>be me
>24 year old NEET with some college
>Thinking of joining the military
>Just want to feel good about myself at this point
>what do
Be me
do it
>dying for israel
>reason to feel good about yourself
Better than offing myself
if you like getting ordered around and want janitorial training, go for it
why anyone would enlist during relative peace-time is a mystery
if at 24 you still haven't figured it out and you're asking for help in a neet autist anime forum then you're lost. try to get neetbux or something and shitpost 24/7
Do it.
Who cares if you're going to fight for the jew, they can reach their objectives without you already. if you're in the NATO Alliance, you're probably just gonna stationed in some shitty base overseas after training.
I joined because I had nothing else in my life and was lost, when I joined it gave me a purpose, one of the best feelings you can get, I've met many people from many walks of life, got to shit around with weapons and motivated to do more.
Join the Airborne user,
We get to 1) Jump out of planes for free, 2) work out and get /fit/ 3) knee deep in pussy constantly 4) shoot guns and blow stuff up
And best of all: 14/76 dune koons (and get paid for it). I literally have spent all told over 5 years in Afghanistan since 9/11, slaughtering Talib. What more does a man want? Want to pull out sand nigger's finger nails, or water board them? Our favorite past time.
So if you like drinking, fucking, and killing islamists the Airborne is for you.
-T. Paratrooper Fag
Dont listen to the fucking leaf, his PM sucks fag cock.
Killing Muslims is an end in it of itself
Now's the perfect time to join, Goy! MAJOR war is coming to the middle east. Syria/Iran are going down.
*distant sound of jingling shekels*
top goy
we wouldnt have anything to do with dunecoons if the kosher dunecoons didn't entangle us
Hahahahahahaha good luck getting a job after service. Unless you plan to stay until you retire.
My friend was stationed in Iraq. They had to do a raid and he accidentally shot 2 kids. Now he's totally fucked up and has nightmares and shit. He's on disability. Haaaave fuuun
Join. Don't tell anybody you're joining that will talk you out of it. Go non-combat MOS that will give you a real skill outside of the military if you don't stay in. If you want to try to get into Valhalla or cut grass, go combat MOS. Either way, have a plan to do four years, get out, go back to school for a STEM degree and to Chad a bunch of 20 year old chicks, while living in your own place with a paid off car if you don't act like a faggot with money. Then get a career job in a field that will make you money and start having children. Also, redpill as many bags as you can while in the military and have "the conversation" as much as you can. "The conversation" is whether you would kill civilians if ordered yo or go rogue and stand with the people. You should already know the answer and anyone who says otherwise.. well.. you know what you doing.
>Jump out of planes for free
USA no
Germany not a bad idea
unless you are hot to die for israel
t. muzzie lovers
Yes there are lots of different military jobs you could try and get into. See what branch fits you best.
Talk to /k/
This guy gets it
Do anything, but don't do nothing.
Certifications, school, military. You can do it all simultaneously.
Go Navy, learn aerospace engineering/maintenance. Make $90k starting after your enlistment, better if you did 2 or go career.
I made a killing on crypto bro, i kill muzzies cause it makes me happy.
Anyone who says killing for pleasure is barbaric hasn't tried it, if they did, thwy might get a taste for it.
Nothing makes me feel better about the West than smoking sand people.
Get your real estate license and work your ass off. Make a lot of $, get a hot wife and decide what you want out of life. Money is the first step, not a commitment for the state of Israel
Its an amazing feeling user. Jumped ibto Northern Iraq in 03, shit was savage af
Bump I want more Info
This. Do it. I did the same thing.
>dying for israel and/or anti white western liberalism
god americans are fucking retarded
Sounds nice. I went with what my navy recruiter/ASVAB said and became a nuke. It's only ok for people who like to study and memorize everything...
I was a nuke ET on the Truman
Fuck being a nuke, I was too burned out to go get paid in a civilian plant when I got out
Is it easy to go non-combat? Would like to finish school after or at some point.
I'd like to say I fought for the country or was in the military. I'd like the feeling of being part of something important.
Airborne seems like a good idea, although i've heard it's the hardest to get into.
Will do, thanks user.
Thanks everybody. Trying to not be a degenerate NEET.
Go for it. Don't go Navy. I grew up in a Navy town and know enough to say that you'll spend your time troll holed on a boat with no real experience to show for. I plugged out 10 years in the Army and have no regrets. If you want the full experience tell your recruiter you want the RASP option and you'll pipeline into Regiment. I was there for a few years and even when you are stateside it's balls to the wall intense training all over the world.
