Dear friends, Take this moment, If you want to accept Jesus Christ free gift of salvation, pray this from your heart, humbly to God:
"Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that You died on the Cross and Rose from the dead for my sins. I ask you to come into my heart and forgive me for my sins, save me, take me to be with You when I die. I now receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus holy name, Amen."
If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and meant it with all of your heart, you are now a child of God and will go to heaven
Liam Lopez
>you are now a child of God and will go to heaven No we won't, because of Mark 3:29. Blasphemy is an ETERNAL sin which, Mark tells us, can NEVER be forgiven.
If you want to convert the pagans, best not to lie while doing it. It's not a good look for you.
Cameron Gutierrez
That refers specifically to the Pharisees saying that Jesus was possessed by a demon and had an unclean spirit. How would one blaspheme the Holy Ghost today, I don't know.
Luis Powell
Connor Scott
Fuck off, Schlomo, you are not required to sell anything.
Daniel Cruz
Chase Lewis
Connor Taylor
godspeed brothers. dues vult.
Gavin Cox
>Shut up! Y-you're a Jew!
This is really the best you can do, isn't it
John Adams
Jesus promises to save you if you believe in him. There are no other requirements.
Hunter Garcia
Not today, but there were originally.
Luke 14:33 "In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples."
Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Luke 12:33 “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.”
Luke 18:22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Please note that only Luke 18:22 and Matthew 19:21 concern the story of Jesus advising the wealthy young man about the difficulty of entering heaven.
These verses are included for completeness, and to acknowledge the existence of this story because the most common objection I receive to the claim that Jesus required followers to sell their belongings is that I *must* be talking about this particular story and misunderstanding the message it conveys.
However in Luke 12:33 and Luke 14:33 Jesus is not speaking to that man but to a crowd following him, and in 14:33 he specifically says that those who do not give up everything they have **cannot** be his disciples. It is therefore not a recommendation but a requirement.
Julian Morales
Luke 14:26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple."
Matt. 10:35-37 “For I have come to turn a man against his father a daughter against her mother a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law---a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
Christopher Gonzalez
Jesus christ is a faggot ass kike.
William Green
Also you should think really hard about why belief in the resurrection became the sole condition for salvation.
It wouldn't be that way if Christianity were really meant to cultivate good behavior. But it makes perfect sense if instead all they want from you is conversion.
This is why they say you get into heaven even if you raped 100 babies so long as you convert to Christianity. The only important thing to them is getting you to believe what they do and help spread it.
James King
>Shut up Jew! I'm not listening la la la
Do you realize while typing such replies that you do so because you have no rebuttal, or do you lack even that meager degree of self awareness?
Jackson Lewis
Because if you had to go to Heaven based on your works no one would go because all have sinned. There would be zero people saved.
Ryan Rogers
dear Jesus let me bear my sins alone I do not accept that you do my job thanks bud
Jonathan Jenkins
Parker Smith
Aiden Watson
Indeed, that's the in-religion rationale which you take at face value.
"It can be difficult or impossible for people in the religion to see it in this way. Aspects of how it's designed help put it as far beyond doubt as possible such that it's the absolute last institution that a believer would ever suspect as fraudulent.
As a result, describing it as an unusually successful end of the world cult will sound to them either like crazy talk or a deliberate attempt to be hurtful. They will see the verses supplied above as being misconstrued, because there is an "in-religion" rationale for each of them which the true believer feels is the actual meaning.
For instance, in Scientology there is a disconnection policy which urges members to cut off family members who are trying to extricate them from the church. We all know why. But the reason they give, which members take at face value, is that being around people low on the tone scale will inhibit their movement up the bridge, the Scientologist equivalent of spiritual growth.
So it goes for the Biblical verses I supplied. Someone still on the inside will perceive, interpret, and feel completely differently about them than a skeptic, even while being able to identify the true purpose of the exact same practices in religions they are not a part of. You can only see what stuff like that's really intended for from the outside."
Michael Watson
But that's exactly what's going to happen if you don't believe.
Chase Hughes
It's not "in-religion rationale", it's exactly what the Bible says. What God himself says.
Robert Parker
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. Yes, the Bible says that. You're intended to believe the reason for it that the Bible gives.
But it serves a practical purpose from the standpoint of helping the religion to grow.
Xavier Sanchez
That reads like a chain e-mail from 1996.
Dominic Reed
This is not by coincidence. Chain emails are also just information organized in such a way as to compel hosts to spread it.
