To be honest there is something about him that makes me love him. Is that fucked up? Its not like i think the jews deserved to die (why not just deport them?) but i think hitler was a guy who needed love.
Should i be ashamed of admiring Hitler?
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He was right.
Holohoax didn't happen you newfaggot.
You teenage fucks need to lurk until adulthood.
Educate yourself please. The holohoax never happened. Enjoy loving Uncle Addy!
Hitler was deporting jews to israel. If you think muh gassings are real you need to lurk more.
>To be honest there is something about him that makes me love him.
Admiring his ideas is ok. He wanted the best for the German people after they got buttfucked by the Versailles treaty. Understanding that he went psycho by trying to kill all the Jews is truly loving Hitler.
>Is that fucked up?
As long as you don't fantasize him buttfucking you.
>Its not like i think the jews deserved to die (why not just deport them?) but i think hitler was a guy who needed love.
You good bra.
>i think hitler was a guy who needed love.
Hitler was a homosexual who liked to have his four year old niece piss on his face
he was a stooge frontman for fritz thyssen, a sort of modern day napoleon
the only reason he wore the moustache is because the most famous man in the world wore one exactly like it at the time and Hitler needed a short cut to appearing like a famous person in a short amount of time
the first things he did in power was to change German law so that he could earn money for appearing on postage stamps (real classy nationalist goes right for the cookie jar stealing the people's cash)
then he made money from his book and kept all his accounts in Switzerland (because he really believed in the German banking system I guess)
he was a fucking douche who had all the retards put to death and turned every single woman in Germany into a military prostitute
>Hitler was deporting jews to israel.
>If you think muh gassings are real you need to lurk more.
>Pic related.
Never be ashamed
Hey guys, op here. I dont trust the numbers or the gas chambers shit. But i still think maybe a million or so jews died of starvation in the camps.
I dont think any of you could get to know a jew and say they deserved to die. I have jews who i know today who i think are stuck up douchebags but i wouldnt say they deserve to die. Maybe they deserve to work in a factory for shit pay. Im not saying i sympathize because i thing jews think they are better than everyone else when they Arent and in general they think social/verbal/emotional iq matters when it doesnt. I think without the us legal system which pays jewish lawyers 1500$ an hour to deal with an overly complex legal framework/language/system, jews would barely be doing any better than caucasian goyim. If you really want to destroy the jews livelyhood you have to simplify the legal system.
Cheers senpai
hitler was alright but he thoroughly misunderstood the beady-eyed anglo and really thoroughly misunderstood america and japan and russia
He was an idiot. He was too weak to participate as a soldier in ww1, so he went to that voluntary soldier group. He sucked at school so he tried earning money with his shitty art no one wanted to buy while he lived in a room full of hobos in Munich. The art school he wanted to study at refused him because no skills. His father died young so he only had his mother. His life was pure frustration, so there is no surprise he went full crazy.
It's HIS fault Europe is as it is today. Leftism, liberalism, globalism, etc. all thanks to him because he destroyed Europe. Because of him patriotism is not allowed here anymore. If you vote for a right-wing party, you might lose your job, etc.
Because Hitler sent all Germans to death and he knew it. There was no way of a chance of winning that war.
>I dont think any of you could get to know a jew and say they deserved to die.
I don't think they should die, and I don't know any jews. If you research enough on their faith, they're just normal people who want to atone for their sins in their temple. Nothing is wrong with that.
>I have jews who i know today who i think are stuck up douchebags but i wouldnt say they deserve to die.
They probably deserve to die.
>Maybe they deserve to work in a factory for shit pay.
Before they die.
> I think without the us legal system which pays jewish lawyers 1500$ an hour to deal with an overly complex legal framework/language/system, jews would barely be doing any better than caucasian goyim
Never underestimate the volatile cocktail of an overbearing mother and a community that expects you to succeed. Jews succeed because they are driven to succeed. They succeed because on the deepest level they are a proto-hive mind. They don't have real independent thinking (some do - not all). That is why they tend to be pretty narrow in their occupations.
>If you really want to destroy the jews livelyhood you have to simplify the legal system.
