Why do Muslims have more children when compared to other religions?

I refuse to believe that Muslims have more children than other religions.

Also, if kids are so expensive why do people with lower income have more children than those with higher income?

WHy do Jews shill so hard?

The other question that goes with this is why do stupid people have more children than smart people? Are they the same question?

Because evolution rewards those who produce offspring

Jews need more shekles


Islam allows for multiple wives, which means that aggressive morons are more likely to prosper and pass on their genes than beta producers. Why was the West so successful? In part due to the institution of MONOGAMOUS marriage, which helped even the playing field for the less aggressive dudes. We got a prosperous civilization that, as time has gone on, has gotten less aggressive on the scale of the individual citizen while theirs has only gotten more aggressive.

They have to compensate: about half will explode before they reach 7 years old, so they have to spawn more shit in order to be a good alluh follower and all that muslim shit. Also, muslims are rapists, do not use protection and if a woman is raped, she is obliged to marry the fag who raped her, therefore giving birth to more rapist; is an endless circle of degeneracy, that can only be stopped with the help of our trusty Zyklon B.

Why do bacteria flourish in the presence of free resources?

Because "smart" "intelligent" people choose death(extinction) instead of life the way muzzies do.

Litwack Khazar milkers are a national treasure.

Their women are basically fuck toys, rape is a hobby and they are poor + uneducated

>I refuse to believe that Muslims have more children than other religions.
Why you wanna argue with stats and obvious reality?

>Also, if kids are so expensive why do people with lower income have more children than those with higher income?
It's just some people being retarded. In Europe it perhaps stopped being a thing only 150-200 or even less years ago.

Being a Muslim myself I consider it a big sin for a couple to have more children than they can supply financially.

Muslimes do procreate like rabbits and because they dont invest in their children they turn out to be violent, non empathetic, socially irresponsible, easily manipulated desperate souls that turn to raddicalism and become terorists. So out of 100 muslime children surly at least will have radical views on which they will not a t out on but rather 1 which will actout thir radicalizm will be feed the the others!

Now low income, poor populace tends not to jnvest in thir children and li e for me, me, me and these children growup and can also become easily manipulated a sore idiot of society!

These are facts, majorty anyway with respect to exceptions who do breakoff and think for themself using logic, ive been to the poorest areas and the richest so it is so evident.

Sometimes there are few exceptions of poor populace who are healthy and should reproduce and all aid and support should be provided, but this reproduction thing needs to be regulated asap!

And islam worshipers all need to be neutralized at least via sterilization! For the sake of humanity!

They have more than Jews b/c Jews worship dirty old men who suckle baby boy penis.

In muslim culture women are nothing more than breeding machines. Their only role is to pop out children.

They don't but the large children part is a cultural thing. Europe used to be the same until feminism, Marxism and so on making women desire a career over children.

Plus smart people work out if they can afford kids, wait until they can etc. while low intelligence people don't like Africans.

In a lot of 1st world nations you also receive child income from the government/tax payer per child and are given a house, specially if you are unemployed so there is little incentive to work.

In the UK for instance if you are a mother with your partner and the mother doesn't work, the man pays for everything. If they separate and the mother becomes a single parent she is then eligible for free housing and money.

The system always benefits the wrong people versus 100 years ago in Europe when stupid kids of stupid parents wouldn't survive, now they do. Become voters. Vote left.

Because lower iq populations breed like rabbits with no concern of whether or not they can afford it.

Anyone have the white man handing over the world to jew asian techno aristocracy image they could post for me? Thanks in advance.

The lower class tends to have more children bc a whores/prostitutes are more common. Drugs/sex are commonly associated for various reasons, and the lower class tend to be lacking in birth control. The cycle then repeated itself as children cause more poverty, more depression/drug use.

Is that Gillian Anderson? She is so fucking fit
>if kids are so expensive why do people with lower income have more children than those with higher income?
Obvious bait, do you even have to ask?

No contraception.
No sex before marriage.
Sex is for procreation only.

Its not that difficult to understand.
If all white people were traditionalist Catholics we too would have a fertilty rate of 5.5.

>he doesn't recognize those khazar milkers

Because they're low IQ tardbots and probably wanna off us all - duh.

Because they're mindless barbarians who think only of conquest, not unlike hood niggers in America who have 20 kids.

Ideally you should be celibate, but marriage is cool too

If you're not a baiting nigger then I can explain
but you are a baiting nigger
you nigger

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

>what is r/K selection
>why do muds have a different time preference than whites, between whom there is an 18-point IQ gap

This topic requires further research into it rather than labeling the entire muslim faith as one entity. Turkish, Iranian and Arabic people are having declining birthrates. This is propped up by Baluchi and Kurdish birthrates which are some of the highest in the world.

Q’uran literally tells the men to fuck their wives for Allah. I guess Muhammad’s reasoning was that manpower is important for a rapidly expanding, militaristic theocratic state.

haredi jews have an average of seven children

but yeah muslims have more than enough
in muslim countries you see couples with their kids trailing behind them and they look like a staircase
they'll have one kid thats 2, one that's 4, 6, 8 and so on...

Becuse christianity is based

Can those Jews be trusted?

Kate dennings

>why do poor people have so many kids if they can't afford them REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's baffling how little people know about what affects birth rates.

So whites need to start acting like nights?

like what?

muslim men have very high testosterone because allah blessed us when you believe in true religion your god makes you powerful


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It's over folks


Raping your little cousin is affordable when your uncle is her keeper, in short.
So if a muslim rapes 5 village girls, and 3 pregnant, village plans for more rape in 7-13 years. And this continues.