Isaac Anderson
God strictly forbids having his Word changed. You're supposed to preach it exactly as it is, and whoever doesn't agree, he's free to walk away.
Landon Myers
Levi Evans
>God strictly forbids having his Word changed.
What you mean is that the authors of scripture forbade it.
>You're supposed to preach it exactly as it is, and whoever doesn't agree, he's free to walk away.
There are many millions in history who were not free to walk away. Christianity as it originally existed is very different from what it is today. This is because cults drop a lot of the more overtly objectionable practices as they grow, no longer needing them or wanting to deal with the backlash.
This process can be seen at different stages in Islam, which is 600 years younger than Christianity and still violent, in Mormonism, which is younger still and mostly still regarded as a cult, and in Scientology which is even younger and unanimously identified as a cult.
Jack Garcia
You do not have to be a direct disciple of Jesus to be saved. Salvation is gifted.
Landon Martinez
And when you say "many millions in history who were not free to walk away" you mean what?
Mason Jackson
That's not what the church or any Christian besides you says.
Christian slaughter of pagans who would not convert.
John Diaz
What is a virus? What makes it specifically a virus as opposed to a microorganism? For one thing, a virus cannot reproduce by itself. Microorganisms like amoebas, protozoa, and the cells in your body can do that on their own.
A virus is just a container for its own genetic material which injects it into microorganisms. Viral DNA or RNA simply consists of instructions which compel the infected cell to make more viruses, in order to infect yet more cells.
Viruses do not have to be biological! Everybody's heard of computer viruses. They are very small, simple programs which, if simply left sitting in storage media like a flash drive or CD, would be inert and powerless.
Like a biological virus, they cannot reproduce themselves, they need a host to do that. Computers in this case. The virus is simply instructions for a computer which compel it to make more viruses in order to infect more computers.
Some have more of a purpose than that. There are types which commandeer large numbers of computers to serve the interests of the guy who programmed it, such as bitcoin mining or sending out mass spam emails. This is called a botnet.
There are some which bring up fraudulent messages that look like legitimate system warnings, asking you to buy software from the company responsible for making that virus in order to fix a nonexistent issue. This is known as scareware.
Now, viruses can be biological and they can be software. In either case, if you boil it down to basics, it's just *information* designed to compel some sort of host to propagate it to more hosts, spreading faster than it can be removed.
So it should come as no surprise that there can exist viruses designed to do this to the human brain, consisting of information written down, recorded as audio or in some other format comprehensible to us.
Lucas Foster
The Catholic church is not Christian.
Liam Campbell
One example is a chain letter. It includes a strong but unverifiable incentive if you send it to 5 friends, like *"your crush will confess to you tomorrow"*. Of course that doesn't happen but because it's conditional on you sending it to five people, by the time you find that out, the author of the chain email has already gotten what he wanted from you; for you to spread it.
There's also an unverifiable punishment if you don't spread it which works the same way. Something like *"If you don't send this to five people, a headless ghost girl will visit you in your bed tonight"*. By the time you discover that was a load of BS, you've sent the mail on to five more people.
There is often some sort of imminent time limit, like *"send it within 24 hours"* or *"five minutes from when you see this"*, and the reward is conditional upon sending it within that period. This is to add urgency and prevent you from thinking too carefully about what the email is and what it's designed to do.
Then, there are often testimonials from people it has purportedly worked for. *"I sent it to five of my friends, now I'm married to my crush!!"* This is to create the appearance that it works and diminish your doubts.
Pyramid schemes aren't identical to this but share a great many of the same motivational methods. The unverifiable promise of future riches if you stick with the program and recruit as many friends and family into it as you can.
The testimonials from members who are either within the small percentage who actually did profit (and are being misrepresented as typical) or were coached to misrepresent how much success they had.
Often as they are true believers that they will eventually be rich anyways and do not want friends and family who warned them away from participating to have the satisfaction of being right, members are only too happy to live outside their means while boasting to anybody who will listen how successful they've been by sticking to the program.
Camden Cooper
According to Catholics it is.
John Cox
This brings us to Abrahamic religions. You might say "hold on, don't you mean all religion?" I once thought this as well but remember that Eastern religions exist and by and large do not adhere to this formula unless you make it so loose and general as to be meaningless.
Abrahamic religions adhere to the formula described so far perfectly, and even improve on it in some areas. Christianity moreso than Judaism, and Islam/Mormonism moreso than Christianity.