Also, we should remove medicine, academia, marfia, and a few other professions where the Jews work.
yes faggot the edgy meme is done
He could have easily won the war. He shouldve waited untill wernher von braun perfected the v2 rocket, massed produced them, and we would be speaking german today. In addition if hitler got the atomic bomb...
I think society liberalizes over time. Hitler reminded everybody after him of how great society could be.
He could have easily won the war. He shouldve waited untill wernher von braun perfected the v2 rocket, massed produced them, and we would be speaking german today. In addition if hitler got the atomic bomb...
I think society liberalizes over time. Hitler reminded everybody after him of how great society could be.
>why not just deport them
He tried to. They refused to leave.
hitler was aware of the jewish menace and simply moved them away, along with their yearly mass exodus to another community to infest it. he was a european hero
All his biographers feel the same as you, but they Shit on him so they can get (((published)))
No, he is the lightning and the sun. Once you destroy all the lies of the modern world he is waiting for you, a beacon of truth.
>He could have easily won the war.
>Proceeds to list the condition that precluded the win
He could not have won the war easily.
>In addition if hitler got the atomic bomb...
He would have never gotten the bomb. Heisenberg dragged his feet because he knew how devastating the bomb would be.
>Hitler reminded everybody after him of how great society could be.
Only if Hitler actually turned out to be a British Rothschild criminal faggot.
Yes. You should get curb stomped to death.
Medicine idnt a jewish spevialty. Academia? Half n half.
Do you know where you are? You lost senpai?
>Hazel eye hitler
The actor knew his character and acted nicely, but hitler had blue eyes
Someone's confused
You should be ashamed for other reasons, fag. Hitler was a massive pussy. You're admiring a wigger who colluded with shitskins, was childless, vegan, liked drawing and killed himself like a fucking loser.
this, kek
>when it's been so long the stormfags think they're oldfags
Don't you have another year of lurking before you can post?
>Medicine idnt a jewish spevialty. Academia? Half n half.
I was being sarcastic. Removing Jews from the profession will not solve anything. Jews as a race, are feminine. They're the neurotic wife while the Anglo-Saxons is the logical husband. Jews need acceptance and a slap across the face when they go neurotic and try to subvert a nation.
Hitlers eyes were dark blue. Dark bown looks almost the same.
>To be honest there is something about him that makes me love him.
That's the only correct reaction to the Führer.
I really hope this is bait. Every single thing you wrote is wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for lying about the greatest man our nation has produced in the last few centuries.
I've been around so many yids I can tell you this sounds exactly like the bullshit they spew when they lose their tempers. Shoo shoo yiafly.
>You're admiring a wigger
>Pic related.
>who colluded with shitskins
Italians? Or Japs? Or Commies?
>was childless
Was too involved in rejuvenating the German economy that he delegated the bearing of children to other Germans.
>liked drawing
>killed himself like a fucking loser
Fucking pussy polack sitting behind a screen and sperging off on how a world conquering leader took the noble route and committed suicide instead of giving his enemies the satisfaction of capturing him. Pure kino desu.
Also, he escaped to South America. He didn't kill himself you faggot. Where were you when Odessa was giving its presentation?
Lenin and hitler are like dirt and heroin. They both might look similar in old portraits, but if you inject each into your veins, lenin will not make you any better whereas hitler will make u feel awesome.
Hitler loved morphine by the way...
He was a manlet
he didn't commit holocaust
It really feels to see a german faggot (maybe immigrant?) get pwned by a stand up german who is rightfully proud of his ancestors
but that's true you dummy
No, you.
>but that's true you dummy
Not all German Jews were sent to Palestine. It was about 50,000. The agreement wasn't enough to send the Jews away. The reason for this is because Hitler didn't control Palestine. He couldn't just send all the Jews to Palestine at the time even if he wanted to.
>Lenin and hitler are like dirt and heroin.
NatSoc and Communism are not that different in their economic philosophies. In fact, both advocate for a communal control of the means of production.
NatSoc differs from communism in political ideology. Communism advocates a classes society whereas NatSoc doesn't have a preference. So Lenin and Hitler weren't too far apart in their ideologies.
