This is the OFFICIAL Sup Forums stance on Jerusalem.
This is the OFFICIAL Sup Forums stance on Jerusalem.
Is Palestine even a country?
Take that goat fucking sand nigger talk to CNN. The JQ needs to be talked about but the sand niggers need to be delt with first!!
>This is the OFFICIAL Sup Forums stance on Jerusalem.
We have no "official" stance. We have no official spokesperson.
Fuck off new fag. You don't belong here.
hot desu
I just hope this whole thing leads to more Muslims and Jews killing each other.
How's that jew dick taste, Trumpshits?
Sup Forums stands with Palestine.
Israel should be allowed to declare whatever city it wants as the capital. They should also be allowed to wipe Palestine off the map.
Meme the author of this comic as an antisemite to further divide the left.
Making Jerusalem the capital is a Trojan horse move to get Christan troops in the city via an embassy.
nope, never was, and never will be
Dare I say, BLUMPF BTFO?
>implying Sup Forums cares about mudshits
Sup Forums stands with glassing the middle east completely
We now stand with terrorists? I don't think so.
Sup Forums stands wherever the fuck it wants.
is Israel?
Heh? That voting is in a week.
Haven't heard about Lattuff in a while, is he still drawing?
I remember him being a literal tankie while supporting gay SJW stuff and ISIS at the same time. Pretty confusing desu.
And the rest of the world should be allowed to glass Israel and the middle east off the map.
>Autistic christcuckery, the post.
>He thinks the UN matters to real countries
the only official stance on Sup Forums is that you're a nigger
Jerusalem needs to be an open city ruled directly by Jesus
Stop pooing on this board.
I don't stand with terrorist regardless of how much I hate Israel.
I don't recall Trump stating that anyone but the US is moving its embassy to Jerusalem. Nor do I recall Trump telling any other country that they had to also recognize Jerusalem as the capitol.
Personally, I would rather stay out of this Semitic turf war over Jerusalem. I would rather have the kikes and mudslimes settle it or fight over it themselves.
However, now I support moving the US embassy to Jerusalem just to spite the cock suckers at the UN.
You have to learn to wipe your ass before you can wipe out a race, Sanjay
Dear Israelis, and Palestinians!
just fuckin genocide eachother already
What could be more complete than taking jerusalem from the jews?
buenos dias Donald
Ebin meme reply. How long did it take you to come up with that one?
'least I use hand bidets and not paper unlike you filthy shart in mart obese cunts.
Another failure for Trump. Beautiful.
Trump gave Israhell it's last point f leverage (Jerusalem) knowing the UN would BTFO it.
Now the kikes can't claim Trump isn't a "good goy" nor do their previous "Make Jerusalem Great Again" leverage have any sway over GEOTUS.
Trump is playing these fuckers like an Apex Preditor toying with it's food.
(pic related)
take off the flag, clyde, we all know you came from reddit
>we're moving our embassy to jerusalem
>whatever. here's the new address you can send your faggot letters to if you decide you still have a problem with this come next news cycle (you wont)
why does the UN go out of it's way to kick up a stink about things it's completely powerless to stop?
Jerusalem is the capital of the giant nuclear hole!
Only women use bidets. You use them to clean the poo from your vagina, I presume?
Why bother washing your ass if you're gonna shit on the street?
Nice ID. You do a lot of thinking about the taste of dicks, don't you?
"Sup Forums stands with Palestine"
Fuck off goat fucker.
Hello, UN. Good to know you don't research your targets.
Goddamn the war is never gonna start
Agreeing with the UN is official Sup Forums stance?
Hopefully they deal with each other. Are the moose-limbs still chimping out?
Pol is pro-mudslime now?
This. He (intentionally or not) blew his load too early and ruined their chances of getting it as a capital any time soon; it also brings the Israel Palestine argument into the public eye and polarized Jews against the MSM
Israeli Jews are based
It's America's liberal Jews we fucking hate.
I hope he really stops the foreign aid to all these nations.
>Sup Forums stands with Palestine.
>rebbit spacing
fuck the kikes and the goat fuckers, that's the position faggot, walls are good, wall the whole middle east and they can fuck themselves to death all they like
The countries that voted yes have a compiled population of 33 million, USA is gonna take that 33 million and create an army of cannon fodder and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!! MWHAHAH AHAAa!!!!
You don't make a third rate car salesman a leader of the free world. Kek. Not even the Pakis want their kike dollars anymore, so it's finally over. USA is toast
Trump is a rich old white guy who got involved with gambling and mafias so when he fucked up with the Russian mafia he ran to the Jewish mafia. The Jewish mafia wanted a huge favor done immediately as a show of loyalty. That favor was Jerusalem and I say god is good, fuck muslims. Isreal built a paradise in the desert in less then 100 years, whats Palastine done in the last 2000 years?
>moments before this post was made
Not so fast kike boy. I'm gonna have to meditate on this.
one won three wars, the other didn't
{put number here}D chess
Is this the same guy who draws the futa porn?
I stand with Palestine taking over Israel entirely and doing as they please with whatever people are there, but I don't like you acting like the"OFFICIAL SPOKESPERSON" of the entirety of/pol/
Sup Forums stands with neither jews nor muslims. We hate them both.
What the jew mafia has done to the eastern European people in horrendous. It's very, very sad.
I know you hillbilly hicks realized this, but all of America's remaining worth just dropped below zero. So it's literally over, even the kikes leave the sinking ship. 2018 is going down in history
no, /pol is pro non-intervention. that means staying out of the ME and not taking any sides
How did israel even come into existence? Was it like hey Texas you're no longer Texas you're Ohio now. Fuck off Texans
Trump has played the greatest game of 4D chess that man has ever seen. Recognize the evil jewish state, get blowback form UN, gives us a reason to leave the fucking UN. Keep up, cucks. Its a wild fucking ride.
No it's not you kike shill.
or you know, just leave the UN
It would be a pity if Jew women got blacked or whatever the pally equivalent is. Whatever happens I'm going to find it very hard to feel sorry for the jews.
i don't think you know what kike means
>or you know, just leave the UN
Not without a reason you don't, goyim.
as if there weren't enough already. honestly, it sickens me how you t_d fags spin everything into >muh 4d checkers
trump is a coward
Look at the new list of greatest allies.
The UN still exists?
Are amerimutts the dumbest race on earth?
Kikle. Jews were to stupid to write their name and instead drew what Americans called a kikle.
yes. that's why burgers are so buttmad at the world
>as if there weren't enough already. honestly, it sickens me how you t_d fags spin everything into >muh 4d checkers
>trump is a coward
Keep telling yourself that
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why these Brussels kikes would side with Palestine? Is it because they want Jews around the world / Zionism?
Can't wait for Syria to be fully liberated from terrorists so the final war against Israel can commence
played like a fucking fool
no, just the most hateful. it's just exploited as a political weapon
You don't have to hide behind a meme flag, friend.
I hate my country too.
It isn't.
>suck jew dick
>suck chinese dick
>suck saudi dick
wow, trump so brave
Is Trump the biggest Jew shill to ever be president?He even married all his kids off to jews
It's truly strange how greatest ally has never fought along side America troops even once.
>This is the OFFICIAL Sup Forums stance on Jerusalem.
What a fucking faggot.
no one "sided" with palestine. most people just chose to not side with israel. why is that so difficult for you low IQ apes to figure out?