How can Germany rule Europe, if Europeans' don't understand German humor?

This is a Latvian student and that is what she has to say about Germans:

"I do not say that German humor isn't funny, I merely say I just do not understand it. Many Germans are very sarcastic, I noticed that in my exchange year in Hamburg. Latvian humor is easier to understand and much less sarcastic... it is a lot more straight forward.

It could be because Germans hide their opinion behind jokes because they are afraid to say it openly due to legal reasons. That's why they just make a sarcastic comment, for instance about refugees. Most of the time I do not say anything and make a poker face. Or I fake-laugh for two seconds. "

how did austria manage not to become autistic even though you speak german?

Germany the pilled of the west! The pillar of enlightened liberal thought!

>people too scared of getting arrested for wrong think they have to hide behind "officer I was only pretending to be retarded meme"

>german humor
t married to a german

German humour is flooding Europe with savage nonhumans.

>how did austria manage not to become autistic even though you speak german?
Mountains. No joke. Those mountains are gold to get rid of your autism. You go up there, fuck a few goats, ski some slopes and do some shroms. It cures autism quite often.

German sense of humour being bad or obtuse or whatever is a tired, incorrect meme. We're hilarious.

>We're hilarious.

>Kraut flag
>We're hilarious.
>Hitler and Goebbels are proud.

yep, Germans are a disaster humor wise, even 9/10 Latvian cuties have to put up with it. It is depressing!

>Judging German humour

It's like a pig talking shit about a Hawk

German humour is the most high IQ, hilarious, eloquent, Genius humour there is

Were like an Advanced AI joking around and the rear of the world stupid niggers that's why they "dont get " us

This explains a lot
>Germany: ”we are going to flood Europe with poor uneducated Muslims”
>Europe: “ha, wow I just don’t get your humor. But haha whatever you meant by that, run with it.”

yes we are indeed evil minded and envy driven people. we hide our feelings in sarcasm or zynism. I pretty much got raised on those 2. I dont even remember my mother or father laugh. we live in a depressing shithole.

Germany - humour...oxymoron

Well the Holocaust was quite funny, I'll give you that.

>We're hilarious.

Germans are to serious and autistic to be funny.They do however drum up a good autistic rage resulting in.......destroying europe.

Germans are arrogant and their sense of humour is non existent.

go an' adopt a niglet, - that's what you are famous for in Western Europe and North-Eastern Europe

52% """"white""""(25-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexualit
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos

t. NRW-Türke

finally someone who FULLY understands us. autistic holocaust machines.

>even 9/10 Latvian cuties have to put up with it.
State of Latvia when the women put up with the humor of German men rather than marry Latvian men.

>not funny
Top zoozle. We are masters of comedy.
It's not our fault people don't understand gems like Loriot.

it's like a pet monkey

what? goats?

whats to understand? germans dont hvae humor

Don't start on me shithead.

>It's like a pig talking shit about a Hawk
Oink oink oink.
Did you get that joke? I don't get German humor either.
>German humour is the most high IQ, hilarious, eloquent, Genius humour there is
Ja, but where is the build and the punchline Hans? In the fabrik?
>Were like an Advanced AI joking around and the rear of the world stupid niggers that's why they "dont get " us
This is a good joke.

A dangerous and tiresome monkey in all regards
PIGS, nafri, Polish... which kind of a subhuman are you?
*knock* *knock*
-who’s there?
-the 1965 immigration act

>*knock* *knock*
>-who’s there?
>-the 1965 immigration act

>We're hilarious.

>Overweight German man used by ISIS as sex slave.
Why does he look Jewish to me?

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

Women don't have a sense of humor. How is she supposed to 'get' something that she herself doesn't have?

I couldn't possibly remark on that.

but women are even less funny than Germans, what is this roastie talking about

So sarcasm is a bad form of humor since when? Last I heard it's the humor of intelligent people.

Because he looks like Seth Rogan.

The reason Germans don't have humor is because they are completely demoralized.
The essence of humor is that it is somewhat controversial, jokes are rarely really funny if they don't break somekind of taboo.
A German won't voice thoughts that go against the norm though, not after what they've been put through post WW2.

>attempting humour that's so forced and bizarre even latvians think you're odd
germans confirmed for coneheads

Swedes have a worse sense of humour than Germans. Germans actually do have a sense of humor but Swedes are just fucking bork borgs.

with legs like that, she could shit on my food and I'd thank her

to be fair german humour pasta

>Because he looks like Seth Rogan.
That's why.

Does she want half-American babies?

schadenfreude meme is real. thats the only humor germans get, others misery.

>the Holocaust was quite funny
kek, we try to please

Why do I think Latvians are the Master Race?

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

Alpine ibex

Your rape, replacement, and destruction as a culture, history and genetic lineage by muzzies you provide for financially is hilarious too.

jew mad

Bernd das Brot was my first exploration of german Humor. I'd say your humor is dark and edgy as fuck to the point of it being funny in a weird way


look at all these leafs, rooskis and other assorted slavs battle over the EU

its glorious


Yeah German think sarcasm is Humorous

Is she retarded? Of course living in a leftist city like Hamburg where only Turks and numale student faggots live will leave you with a somber experience like that. Bitch probably spent her time entirely in Altona and never once had quality banter time at bars in St.Pauli or the Schsnzenviertel.
t. Irishfag

thats exactly what it is. But also, when you're telling the edgy & dark joke, you are not allowed to be in a bad mood or depressive, because thats where the magic begins.

In western europe, we are actually loosing our welfare states, starting from the 80s/90s. Neoliberalism is asctually what causes the social collaps right now.

Goebles is chuckling because Adolf just blew off a nasty nazifart

Wanna hear a joke?

6 million dead jews

Most of german humor derives from the outrageous idea of disobeying their masters. Like the refugee comment, they think it is hilarious that someone would go against the grain and openly say something they aren't allowed to. I hate germans so much.

To be fair, Islamic humour is intellectually stimulating :^).

>German humour 2017
"A kuffar walked in to a bar... and he walked out without a head allahu akbar!"