>tell someone to stand during your nation's anthem
>have to fire yourself for this
only in america folks!
>tell someone to stand during your nation's anthem
>have to fire yourself for this
only in america folks!
I love papa john's but they are too goddamn expensive
Their pizza is shit, though. Only Dominos is worse.
He caved for the NFL so his company can go fuck themselves.
Order online and use the coupons. Carry out it best.
>what does that even mean?
^ newfag
Don't you beaners get coupons?
>steps down
In other words he is going to run the company still and just not hold the title CEO. This is literally nothing.
where are the sodiepops
This is a dumb non-issue to "step-down" over. Not even a very "top-notch" brand either.
Schnatter is the very definition of a fucking cuck- just look @ the fucking guy
There may have been a time when his pizza was actually good-thirty years ago- but that's long gone, so good riddance to that shithole franchise
This guy is such a cuck, his pizza is terrible too.
schnatter is pizza GOAT do not talk shit about him, he is martyr f
Glad this cuck faggot got canned
>Carry out
If I'm draggin my lazy ass off the couch to go get food it sure as hell isn't Papa fucking John's.
I don't understand your post.
Are you asking for yourself and calling yourself a newfag?
It's amazing how hard they fucked up, they were ALMOST the official pizza of patriots/right wingers who will spend a lot more money than shitlibs... and then they caved to the shitlibs who didn't even forgive them. What a joke
This is why I don't go to Papa John's anymore. Not necessarily because I love "Nazi's", but because this constant virtue signalling against white interests has to be punished.
hes a nigger lover anyways
Good riddance
fuggg that looks good
u can get a large 1 topping for like 8 bucks.
You realize that the CEO is not the one who runs the company twitter, right?
You mean a (((large))).
>build company off your own name
>answering to frightened shareholders
I always thought he came off as a creep in his commercials.
>and then they caved to the shitlibs who didn't even forgive them.
that's the key point.
there is no forgiveness or redemption in their movement. caving to them and attempting to join them only serves to cut you off from both sides.
they have no desire to convert anyone to their movement they only want to destroy anyone who opposes them. new recruits are gained by indoctrinating children, not by converting adults.
Remember that Superbowl where Papa John got onto the field and was hugging Peyton Manning? That was weird
wew lad
>jewsrael BTFO
>papa johns BTFO
and today it's considered nazi if you don't want detrimental immigration
why the fuck all liberals don't go to south africa or india, or pakistan if they so desperately want to live with those people, it's not like the quality of life would be any better in here if they bring them in mass
fucking idiots ruining everything with their shortsightedness
>This is why I don't go to Papa John's anymore
You mean the shitty pizza they made wasn't enough to avoid the place?
It's pure anti white hate.
> What is a corporation
That's why Dan Cathy at Chip Film A can say what he likes: No shareholders. Papa John should have shut up
“Republicans buy shoes, too.”
Michael Jordan, on why he remains politically neutral
What a pathetic cuck, what good does he think this does? He will still be a racist white supreemist forever
Yeah, he was the first one Peyton hugged after the clock hit double zeros
He had a foot in both camps.
You know what happens when you stand in the middle of a battlefield? You get mowed down by crossfire.
It's a Sup Forums meme. There's a small cutscene in one of the call of duty games where you press F on the keyboard to have your character give a salute to a fallen soldier during a funeral.
I love their little peppers. Now I just buy pick related and pair with a patrician Red Baron.
wait I thought this guy WAS papa john
how can you fire him
Probably not worth crossing the border just for pizza
good poast
I award you 1 Wirathu of Approval
I will never order papa johns again.
We can do better than that. Let’s start a campaign of ordering (each) at least 5 pizzas a week and giving them fake delivery addresses, or just not picking the up. I would say more, but it has to be low enough numbers to not cause a procedural change, but enough to start getting noticed.
fake and gay
Never again.
America can you please uncuck yourself
>why the fuck all liberals don't go to south africa or india, or pakistan if they so desperately want to live with those people
senpai they don't want to live with these people, experience their cultures, or associate with them in any way, but they want you to THINK they do. many such cases!
reminds me of that ceo of mozilla who was forced to resign because he supported that california bill defining marraige between a man and a woman(which passed, but was overturned by some faggot leftie judge). I think he even started the company too, but I may be wrong.