Cheers bud.
>why not just deport them?
Because the British blockaded the efforts and a Saudi persuaded Hitler to genocide them instead.
Oh whoops you weren't supposed to know that!
Meh, it doesnt take a very high intelligence to realize your agenda driven point is full of shit.
Is that the captain?
I like you hans
>why not just deport them
That was the plan. Turns out deporting millions of people is really complicated and messy. Who knew?
lmao@ the absolute state of (you) op
>saves thumbnail
found the newfag
I really hope you reddit fags dont think Hitler hated all non-whites do you? Cause if you think so you and i need to talk
Hitler transcended life to become a meme.
There's nothing wrong with appreciating memes, any flaws Hitler the man possessed are buried with him, only the legend remains behind, like Genghis Khan.
Would you feel weird about admiring Genghis Khan?
So why feel bad for Hitler?
>b-but 60 million people died....
Those people would have died regardless, at least they died taking part in something historic.
Hitler was not a racist he had niggers and muslims volunteer to the thrid reich
Hitler united the german people and made them strong! He was kick ass
It's from a movie/documentary thing called "Look who's back". I think the German title is "Er ist wieder da".
>learns a Sup Forums meme and repeats it
found the oldfag
Whats wrong user? The pumpflush in your trailer got clogged? Dont fret. Hitler still loves u...
It's a German film called "Er ist Wieder Da" and it's really funny.
where you from?
i just finished watching this now.. its pretty funny.
yeah i know what you mean. i kind of like him for some reason i dont know why i just cant help myself
Le Führér about niggers
I like the part where he shoots the dog and sticks it in his jacket, then pulls it out in the car and plays with it like a puppet.
No, Hitler was based.
The "Mein Kampf-- with my wife" line got me as good as it got Adolf in the movie
If that pic really eas you i wouldnt hate you but i would say stop larping as a nazi. Theres plenty of things to be proud of as an oreo. Hitler isnt one of em...
wat the fuk are oyu
Larping? Wtf are you talking about?
>why not just deport them?
He tried, nobody took them and shipping them to Madagascar wouldn't have been possible with the allied blockade and cost a lot.
Hitler dindu nuffin!
But judging by ur larping id say you had an agenda.
Which agenda doesnt matter bc judging by the material you think will confuse us id estimate your iq at 90.
>He shouldve waited untill wernher von braun perfected the v2 rocket
Nyet it was a complete waste of resources, if there was any missile program he should've backed, it was the prototypes for surface to air missiles.
Nope wtf does this have to do with IQ? Anyway no larping here
You reddit fags need to learn history im not Muslim faggots
>there is something about him
it's hard to explain
Reddit thinks im black lol
The funniest shit i have ever read here lmao
manlets make the best cryptochads
>its hard to explain
Theyre talking about you, boyyy... but youre still the same...
a real human bean
fail no. 1
Kavinkys somg “nightcall”
>you think in quoting another drive song
Fail no. 2.
Speaking of all this guessing...
Guess whos not white?
it's an older meme, you wouldn't understand
Absolutely not, he was a man way ahead of his time.
The absolute state of modern Germany.
Do you have any idea how many medals Hitler won for his WW1 service alone? The guy was literally a walking target, carrying vital info from the front trenches to the back and vice-versa.
Grow some balls boy.
the hitler gif? looks like Impact
Regardless of where you stand on the Holocaust question or the involvement of Germany in the Second World War, you have to admit that Adolf Hitler was a great leader. He was a visionary that helped Germany overcome a great depression following World War 1, and made them a super power in very few years.
Admiring greatness is never something to be ashamed of. You will never hear people talk down to you for admiring Alexander the Great, so why would you care about what others say about Adolf Hitler?
I might be biased, since I'm a National Socialist myself, though.
No, i forgot to be more specific
i asked an font for the Kennedy quote
Seriously, if you want to be edgy and what have you, that's cool, you got your thing, however just so you know Hitler was made up. As long you can accept that fact, you won't have any problems in the long run.
*Pic related faggot