Babby's first redpill

Dear Sup Forums, I need your help.

My gen Z sister has always been into history, and in the recent weeks she said something along the lines of "I'm getting increasingly frustrated about not being able to find any sources about WWII that aren't full of the 'Nazis were pure evil' shit, I kinda want get to know the other side of the story, too."

Will you please help me put together babby's first redpill? I'm afraid to do it myself because if I push it too hard I might ruin the only chance of setting her on the right path.

Picture kind of related, it's what I don't want to see her grow up as.

Other urls found in this thread:–19

show your flag and then we'll talk

Knickerbocker crisis.
>The whole US gets exploited, imo it's when they stopped caring who knows

I'm a Czech living in the UK for the next year.

ok, start by introducing what happened that caused hitler to rise to power
>reparations from ww1
>massive inflation
>how hitler wanted to change that
>form of currency

find excerpts from mein kampf
the book was written by him, so it will give the reasons why he did what he did.

How about a copy of mein kampf?

wheel barrows full of money
communists fighting in the streets

not linking anything for left pol to ruin

It's basically Das Kapital. You should be able to see that.

1918-1919 Communist revolution and its Jewish makeup
Weimar Berlin
the original Antifa attacking political opponents long before the Brownshirts/SA even existed

you just have to explain what was happening in germany around the time. tell her to study ww1 briefly and the period between the wars. people didn't just start killing each other for shits and giggles, there's always a reason.

also, don't tell her to avoid the bias sources. let her know that you have to look for bias in every source and be aware of that when reading through these things. also, war journals are great reads if you can find them online.

do you want to see her turn into this?

It's a fun game to substitute "Jew" with "banker" and quoting it to leftists ...

OP just show her “The Greatest Story Never Told”

Just remembered tragedy and hope is pretty good for covering the general picture that lead to WWII.

I do

Das Kapital was written first.

Why do you assume this has to be pointed out?

>no hips
>shitty tats
>fake tits

I don't wish that future on anyone

>I don't want to push it too hard
>How about a copy of Mein Kampf

What would you consider "too hard"?

pic related would be preferable–19

>... an alleged conspiracy of Socialists and Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, largely drawing fuel from the fact that eight out of the ten leaders of the communist revolution were Jewish.

You got a downloadable?


Can't really think of anything ... the mainstream is a caricature to which "mein kampf" seems mild in comparison.

especially combined with this:

But as others mentioned, the circumstances leading to WWII are the most important thing usually not covered.
My recommendation in this case is:
It's fairly neutral and a great read for anyone interested in history.

try youtube nigger

It's blocked in many parts of memeflag-land.

Explain the exploitation. Knickerbocker failing is one of those things we learn in US history and forget the following week because the implications discussed are all superficial

Nazis where shitty people, it's not up for discussion. But they didn't do things without reason. The communism was on the rise and Jews were some of the driving force behind it. That obviously pissed Krauts off.
I think you should approach it from this angle, not glorify them, like some of the retards on Sup Forums

Exactly because communism, and socialism are the same thing. Both are oppressive regimes. Also might as well put fascism in with them.

jews took over russia and installed communism
from their seat in russia they tried to install communism in the rest of eastern europe using the same tactics they do today which is to gain control of the media and then control the narrative as they demonize the native germans.

Just go right for blood about Jews and shit.

Here's an archive link:

>America's vast moral failure to offer refuge to Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, a story told so powerfully by David S. Wyman in his two books and that of many subsequent historians, can never be forgotten. The story is told in the permanent exhibition of the United States Holocaust Museum, but with less prominence than it deserves, no doubt out of concern for appearing overly critical of the nation on whose national mall the museum stands. While the U.S. administration was fully informed how and where millions were being murdered in Europe, only a handful were grudgingly granted safety here. The story of the ship the St. Louis is perhaps the most poignant and widely known instance of this monstrous policy, but scores of Jews seeking refuge could tell equally appalling tales of grotesque treatment. Along with the trade in African slaves and the institution of slavery and the treatment of Native Americans, America's abandonment of the Jews to Nazi annihilation is arguably the greatest moral failure in its history. This shameful, frightening history has formed, as it were, the sacred moral basis for mainstream Jewish support for generous legal immigration.

