Pure white chad here dating a Muslim chic looks like pic related. If I breed this woman have I betrayed the white race? She has submitted to me completely. Whatever I want when I want. She refuses to date or marry Muslim men which means she has no relationship with her family.
Pure white chad here dating a Muslim chic looks like pic related. If I breed this woman have I betrayed the white race...
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A roastie is a roastie, no matter what hat she has on.
When you're at work, she's fucking AhmedineChad.
Be careful of her 100 cousins trying to kill you
Don’t think she’s promiscuous. Just a gut feeling. I’ve dated whores before who all unironically were white women with drinking problems
>on Sup Forums
>of course
Don't you think it's kind of ill-spirited to bed a woman if you are unwilling to wed her and provide for her all that hudbandly duties en-tale?
Yeah I carry a gun all the time though. Not worried about beta Ahmed trying something really. I’m 6foot 205 / fit
My biggest concern is that am I doing good for the white race by bleaching her or am I fucking it over?
Girl in pic is white obviously.
What are you getting at kike? Is this not what you want? Better yet she’s 100% Palestinian
Well I hope you like 'knife' cause that's what's for lunch.
This chic looks very similar but no not white. She has very light skin with green eyes but is a shitskin. But answer the question am I a betrayer for this?
Sure nigger
Her genes are white enough to have green or blue eyes, so she can be bleached.
You are improving the gene pool, by making her children 50% white. You must, however, also impregnate as many white women as possible.
So the Jew thinks I should keep my dick in my pants for another white woman? This is new
You're bleaching her, Arabs are the easiest to bleach. Take a look at these half Palestinian bitches.
K I’d like my races permission to proceed. Thanks bros
If her cunt lips and nipples are dark then it ain't white.
>Is this not what you want? Better yet she’s 100% Palestinian
She's an Arab, phenotype is not genotype. You're betraying the white race but do as you wish.
She’s 100% Palestinian but no she isn’t white. No dark nipples or pussy. Tan I guess is the word?
I am always consistent in my work
But am I not bleaching out her race? That’s my debacle
Ew no
Bleaching or making half Arab kids? It's all how you look at it.
Just wondering, what do you mean by betray the white race.
Like your only relation to the white race is to be born as someone of the white race. Wondering why niggers and Sup Forums so obsessed by their own race
Meh if she is hot and submissive and will be a caring mother then fucking seed her and see what happens. If you love the girl then do it faggot, but teach your bleachies tradwhite values. good luck
There is a high chance she carries the inbred mongrel genes of her ancestors after centuries of accepted incest.
>pure semi-yellow beta here
>marrying a hotter version of pic related
>I make 4 figures and have three motorcycles
>she's a bitch only half the time
>sometimes she makes rice
>she left her emotionally abusive ex because of islam and she hates her family for no real reason
>do you guys mind if I keep making this thread over and over again?
>what do you guys think? Blue pilled or black pilled?
Bc I don’t want whites to die out and I feel I should continue to add more whites to the world. I also want to bleach out the rest. Except niggers. Can’t fuck an ape
>hudbandly duties en-tale
>superior Jewish verbal IQ
Oy vey!
Don't race mix, especially with a woman whose people are at the throats of ours.
It really puts your kids at a distinct disadvantage in life.
Convert her to Christianity or the both of you will be going to hell.
Not bad but you haven't convinced me
I’d like to convert her to Christianity if possible but yeah.
Have 8 kids
That’s the goal bro but can I breed her beforehand?
Man I should try for a fucking second wife honestly. They are cool with that shit right? If I’m going to fucking do it might as well push for the perks
They will look nothing like you. Check her parents and grandparents, that's what they will inherit
Convert her to Christianity so no second wife.
That’s going to be hard but I’m going to try. If I fail?
Whitewashing is fine as long as your descendants do the same
don't expect your children to look like white.
There is no whay she is that white pic related unless she is a Bosnian.
Go ahead, Hitler had a thing for Slims.
Arabs are literally caucasoids you fucking mong. They don't have your degenerate aztec-pardo blood either.
Is she still even a muslim then?
This site has to be full of trolls/bots. Muslim women aren't allowed to date non-muslims. It means they are automatically non-muslim and also I don't think the Imam or whatever you call them will do the wedding.
Find a different girl and try again.
you're basically using a double edged sword.
You're making the white race bleed a bit by failing to have 100% european children, but you're also causing much more damage to muslims by
1. taking one of their attractive women
2. creating a beacon whenever you're out in public together to normalise to other muslim chicks to fuck white guys
so overall, yeah it hurts the white race a tiny bit but you are causing much more damage to muslims so overall I'd say it is worth it for the white race.
BUT this is only true because she has submitted to you and won't require you to become muslim or for her kids to be raised muslim.
Palestinian muslims are little different they can marry Christians cause they're still people of the book
I've dated some really white looking indian/arab chicks...their pussy is black as shit.
Another way to confirm is their feet, it looks much darker than teh rest of the body.
I need to see her feet to decide
Well, at least girl is not secretly own&carry some bomb, suppressed pistol, and .... maybe cyanide pill or two.
The MEN can marry WOMEN of other religions "People of the Book".
The WOMEN can only marry MUSLIMS.
It's the same for every muslim.
Yeah but kind of fading. She will drink rarely and we fucked on the 7th date after I committed. She still prays 5 times a day
>Marrying/breeding with a muslim
lmao good luck buddy.
She says shit like allah forgives all. I’m not complaining lad
My moms a muslim my dads a christian. Im telling you palestinans are a little different same with lebanese and syrians. Its considered heretical to other muslims though but hell I ended up agnostic along with my 3 siblings and my parents dont mind as long as we're not degenerate.