1. Founder claims world is ending imminently (1 John 2:18, Matthew 10:23, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 24:34) 2. He wants you to sell or give away your belongings ( Luke 14:33, Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22) 3. He wants you to cut off family who interfere, and leave your home/job to follow him (Matt. 10:35-37, Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:29) 4. Unverifiable reward if you believe (Heaven, i.e. the carrot) 5. Unverifiable punishment if you disbelieve (Hell, i.e. the stick) 6. Sabotages the critical thinking faculties you might otherwise use to remove it (Proverbs 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 28:26) 7. Invisible trickster character who fabricates apparent evidence to the contrary in order to lead you astray from the true path (Satan) 8. Targets children and the emotionally/financially vulnerable for recruitment (sunday schools, youth group, teacher led prayer, prison ministries, third world missions)
Islam goes a step further with additions like the promise of guaranteed passage to paradise for those who die fighting infidels, which begets aggressive expansionism. Judaism has the reward/punishment dynamic but not much else, sort of a prototype for what came later.
William Taylor
Of course groups structured like this are already known about. The modern word for them is "cult". In this case specifically a doomsday/messianic cult. While Christianity today no longer includes many of those practices (like requiring new converts to sell their stuff, rendering them materially dependent on the group and less likely to leave if they experience doubts) that's because once a cult grows to the point where membership numbers are sufficient to guarantee long term survival, policies that were necessary to retain converts early on can be jettisoned (as they make tempting ammo for critics anyways)
Mormonism is much younger than Christianity, and so has not yet jettisoned many of the cult-like practices, which is why the general Christian public often identifies it as a cult. Scientology is younger than Mormonism and accordingly is still an obvious, full blown cult.
Despite their doctrinal differences, religions of this type can always be identified by the *formula* they share. In the same way that, even if nobody receives the Nigerian prince 419 email anymore, they can still tell that when a Dutch dignitary being exiled "needs help moving his fortune out of the country" and "some of it can be yours for a relatively slight transfer fee", it's still the same type of scam but with changed details.
Likewise, for every religion which uses this formula there is an unverifiable future reward if you join and don't leave (Heaven, being carried away by UFOs, whatever) an unverifiable punishment if you don't join or ever leave (left behind by UFOs as the Earth is destroyed, sent to Hell, etc.) a short term time limit to add urgency, both to convert yourself and to go evangelize so you can save as many other people as possible before "the end", testimonials from people who supposedly prayed and were healed, received a financial windfall or whatever else, etc. etc. etc.
Hunter Reyes
>Palestinian mythology
Alexander Hughes
Well, no shit. How is this an argument?
Chase Perez
You're in the same boat they are, but do not realize it for the same reasons they don't. Likewise with Mormons, Muslims, etc.
Each religion works the exact same way with respect to incentivizing belief, deterring doubt and motivating you to spread it.
Charles Rivera
>Christian slaughter of pagans who would not convert.
Not nearly as bad as pagan slaughter of Christians until Rome converted.
Wyatt Hughes
You're an atheist, aren't you?
Carson Sanders
Moving the goalposts. You originally said everybody is free to walk away from Christianity. That wasn't always true.
Lincoln Roberts
No, I possess a truth unknown to you.
Grayson Morales
The Bible warmed about you, fool profesing himself to be wise.
Ethan Morris
No shit, they didn't want somebody to figure out how Christianity works and pull the same stunt. That's what Joseph Smith and Muhammad did.
Grayson Thompson
Catholics are the original Christians. Everything else is heresy. How can you abandon the church Christ founded while claiming to follow him?
Kayden Morgan
It's always been true. Even Jesus himself didn't chase after people that didn't want to listen.
Xavier Cox
Are you claiming to have hidden motivations? Since you want to destroy the faith in God, you must believe you have something better. Speak openly.
Colton Anderson
The real Christians follow the Bible.
Cameron Bennett
No. While you are deceived, you are not worthy to hear it. I offer you nothing to replace your false beliefs with. You should have the strength to let go of them without any replacement lined up, and simply conclude that you don't know anymore. That's an important place to pass through, and some people spend their entire lives there, none the worse for it.
Chase Ross
But you admitted a second ago that Christians slaughtered pagans who wouldn't convert.
Michael Fisher
>occult knowledge it's all ogre now
Nathan Diaz
Just because they give themselves the title of "Christian" doesn't mean that they are. If you don't follow the Bible, you're not a Christian.
