinks everyone is blonde and blue eyed here.

Isn't there a burger who can just club this guy to death?


Its kinda racist to say youre blond haired blue-eyes just for being european

>i watch the news

He's a Harvard grad idiot.

>when you're so Jewish you subvert your own people
He has transcended our petty tribal squabbles

Chomsky hates Israel more than us.

He is pretty much socialist/communist tier

He identifies as an anarchist

>He's a Harvard grad idiot.

Yeah, and you lack reading comprehension it seems. It isn't HIM actually thinking that everyone here is blue eyed and blonde but the people listening to this retard are stupid enough.

>burger education

Yeah, checks out.

>pretty much

Europe has shades of white. The US is either black or white or an off shade of “foreign”.

Funny since American education is actually some of the best. The only reason our marks are so low is because they force everyone to take math and science all four years of high-school. Subjects that only the freaks will succeed in are forced upon eveyone so it lowers the average mark.

hes some sort of anarcho-syndicalist I think. something retarded anyway, it was just a joke

Got a laugh out of me.

This rift between the American marxist Jews and the Israelis seems to be deepening.
I think there is probably a point approaching in which the Leftist Jews will have to choose, once and for all, between Israel or their course to destroy the west.

If there are Jews on both sides, neither can be antisemitic, right?

How can boomers continue to be so stupid about diversity.

Yes, diversity is our strength.

So then why the fuck would you want to destroy that by destroying the nation states which protect homogeneous peoples? How are we supposed to have any diversity if everyone becomes brown?

Fucking absolute idiots.

How the fuck don't they realize that the nation state is essential to the preservation of global diversity. The only way a global race could exist if the globe had consistent and non-changing biological/cultural ecosystems. But that isn't the case because we don't live on Couruscant.

The only way I can see an Earth full of brown people as a benefit is if humanity is now a space-faring race and Earth is just the "brown" planet and we have a chink and an asian planet somewhere else as well (doing all the work, ofc).

Seriously, at this point these retards MUST be getting paid to continue to publicly embarrass themselves with their stupidity. Unfortunately for me I'm pretty sure that's not true and people really are that bluepilled because my dad is also a boomer and thinks like Noam Chomsky as well. Fuck sakes.

>American education is actually some of the best.
pic related

>The only reason our marks are so low is because they force everyone to take math and science all four years of high-school.
So just like in every other 1st world country you fucking imbecile? In Germany you need the Abitur (still "regular" school) in order to go to Uni and that covers like the first 2-3 Semesters of a US college degree. If we have this, then we are allowed to go to Uni. As a result, we don't have to do retarded courses not part of the main subject. If you study physics, you'll only do Physics/Maths, same for economics etc...

>Subjects that only the freaks will succeed in are forced upon eveyone so it lowers the average mark.
Again, this is neither for freaks nor is it special for the US. That is the case everywhere. And you school education is still shit. Foreign students coming here for Uni are shit anyway most of the time, I have never met one who could be even considered average by our standards.

forgot the pic, kek

*chink and a white planet

this. fuck all of you fucking glow in the dark niggers. GET OFF MY FUCKING LAWN!! NO, WE DON'T WANT MORE FUCKING TURKS HERE! FUCK ALL OFF. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>So just like in every other 1st world country you fucking imbecile? In Germany you need the Abitur (still "regular" school) in order to go to Uni and that covers like the first 2-3 Semesters of a US college degree. If we have this, then we are allowed to go to Uni. As a result, we don't have to do retarded courses not part of the main subject. If you study physics, you'll only do Physics/Maths, same for economics etc...
What? That has nothing to do with it retard. I'm saying in American highschools you have to take math and science all four years. Every other first world country allows you to stop taking math and science after year 9

Mother of God, that people really need to be killed, I hope he die like fucking tomorrow fucking old jew


Chomsky is the ultimate final form of the kike.

His utopia is a stateless (((libertarian socialist))) society with absolute total equality among all genders, races, religions, etc. To achieve this, you must dismantle power structures, i.e. "whiteness", the US, even his own Israel

Some say the goals of the Jews was for the creation of Israel. This is at least a noble pursuit, especially if they can be quarantined there.

However, the true, underlying goal of the Jews has always been the destruction of white people at all costs, and nothing is more dangerous to white people than multiculturalism

>Every other first world country allows you to stop taking math and science after year 9

How about no? What the fuck are you smoking? Here in Germany you have Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics until finishing 13th grade (if you want to go to Uni and don't stop after 10th grade). You just can't decide to not have these subjects.

Diversity is one of humanity's strengths (still not entirely convinced but I'll allow it for now).

It's not a nation's strength.

A nation's strength is homogeneity and unity. A diverse nation is not a nation. It is a disputed territory.

It's even in the goddamn name "nation". It comes from latin "natio" which means birthhood. As in, where you were born and who you were born to.

A "nation" is a classification of the "natio" type of a specific human.

Born from a hun? In the Gobi Desert? You are a Mongolian.

No, not a Canadian.

Oh. I grew up in Canada and you could stop taking math and science after year 9. And if you still took them you were basically known as a freak or a nerd or whatever the insult is. Lets just put it like this, if you wanted a social life you didn't take them. I moved in year 10 to America where i had to take them

Go away reddit

I knew this rat was just another marxist scumbag. Every Jew is guilty!

and to think that i was forced to learn this guys methods regarding language in college makes me sick

>Chomsky is the ultimate final form of the kike.

Then this is a "Canada exclusive".