Preach brother
Dominos pizza is the best out there you uncultured pleb
peyton owns a ton of papa johns franchises around the country. They are probably friends and obviously close business associates.
Exactly. Its not a debate. If you don't please them you don't please them. So fuck them. I am white and proud and if you don't like it you can fucking leave.
I have enjoyed papa john's many times, and the banana peppers are a nice touch. F
>We can do better than that. Let’s start a campaign of ordering (each) at least 5 pizzas a week and giving them fake delivery addresses, or just not picking the up.
Fake delivery addresses fucks with drivers who dindu nuffin. Online ordering then just not picking the shit up would destroy them if enough people did it. They'd have to voice-verify every order, which would kill the whole point of online ordering.
His name is Brenden Eich. He's currently working the open source browser Brave that has built-in ad blocking.
... this can't be fucking real. Can it?+
White business BTFO by #BLM
mission accomplished.
Only black businesses should benefit from black dominated sports. Whites work for us now...
>and today it's considered
Stop doing this. By accepting their lunacy you've either accepted defeat and let tantrum babies get whatever they want and walk all over you, or you might as well be one of them running subversion.
Yeah most of us dont live in Nawlins and we're grateful for pappa johns.
How is Dominoes and Papa Johns compared to Pizza Hut?
I only ever get Pizza Hut
Just get the deals moron never buy the full priced shit.
Ffffff fuck them. Jesus christ.
Is Papa Johns public or private? Never take your company private because then you're answerable to shareholders and that's how the poz really gets in ya.
The only solution is to boycott them so they know they picked the wrong side.
Peyton literally bought like 10 franchises in Denver the moment weed was legalized. That's why he kissed Pappa after winning.
Fuck Papa John's, yesterday I tried ordering two large two topping pizzas because I heard it was buy one get one free and it turned out just one pizza cost 18 fucking dollars! Ridiculous!
Remember that shit like this is coming from whatever soylets they have running their social media accounts. Same with the Keurig shit from a month or so back. They do shit on their own initiative and the company and workers are the ones who have to pay for it.
The best part is that it passed because niggers hate queers just as much as "dumb uneducated hicks" do and the blackies were the ones who put it over the top.
They're publicly traded on NASDAQ
Is losing your own company to shareholders the most cuck thing that can happen to you?
I thought NASDAQ was just for Tech type companies.
Dominos is better anyway, has been for years. Before them it was zitos. Then little caesers. I find pizza hut and papa johns to be unedible. Pizza hut is just a pile of sopping orange grease and the sauce is extremely sweet in pjs as well as being overpriced.
Papa Johns is disgusting
Pizza hut is ok and dominos is slight better than the hut
You should just get a job to pay for your shit, cause I told you I was only leaving you $20 for a pizza tonight while I was out...no extra for wings...you don't need wings...
Why are businesses so petrified of angering left wing rats?
Like in some cases they obviously sympathize with them to begin with (mostly tech giants) but if John was /ourguy/, why the fuck did he step down?
Hahaha! I came to Sup Forums just to post this.
Support Trump, Lose your business! Bahah!
>only in america folks!
F. alse
This kind of shit is why you never want to go public with your company. You lose the ability to go "Are you fuckers kidding? I built this company!" when the majority stockholders want to oust you for any reason.
Say it with me folks, "Demo(n)cracy is retarded."
pizza hut is fucking garbage
This, democrazy was a mistake. Owning shares of a company should entitle you to nothing but a return if you sell higher than you bought them for.
>What are common and preferred stocks?
lmao rip sales
I remember the tears when he spoke out against Obamacare.
He was right too.
why doesnt papa johns feel that way about black panthers? or communists? or aztec nation beaners? or MS-13?
The company made a virtue signaling statement a few months ago that they don't want "nazis" buying pizza from them.
How ridiculous has the left made the world now.
How do Nazi's represent white interest?
he has emphatically stated that Sup Forums is not to buy his shit.