>a Muslim chic
>She has submitted to me completely
>She refuses to date or marry Muslim men
what's your definition of Muslim exactly?
>Pure white chad here
Then your mom is not a muslim. She WAS a muslim.
Ain't she willing to convert for Christianity? Anyway, white arab girls are really hot.
if she's letting you fuck her before marriage and is submissive, then once you have kids with her, she'll probably accept it if you put your foot down and say "look , my kids will be raised catholic"
especially if she's already pregnant because if she's gone that far with you then she'll already probably believe that it is more important that her child grows up with a father than grows up muslim. If she were a serious muslim then she wouldn't be fucking with you like this, probably.
So feel out the situation, stay as you are, but if you ever think that any children you have with her probably end up muslim, then drop it and get a white girl, because if they're brought up muslim then your kids will probably be more loyal to islam than the white race and you will have damaged the white race by failing to have white kids and you won't have even damaged muslims in return so no way will it be worth it.
But it sounds like if you keep this up you'll have no problem raising your kids how you want.
>looks like pic related
Ho ho.
Yeah well she's not a muslim. Have fun with your white non-muslim hot girl. You can convert to Christianity easily.
implying they fight fair. Just a can of acid thrown in your face will make you undatable for 99,9% of women.
I'm not trying to scare you, but if her family is hardcore, you should think about moving places.
t. someone who doesn't know any muslim and what they really do
also how ugly is she that you're the best she can catch
You gotta get her to leave that shit behind. can't have her shit out some little muslims if wifing her is your intentions.
She wears a hijab and prays 5 times a day. She used to make us memorize the koran and made us pray and fast when we were kids. Then on Sundays we'd go to church with dad. I know alot of palestinians who did this. My neighborhood is literally called little ramallah.
>fair skinned
>calls herself muslim
>fucks around and hates her family
op's girlfriend confirmed for kemalist turk and/or imaginary
>Yeah but kind of fading. She will drink rarely and we fucked on the 7th date after I committed. She still prays 5 times a day
Could be tricky. I thought you said that she refuses to date muslim men.
Praying 5 times a day goes against this. she's probably just saying that because it's what you want to hear.
Also it seems doubtful that she has no relationship with her family if she prays 5 times a day.
I wouldn't get complacent lad. You should get her on the pill and start fucking her raw if you aren't already, or at least do raw pull out sex.
The raw dick and chemicals from semen will cause a chemical reaction in her to bond her to you more closely.
You'll need to make her really fall for you to break or erode her dedication to her religion
Here’s her picture
Either you're a troll or just lying. A muslim woman cannot marry a christian man. It's written in the Koran. There is just one Islam and one Koran. No muslim ignores that and goes to mosque. Palestinians do not do this. This site is full of bots and trolls.
First pic is hotter.
She'll make an awesome housewife and a mother. She'll basically be asian like with your kids studies without actually being a anal cunt. Wife the bitch up and bleach her.
Of course first is hotter. Still hot tho
A good Muslim wife is like a glorified bang-maid.
You should convert. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.
Fuck off no.
Im not gonna out myself but this guy is a friend of the family and he was raised christian-muslim as well.
Just stfu and do what you want cunt
Convert her and pump as many kids as you can have into her NOW
Shes caucasian. If youre slavic, greek or italian. You must likely have a small dose of what she has anyway. Its fine youre kids will be white, just make sure theu dont fall for the kike bait that they are part of a global single race.
you forgot to add [pbuh]
silly americans always need telling how to troll properly
Leave a crusader baby in her and then leave her.
She gonna behead you in your sleep or take you to the cleaners?
>Let's watch to see which happens 1st.
Fuck off
Found the kike
make sure you convert to Islam and are conservative.
lol didn't you know? arab muslim girls in american universities and highschools really fantasise about white guys.
there's an entire sub-genre of erotica and romance written by muslim american highschool and college girls of them fantasising about getting a white bf lol.
"Zara Ahmed is a seventeen year old witty, beautiful and clever Muslim girl. She has two close friends Nadia and Mehreen.
After Nadia has an unfortunate accident. Zara is forced to go to the hospital everyday to give Nadia, her school work. What she doesn't know is that the local well known bad boy Cain works at the same hospital.
Cain does not only have killer looks and charm but he is also the biggest racist and bigot, Zara has ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Cain begins taking an interest in Zara but not in the way anybody would want. She is his target, the fuel to his anger and it all started over a marshmallow."
These all have like 50k reads lmao.
There's literally an entire community of north american muslim girls who schlick to the thought of getting a white boyfriend.
i know that bitch from twitter
ain't that a Christmas miracle
sent her this thread
don't think she'll look kindly on you calling her a shitskin and asking an indian designated shitting website for life choices
Since we started dating I started reading up on it and found it’s more common than I originally thought. I have only fucked a pooloo bitch before this
thread anthem
I’m in agreance with this gentleman
>written by muslim american highschool and college girls
>"Did I get little Nafasa scared?" He teased, smirking at me.
>Did he just call me Nafasa?
>"It's Nafisa," I corrected him, crossing my arms.
>Garrett shrugged. "Same thing, same weird foreign names."
>My head snapped towards his direction, angrily, as my blood boiled. "Don't you dare make fun of my name!"
>I couldn't believe this guy. How could people like him? He was rude, and totally disrespectful!
>"Oh, I'm so scared!" Garrett mocked, rolling his eyes.
>I glared at him, turning my head away from him, so I could no longer see his handsome yet annoying face.
This is what muslim girls in white countries actually fantasise about lmao
They're sitting there waiting for someone to take the initiative and COLONISE them.
Tell her to get rid of her headscarf and then do whatever the fuck you want.
>pure white chad
Doesn't check out at all.
dunno what that has to do with anything