greatest story never told obviously

Although I myself am not Natsoc I can still see past the whole 'le ebil nazis' narrative, quick word of advice the last thing you want to do it start pushing the holohoax and Jewish conspiracy narrative, that scares normies away like work to a nigger.
Start small talk about the average German and how Hitlers economic reforms helped them out,and public work projects like autobahn, also I find that talking about Hitlers ww1 service tends to make people think if he was actually that bad of a guy. Big tip because
she's a girl talk about blondi my GF fucking loves that dog ''people who love dogs cant have been so bad :P'' is the general response I get from her. Anyway gods speed OP

I've never read a full history of Germany from 1918 to 1933, just smaller fragments over the years but explain to her that after the war the country had to pay reparations to all the countries in WW1, and it ruined the economy so badly that the central banks decided to print unlimited money, and so money became worthless.

So the people were very poor and desperate, and they were also very angry at the jewish german ambassadors that had allowed them to be thrown under the bus for the whole bill for the war as well as the jewish bankers that had ruined the economy even more by printing money, next the communists tried to revolt in the country, also led by jews and overthrow the government by force.

Hitler had been going around beer halls telling people that his party would remove the jewish bankers that were plundering the country and destroy the communists to protect the people, reform the currency, rebuild germany etc.
He was also an excellent speaker and quite well informed on the situation so people supported him

Also try to track down the Stalag translation of "Mein Kampf", it should still be the most accurate version at large. Therein you will find many useful cues.

T. Has read neither

Can you view this?

Try libgen nigger


Oh, it's a movie? nevermind then

Yes l have, and both are pretty much the same garbage. Both thoughts always lead to some form of repression.

WTF this is big... never seen those
So they literally manufactured history?

You and her should watch Unsere Mütter, Unser Väter. It’s on Netflix, but I think the English version is titled Generation War.

I had my girlfriend watch it and she felt real sympathy for the German soldiers fighting the Soviets.

Although, it does depict the SS as monsters. I think it was trying to make a point of the difference between the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS, but you did say you wanted baby’s first redpill.

you are correct

Haavara agreement

these types of redpills are the worst and least effective. The reason is that there is no evidence of those fake images being used by anyone as evidence. It's hard to tell in what context they were made and when. Stick to the real hard hitting redpills on nazis to be honest.

Just watch the greatest story never told.

nazi diversity to the rescue

I recommend only showing her normie documentries to redpill her. Oi you sent her some documentries made by hitlerdidnothingwrong88 she's goimg to dismiss it.

I recommend starting off showing her a documentry on the weimer republic
Make sure she understands the Ideals behind fascism and national socialism.
Start with the orgin of the word fascism. Then move onto the concept of the organic state. She doesn't have to agree with these Ideals just understand that these are the Ideals that hitler truly belived in.
Next show that hitler was not a tyrant. Show that he truly loved the german people and that his love was returned.

Watch (We defeated The wrong enemy )

William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich depicts Hitlers as really intelligent and politically savy (makes sense seeing how the guy went from being a literal bum to one of the most powerful men in the world) and the book is one of the most cited and read books on Nazi Germany.



If you're too retarded to put it together yourself, I'm sure as hell not going to help you faggot

Tell her how your people were rape by russians, and how these kind of stuff is overlooked by textbook cause my narrative.

Explain her the consequences of coalburning

fuck off shill.

we are more than happy to help people learn the truth

There is no form of government or organizing society without some form of repression. If you want to live without repression and with muh freedom go to some remote Pacific island or the South Pole. Civilizations are built with repressions, law, order and hierarchy.

Fucking nu Sup Forums is disgustingly idiotic, I wonder how you deal with people in the real world, assuming you have any social skills at all faggot

Its a trap!

I'd black her

Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley explains the run up to the World Wars extremely well, but unless your sister is an extremely high IQ autist it'll be beyond her. It's very dry, dense reading. But it's there and PDFs are easy to find online.

The greatest story never told all you need faggot can find it on yourtube also hellstorm is good, YT channels esoteric truths and impartial truth and bodhi mantra are great channels


surf kali yuga ride the lighting my nigger

I have been hearing about this more and more the past few years about Gen Z being more conservative and right winged. It could just be news outlets over exaggerating and stirring up drama, but it seems plausible. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next generation was more right winged due to the fact that most of them grew up with SJWism and political correctness. It would be quite ironic if overly liberal millennials caused a right winged generation.

>Did Gen Z grow up being redpilled?