That's on you retard. I bet you went to mast.
Is the general consensus Airforce is the best option in terms of career outlook/training?
Nope, just sick of all the fucking nubs refusing to qualify and help out. I bet you're an ELT who doesn't do shit.
Nope, just another fellow ET, except unfortunately on a sub. also ELTs can go fuck themselves.
>Thinking of joining the military
Go Military Intelligence or MP/Security Forces or something. Do something useful that will actually transfer to the civilian world. Forget about going Infantry.
>Want to pull out sand nigger's finger nails, or water board them? Our favorite past time.
Ok, as someone who's actually been in the Army before, I can tell you're full of crap now.
I don't know if I regret not going subs or not. At least there by necessity there is less skating. Fucking carriers let the shitbags hide wherefuckingever
t. Achmed
This. Go with something that will get you skills and paid training. But just joining will bring a lot more direction to you
join. not serving is the biggest regret of my life.
You might not have liked going subs. Chances are you get thrown on a virginia class where the workload for ETs is nightmarish.
But I could have gotten a boomer and been a part time sailor
>Is it easy going non-combat
It really depends on what job you do. Just remember, the easier the job you pick, the more degenerates you will have to live with. Score high on your ASVAB and try to get in a field that requires some college.
If you go combat MOS though, you get to hang out with a bunch of dudes mostly free of female fuckery though.. Honestly though, man, a regular job in the military in the Air Force or the Army is the shit if you pick a good job that challenges you. The better jobs that require more brains gets you closer to joint bases, and that sweet sweet airforce snatch.
True, if youre the kind of person who gives 0 shits about sightseeing, then it's perfect.
best decision I ever made in my life.
>tfw you will never get to fight in afghanistan
why live
>it's another USA army recruitment thread
Fuck off you cunts, people are waking up to Israel's bs and they can see that they will be deployed defending Israel soon and not the USA. Kill yourself pencil pushing wanker.
Kangaroo joining the military soon. How does one go about having the 'convosation?'
>whether you would kill civilians if ordered yo or go rogue and stand with the people
What would you do, user?
youre honestly probably just gonna end up more depressed and ruin your life
happens to a lot of people here that thought the military was gonna be everything they wanted
Kekistan has nice ass.
Going to check out some ASVAB study guides, sight-seeing is cool, but i'm fine with just grinding and working in a challenging environment.
Thanks, i'd consider either one.
12B is an awesome job
very easy, all you have to do is ask for a non combat job, maybe the job will help you out after the military.
Although my job is semi combat related, i still feel alright about not deploying any time soon because thats mostly infantry
think about what youre doing first
know what you want in life and join the branch accordingly
You can always fight in Sweden
Faggot larp or pog
>Never went to college
>No car
>Make $9.25 as wageslave
Now what?
Do it. I joined at 23 was in the same boat. Go airforce or navy.
In other words be a faggot and never fire a weapon
boomers was good. offcrew time was great.
>being a psycho for the state
good way to actually off yourself
Isn't it time for prayer, Muhammed?
>be me
>23 yo about to graduate in mechanical engineering
>have shit GPA and basically no skills
>always wanted to be a fighter pilot
>seriously considering joining AF as an officer and becoming a pilot
Should I do it Sup Forums?
Never happen with nigger grades
It's not our choice, faggot.
what do you want to fly?
>be me
>No college
>Making 102K a year in my job
>Living the fucking dream
>~300K in crypto
Last question, should I finish my associates first or just go chad balls deep?
the only reason to join a service is if you can get put in a "hard to get into" position, like Airborne but also Infantry, Aviation, etc. The truth is though, since 90% of the military are literal retards, those things aren't really that hard to get into if you do your research on making yourself stand out.
t. rotary wing pilot
Never join the military. Never let anyone you know join the military.
Good goy!
> be me
> top STEM bachelors and masters at Oxbridge
> worked as data scientist at a startup for a couple years
> just about to get my stock options
> female manager frames me for assault
> betrayal really affects me, i become a shut-in
> lose fiancee
> my friends stabbed me in the back and stole rent money and other things
> my other friends also gaslight me. Its like the moment I became weak they all turned on me and hated me and wanted to exert power over me.
> suicidally depressed anxious and lost
> ive now gone 3 years without a job. i moved back into my parents place, which is a black hole as I have extremely overbearing mother.
