>Denmark no longer to automatically accept U.N. refugee resettlement quota

>Denmark will no longer automatically accept a quota of refugees under a U.N. resettlement program after passing a law on Wednesday that enables the government to determine how many can enter each year.

>Under the new law, the immigration minister will decide how many refugees will be allowed under the U.N. program, with 500 now the maximum except in an “exceptional situation”.

>“It’s hard to predict how many refugees and migrants will show up at the border to seek asylum, and we know it may be hard to integrate those who arrive here,” Immigration and Integration Minister Inger Stojberg said last month when her ministry proposed the law.

>The opposition Social-Liberal Party said opting out of the U.N. program would increase pressure on countries already accommodating large numbers of refugees, and the move could encourage other countries to follow suit.

Thoughts? I've had the time of my life, seeing NGOs trying to prevent the law from being passed

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It's just damage control in order to keep votes. They are all part of the problem and must be executed on live TV.

should have just pulled out altogether but it's a nice step

Dammit. Read UN as EU. Projecting a bit harder than usual, there. Still, good news.


Way to reduce the quality of life, political neutrality and world opinion of Denmark.

Good job!
You make Dolph a very happy hippo!


Amazing racial laws right there, Preben


cry me a goddamn river, shareblue bitch

To quote our immigration minister "We need a breather"


fucking retarded image. as if WBC physically hurt people. when's the last time the KKK killed anyone?
waah muh hurt fee fees cuz dey said I was going to a hell i don't believe in :( boo hoo


How will international jewry react?

Noice! Denmark has the hottest Baroness in the world and she and her aryan children ought to be protected from shitskin filth

Hvor var i da Gud Kejser Tulle voldtog Anders Samuelsen ?

The new quota should be negative 100,000 per year.


To quote the reality: non-Germanic Danish citizens are still there

The KKK is unrelated to Christianity and the WBBC doesn't hurt anyone
Don't taint my frogfu with your cancer

>Way to reduce the quality of life, political neutrality and world opinion of Denmark.
We are full sorry. I would rather a few like you have negative oppinions than our country and society going down the drain like france and germany and others are in the process of doing sadly. But you don't care about those people in those nations do you? Why is that i wonder.
Why don't you ask the 57 muslim nations to take these people?
>reduce quality of life.
We would reduce our quality of life by taking in masses of these people. Do you think we don't see what is happening to sweden.
Go talk to china, see if they will take them, try asking nations outside of europe if they can take them. You know there are many nations in the world. If they do not want to take them then respect their decision for their people. They should sort out their own nations in the first place.

a small amount of cocaine

even did it with Social democrat votes. Even the centre left have turned on the muzzies.

Er de radikale ikke mere center end S?

Is that the nun from the old Irish IR£5?

nej sgu da, der er en grund til de hedder radikale venstre. S og DF er næsten identiske politik-mæssigt, forskellen er dog at man kan stole (?) mere på DF

>The opposition Social-Liberal Party said opting out of the U.N. program would increase pressure on countries already accommodating large numbers of refugees, and the move could encourage other countries to follow suit.

That’s a fucking terrible argument.

Whos idea was it to accept refugees/ immigration? And why? Not just in denmark but europe and us?
Inb4 jews

When the immigration crisis started it was mainly the EU, atleast for europe. I didn't hear much about the UN quota until later, no idea when they started to talk about it

Thanks for reply. I guess the more i question it, the more id like to know. Im research this topic more.

I hope you get enriched by diversity. :)

So are 95% of left-wing ideas