Adam King
No, it has nothing to do with the occult. Or anything supernatural, period.
Logan Bell
So Christians can do anything, no matter how terrible, and it never counts against Christianity? That sure is convenient.
Ryder Thomas
If they're not following the Word of the Bible they are not Christians. What's so hard to understand?
Aiden Murphy
then, race realism. My ancestors are looking at me, n' shit.
How pitiful.
Can be no other.
Jace Reyes
It's not that I don't understand your thinking on the topic. I am pointing out that it permits Christians to commit any terrible act without any repercussions for the image of the religion itself. You are the one who apparently does not understand me.
Adrian Torres
No, nothing like that. It's impossible for you to guess. It is unlike anything you have ever heard of.
Nathaniel Morris
Look up the difference between discipleship and salvation. The Bible itself has much to say on it, no matter how you have evidently taken what I, your church, or every single other Christian has said. I also find it somewhat miraculous that you have spoke with every single other Christian on the subject.
Sebastian Foster
Fuck Jahwe and fuck Jewsus
Blake Parker
Bentley James
This is you.
Adam Rodriguez
Nicholas Evans
This is you
Kayden Green
"Give up everything you have" >tell the truth and accept the consequences
>Do my ass look fat in the jeans Yes. >by muhfucka Damn, i lost her, but i knew telling her the truth would cause this outcome.... or did i?
Dominic Fisher
Benjamin Wilson
>"I've been found out!" When Abaddon binds you in Hell my smile will cleave the Heavens apart.
Cameron Parker
Ooga booga wololo to you as well, friend. You're doing exactly as you were programmed to, reflexively assuming anything which causes you to doubt is a Satanic ploy. They teach you that to keep you fooled.
Samuel Rivera
It's a gut feeling. The Holy Ghost within me doesn't lie, oh son of the morning.
Adrian Nguyen
This is also what Mormons tell you when you ask how they know the Mormon church is true. They search within themselves and God reveals to them by way of their feelings that their church is the true one.
Is that a reliable way of knowing what is true?
Mason Smith
Jayden Perez
Colton Wilson
Nolan Miller
Angel Jackson
Kayden Sanchez
James Gutierrez
Ultimately you must have faith.
Logan Barnes
I wish it worked that way. Too bad I can't lie to myself and believe in God. I hope you're right and people like myself aren't beyond redemption, but I'm not going to get what I want by lying to myself and Him, if He's real. Good luck though with conversions, hope you make a positive difference in the world.
Xavier Kelly
That's a goypoint
Liam Morgan
God doesn't exist faggot.
Aiden Adams
Levi Myers
Xavier Parker
Justin Reyes
That's another goypoint
Oliver Gonzalez
Elijah Ward
Just so we're clear. It was not "easy" by any stretch of imagination to aquire any of this information. It took over a year to find these primary citations since what I was originally given was word of mouth. But those are the best researchers, the ones who already know the answers
Ian Hughes
Bentley Allen
Jace Ortiz
Andrew Thompson
Unbelief, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is countered by Belief, which is salvation.
Believe, and be saved.
Daniel Evans
Oliver Ward
I am sick and tired of the demi-urge trying to claim my soul.
Jaxson Watson
The Holy Spirit is witness to all men that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
To say that Jesus is not the Christ, the Son of the Living God, is to call the Holy Spirit of God a liar.
As all lies do the work of the devil, the father of lies, to say that the Holy Spirit lies and does the work of the devil is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
The unpardonable sin is Unbelief.
It is countered by Belief. Believe and be saved; believe not, and be condemned.
Nathan Davis
Might was well be sick and tired of leprechauns taking all your loose change.
There is no demiurge; it's an invention of the satanic gnostics.
Kevin Hill
It's not eternal. The Greek simply says "This sin will not be forgiven in this age or in the age to come." Pick up Youngs Literal Translation to see this. "this age" is the age of Christ, the second would be His millenial reign, which is after the tribulation which lasts 3.5 years. Also this sin is continual rejection of the gospel after being repeatedly told it and having full knowledge and beleif in it and yet still refusing to repent and be baptized
Gavin Scott
A second interpretation while not refuting the first would be that it also refers to purgatory. Saying "it will not be forgien in this world or in the world to come." Pope Gregory teh Great clarfied this doctrine saying there's no forgiveness for this sin in purgatory