> tried and failed at starting a couple small businesses. Now no money left at all.
> went to a party last week. Friend of mine is at a Hedge Fund making £500k a year. another is VP at JP morgan making £250k a year. Another is now a barrister.
> 3 year black hole on my CV. All the best careers are off the table - i didnt know about them until the boat had passed. Will never get onto partner track in a professional services film. just got shit jobs ahead of me.
> Attempted suicide a few times this year. really dont want to go through Christmas again. Every time I drink a lot I end up near train tracks or on blackfriars bridge at 4am or in the woods with a knife. im surprised I havent done it yet.
I heard that your GPA doesn't matter as long as you score high enough on your ASVAB
Preferably F-16/F-35
But I would love to fly anything.
>Accrue more debt and student loans
>Get post 9/11 GI Bill and get paid to go to school fulltime after service, and get tuition paid for x amount of classes while active duty
Your choice.
>The truth is though, since 90% of the military are literal retards, those things aren't really that hard to get into if you do your research on making yourself stand out.
That is a fact. Even if you get a shitty rate full of retards that just makes it way easier to advance when they can't pass the most basic advancement exam, have 80 counseling chits, no awards.
Doing 20 years as a BM Senior chief would be so cake. Once you get to supervisory level you don't have to do shit except shit on the retards below you and then you get your pension.
u sound useful to boomers are u capable of making stuff to show off
I didn't ask for these feels user.
Air Force is the most friendly toward NEETs.
The best military dorms out of all the branches too.
Also, whenever the entire base on foreign territory gets punished due to a single soldier getting in trouble, usually the punishment doesn't affect the Air Force that is also stationed there.
Listen faggot I'm sorry for you, move out of the U.K. and start over. Maybe to another place in Europe or to America for a little before you move back. Or market yourself to your friends and work harder than them at the jobs they get you.
Have you thought about working for a company like Costco?
Or working for your college again? Like you graduated from Oxbridge so might as well work for Oxbridge after you graduated from the school.
Most military guys are alcoholic burnouts. They never come back stable in the head.
Most don't go for patriotic reasons, they go for gibs.
agreed BM's have high turnover and fast advancement.
a guy who failed 'a' school i was in was sent to the fleet as a BM. He made senior chief before I made 1st class.
Much better than being a /neet/ Op
Gibs sound good but I like the idea of being part of the military as well. I don't smoke anymore and not really into drinking. Just seems like a good way to leave this degenerate lifestyle and i'm in decent shape right now.
Just kys you sound like a lost cause
you really wanna die for the big gay disco?
Rather die by martyrdom than my own hand.
>>Just want to feel good about myself at this point
go to /fit/ or do drugs.
you'd be dying for nothing
Learn a trade and learn to trade in the stock market.
Feel you're worth a fuck working hard as a carpenter or artisan and spend time learning finance and the money game.
Militarymen are all despicable filth or misguided fools or both
Yes... but do it for a few years.
You will never know any para who wasn't been hurt to some degree and recovery is always a hard bitch.
Go, to:
>Transmission, or signals or whathever is called in your country.
>Chair force, except the asociated branches of the air forces related to special operations those are hell
And jump back and forth in periods of 5-10 years between the calm and the storm, otherwise forget about having cartilague at your 40s or even risk getting kicked out because of some major injury.
Although don't confuse me with saying that joining the army is not worth it. On the contrary, the military will give you the intensity, friendship and challenge that normal civilian life won't the only thing is that you should never join the army for pay, training, fame(aka, thank you for your service) and to some extent travel(in the navy might actually be fun joining for travelling it's hit or miss and so too for some destinations in the rest of the forces but far less, and don't expect hotels)
Death before dishonor
The point is, you gotta make the choice for yourself.
Those guys were probably destined for that anyways. At least now they have a chance at elevating themselves if they choose to. If not, they made a hell of a drinking buddy while in. They will live on in us as memes.
What state? It's better to work for the company that makes the planes rather than actually flying the planes. It is a far more stable career.
Pilots rarely have happy families and a pretty high divorce rate.
You are a mech engineer. Consider companies like Boeing for example if you like planes.
If you really want to be in the military, just go directly to Department of Defense instead of serving in the military.
There's those Department of Defense internships or recent graduates program.
You can just start working on planes by entering the DoD rather than having to do Basic and a whole bunch of other stuff before you get a chance to work on a plane.
>tfw you Feel real good when you kill innocent people for muh jews.
What job do you have user? Do you own your own business?