Daily reminder there is literally nothing wrong with class war.
Daily reminder there is literally nothing wrong with class war
Non-daily reminder that a daily reminder is only daily if you do it daily.
Not /his/ related.
The only people I hate more than Communists are the people who say they oppose communism because "It's a great idea, but only works on Paper"
Communism is inherently evil and destructive.
Wrong, all history since the emergence of property has been a history of class struggle
Communism relies on a violent of seizure of power to be established, but the establishment of capitalism was just as violent. Look at the tens of millions who died in the Americas, Asia, and Africa during the violent introduction of capitalist economy by foreign colonizers or modernizing leaders.
Unlike capitalism, communism once established relies neither on perpetual expansion through violence or other means or upon the political and economic subjugation of a working class.
>since the emergence of property
So literally Cain and Able. First people to start claiming property were immediately justified in killing one another. You people are fucking sick.
>Look at the tens of millions who died in the Americas, Asia, and Africa during the violent introduction of capitalist economy by foreign colonizers or modernizing leaders.
Firstly, that had to do with expansion, not inherently capitalism. Capitalism doesn't require militaristic growth, it was just a feature in conjunction during the period. Secondly, we did start to see imperialism with the USSR despite their rhetoric. Thirdly, communist countries can't survive for more than a century because they kill tens of millions of their own and set themselves back decades.
>Unlike capitalism, communism once established relies neither on perpetual expansion through violence or other means or upon the political and economic subjugation of a working class.
No proof of concept. Communism always starts with purges. It always removes rights, like expression, property, and religion. And more often than not, it's accompanied by external warfare. The working class has more rights and power under capitalism than it does under communism. Communism takes away the rights of the working class.
>enclosure, trans atlantic slave trade, scramble for Africa, anti union violence, intervention against ussr, Cold War, etc had nothing to do with capitalism
First of all, just because I hate Communism doesn't mean I like Capitalism very much either. I hate the materialism, the destruction of the environment, and the erasure of local cultures it brings. Ideally I wish we could have the best parts of a feudal economy with the prosperity capitalism can create, but in the absence of that utopic ideal I prefer meme-tier "third way" economic systems. Capitalism is still a much more useful economic system than communism.
Secondly, Capitalism is hardly even an ideology like communism is. Capitalism only concerns itself with the accumulation of wealth, as fast and as efficiently as possible. The deaths of native peoples through colonialism are more attributable to greed, and geopolitics than Capitalism. Capitalism does encourage greed so I guess it has some indirect cause, but that is like saying a saw is responsible for cutting something in half rather than the person using it.
Lastly, every communist nation in existance has resulted in the intentional repression of the citizens living under it. I'm not well versed enoug in marxist ideology to try to make an argument this oppresion is inherent to communism, but it's consistentency is enough proof for me to believe it is.
>enclosure, trans atlantic slave trade, scramble for Africa, anti union violence, intervention against ussr, Cold War, etc had nothing to do with capitalism
Cold war was a communist caused issue. Really all of your complaints are imperialism, and you're going to have to convince me that any single one of those things are against my interests. Slavery is retard tier because it makes no economic sense, even before industrialization, but Ahmed had the right idea about it.
Greed and geopolitics ARE capitalism user
Greed is a useful and necessary motivating factor to succeed in a capitalistic economy, and capitalistic competition between national economies is the primary motivation for interstate war
This. The "it works on paper" or the "REAL communism has never been tried" faggots are ignorant western leftist who are playing with fire and would unironically be one of the first groups of people lines up against the wall. Communism is a spiteful, violent, and hardcore ideology on paper as well as in reality. The only real difference is that Marx though all the "despotic inroads" would eventually lead to a great society instead of the 2nd rate totalitarian poverty shitholes it lead to in reality. Theres a reason only social rejects and retards like it anymore
You're referring to imperial/colonial expansion which is totally unrelated to capitalism.
They had something to do with people who breathe air also, that does not mean breathing air was the cause.
>being unironically retarded
>convince me that imperialism is wrong because of my interest, not morality
>capitalist “”””morality”””””
Retard alert
Capitalism is the very reason why imperialism happens. Imperialism creates buyers and sellers in new countries, and allows Western companies access to a whole wealth of foreign resources.
The only countries which were not colonized were those that managed to develop a capitalistic economy independently, and engage with more developed countries on their own terms.
>>capitalist “”””morality”””””
>thinking my morals are capitalist
Do I have a story for you.
>Capitalism is the very reason why imperialism happens.
On the edge of my seat
>Imperialism creates buyers and sellers in new countries, and allows Western companies access to a whole wealth of foreign resources
bahaha oh shit you just described the mechanic that's causing world peace! Think this through, if imperialistic countries have mutual trade benefits with small countries, they both get an advantage in not destroying each other, the first world power gains resources and goods, and the third world power gains jobs and infrastructure to move those goods
Unfucking believable.
>The only countries which were not colonized were those that managed to develop a capitalistic economy
This tells us one very important thing about advanced countries and their attainment of capitalism,and you're not going to like it. Also, Thailand was left as a buffer state between France and Britain.
>I hate the materialism
so you hate everything. delusional christcuck
You're going to tell me with a straight face that history hasn't involved different social classes of people competing over resources?
Why do you think peasants constantly resisted fulfilling their feudal obligations or even sometimes took arms up against their rulers? Why must slavery be enforced through violence?
>so you hate everything. delusional christcuck
No, that would mean he hates communism on the basis of "dialectical materialism" and extreme capitalism on the basis of pic related you mong.
>If I keep repeating myself someone might believe me
The only societies that weren't colonized were the Eurasian master races that evolved head shoulders above their counterparts. It's biological determinism really.
im saying there is nothing knowable but matter. ie there is no justification for your idiotic morals.