>And if you still took them you were basically known as a freak or a nerd or whatever the insult is. Lets just put it like this, if you wanted a social life you didn't take them.
Literally what the fuck am I reading. If you want to go to Uni, you have to finish 13th grade and you will have topics like differential equations, vector calculations, differential and integral calculus, basics in atomic and particle physics (and more). If you have this, THEN you are allowed to apply for Uni going for your Bachelor degree.

>However, the true, underlying goal of the Jews has always been the destruction of white people at all costs

Yep, Israel is just their home base of operations, containing facilities such as spy schools and pharma labs. Most kikes don't even live there. They used Israel as a pretext for destroying the Mideast and triggering the shitskin exodus to Europe.

Shut the fuck up Mohammed

Really, well there is always room for one more.

>caring about what Noam Chomsky thinks
You have to go back

If race is a social construct, then so is racism, therefor it doesn't exist

Lingustics is actually a very important science for understanding the world. Maybe this kike was planted as a gatekeeper, to confuse and deceive the studious goyim. Wonder what he says about the fact that the Hebrew language is a stolen and degenerate form of the original Semitic-Canaanite languages.

>The problem with Europe is it's too homogeneous

(((They))) can't, fucking, for a second, possibly, EVER fucking help it, can they?!

I'm in law school right now and i flunked math and science and never took grade 13. Germany sounds like a policestate when it comes to schooling

he likes the welfare state so he is a socialist whatever he says

Racism exists moron.


oy vey


I've actually taken note of this over the past few years. Europe has always tried to hold this moral superiority over our heads because they present themselves as not being racist. Then as soon as some non whites started showing up in their countries they began going apeshit over it and started sounding exactly like racist Americans.

>The problem with Europe is it's too homogeneous
Why is this a problem?

welfare is capitalist

>The only reason our marks are so low is because they force everyone to take math and science all four years of high-school. Subjects that only the freaks will succeed in are forced upon eveyone so it lowers the average mark.
thats an odd way to spell spics and niggers

56% and dropping.

>Germany sounds like a policestate when it comes to schooling

Only 4 of our 16 states have a good education system by our standards. The others are shit thanks to policies of the social democrats and greens. But yes education in most countries is much easier than here.

>If you study physics, you'll only do Physics/Maths, same for economics etc...
>In Germany. there's no minor courses (Nebenfach)
user confirmed for having seen a university only when driving past. In fact, philosophy was a fairly popular Nebenfach for math diploma students here. And under the new Bologna rules, you still have to do limited amount of courses outside of math. E3.

>racism is worse on the continent composed of historical nation states that are being made to forcibly transition to CivNat societies via mass importation of wannabe conquerors

Imagine my shock.


Stop embarrassing yourself.

So is the final form of kikery being so subversive that you even subvert your own people and ethnostate?
Also, is this even his final form?

No, i went to an all white school and that was the case.

Well the reason your education is shit is because it's so hard. Calculas in highschool? What the fuck?


He says he is though. RETARD

It is if your assume that skin color is meaningless and people should be educated to completely disregard skin color.


It's wrong to pretend to be colorblind all the time. The sex drive discriminates, so it's okay to have some team spirit for people with the same skincolor as you. If they have a positive image, part of it bleeds off on you.

But leftists don't get this because they don't understand competition. To them we're all brothers only, never rivals.

All Jews are natural communists and therefore marxists. Gas urself, Avramopoulos.

How many layers of subversion you on senpai?

do liberals ever wonder why all their main political activists are jewish? like its not very diverse

Chomsky is just like broken clock, he is right twice a day...the rest of time he can be incredibly daft. He really betrays himself when he gets away from his area of expertise; for instance, his embarrassing support for the Khmer Rouge.

Why do you make this about sex?

hope you have cancer.

>Well the reason your education is shit is because it's so hard.

No our education is good and it's being made easier by the leftists so that all the minorities can get their token degree too. Thanks to our high standards you barely have any non-European immigrants going to Uni because they are dumb as fuck.

He should've immigrated to Cambodia during this time. Pol Pot would've holocausted him for wearing glasses ensuring the lol.

And why is racism bad?

>he says he is

Oh yeah? That would be interesting coming from an anarchist. Provide proof or shut the fuck up, uncultured swine.

Just stop talking about things you don't understand, child.

Well then I'd never end up in a German university because i couldn't understand SHIT for science and can't do math that involves letters. However im in an ivy league law school thanks to American freedom and opportunity. My dad had a really good job went to ivy league and was a state senator for a few years and couldn't even help me with grade 7 math and didn't believe in evolution till like two years ago.

Why is racism and homogeneity such an important problem all of a sudden.
People butthurt all over the world because some people prefer to stick with other people that look like them? Really?

What about world hunger? What about pedophile rings? What about homelesness? What about diseases and viruses?
Fix all that then we talk about racism, but with Israel leading by example.

>Harvard grad
>Supports a leader who shoah'd all intellectuals
Really gets the noggin joggin

Marx was an anarchist
Chomsky is an anarchist
Chomsky is a marxist

Just up you child, you're uncultured trash. But sure bud, keep whining.

If they were so racist they would have been racist when homogenous but they were not, they are not being racist, they simply don't want millions of people of a different culture into their countries who they never voted for, asked for or allowed regardless of skin color.

What fruits has this given them? Attack after attack. Death after death. This old kike is a fool.

It's ignorant! Bigoted! Hateful! No KKK No Nazi No Fascism No White Supremacism on our STREETS

Because they a trying to eliminate the white race. How is this not clear still?

> if we taught only easy subjects everyone would get good grades
Are you a nigger?

its almost as if people dont enjoy violent foreigners changing the demographic and taking over their homelands... go fucking figure

fuck this rat face kike