Why aren't we actively working on campaigning against these Democratic senators? Their elections are coming up and we could be shitposting them out of office. When did Sup Forums become so cucked?
Why aren't we actively working on campaigning against these Democratic senators...
Going to be a pain in the ass in Montana, for some reason these cucks love voting for tester because of his propaganda radio ads.
I would say in order of easiest to hardest
You would think those idiots in WV would vote against Manchin, but easier said than done.
How in the fuck did a democrat win in West Virginia? Are those stupid hicks too fucking lazy to go out and vote in midterms?
Michigan was a slam dunk if Kid Rock had run.
He probably has a lot of name recognition and presence locally. You'd be surprised by how many votes you get just by showing up to every public event in the state.
Also, don't forget that West Virginia used to be all Democrat back when the Democrats were the party of working men and not freaks. Old habits die hard.
He's a union guy.
The senate seat in North Dakota has been Democratic since 1960
The senate seat in Wisconsin have been Democratic since 1957
The seat in West Virginia has been Democratic since 1959
Florida has had at least one Democratic senator since 1875
Montana has had at least one Democratic senator since 1911
Democrats are literally going to lose their lifetime seats next year.
Is Minnesotta a lost cause with the DFL? They had a Republican senator, and Franken beat him by 300 votes. Obviosuly, I think the first seat is most likely solid Dem, but if Franken doesn't come back, what are the chances with that seat? I mean, the Iron range in Minn cost Trump his chance at winning the state. Amazes me that those people would vote against him. Just wondering.
Pro coal, pro union
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Who are the Republican candidates? Any decent Nationalists? Haven't heard shit on the elections yet.
Republicans should be able to pick up like half of these if they run decent candidates.
working on a memetic site in support of ourguys in 2018. have patience user, i am only one man
>Who are the Republican candidates? Any decent Nationalists? Haven't heard shit on the elections yet.
Kid Rock might run for Michigan. He would win.
Agree on PA, Casey is entrenched statewide because of his name. Republicans would be wasting their money there.
missouri could run ronald mcdonald as repub and he'd win
every one of them is a neolibcon "moderate". that's when Sup Forums became so cucked
Missouri will be land slide. In that last year we voted in a republican governor and received permitless conceal carry. We keep getting more and more red. If we could just kill off more bogs in KC and saint Louis.
Damn auto correct. Bogs should be Nogs.
What's the reasoning behind michigan being hardest to change, I from there
Don't forget about soon flipping Arizona's two senate seats to actual conservatives. McCain will be dead soon and Flake will be living in San Francisco.
We need to wait until just about a month before the vote, then release major career ending attacks just days before so it's fresh on voters minds. We're too far away now, just wait
face it, Trump is shitty and theres a blue tidal wave coming to erase you.
>get republicans in
>they refuse to help whites
What's the point? The only one I'd support it the bloke who went on fash the nation and named the jew on twitter. Name starts with N i think
Is there any dirt on any of them?
We have about 10 months to find out. Even if we don't find anything, the Democrats have set the precedent that we can make accusations with zero evidence at all
WV will vote against Manchin if Trump comes out and campaigns against him
Manchin hasn't done shit for WV, WV loves Trump
This might come as a shock but the parties haven't always been "inland vs. coasts, real people vs. retarded hippies and minorities". Manchin is a remnant of the era in which moderate, pro-coal Democrats were a major force in the party since it was a party of the working class. Now he's just a fossil.
>Democrats pissed off pretty much the entire interior of the country by oppose fracking and mining and supporting deindustrialization
>people are surprised they're going to lose the Upper Plains and the Rust Belt
It's the same as the South a generation ago, the Democrats have had this a long time coming with their broken promises and the whole "remember we were the party of unions! vote for us you stinking white males!" and delivering nothing of value to their base while catering to niggers and blue-haired hipsters.
>amazes me
Minnesota is full of Swedes who are ultra-cucked. It's in their blood to vote against their interests for the sake of not voting for a "big mean racist".
Also MN isn't going to flip red because there are two seats up for grabs there. The Democrats can't afford to not pour substantial resources into that state because if they lose one seat they'll probably lose the other on the same day.
Floridabro here. I dunno if the middle-of-the-road rating that you've put is too high because of the influx of the Moorto Ricans since Maria, cuz you know they're citizens as well plus we're having a probably contentious gubernatorial election in which the commiecrats want to win so dearly.
I don't know if Governor Scott's name is too tainted by the commiecrats for him to run a reasonable campaign for Senate. We're probably gonna have his Agriculture Commissioner for the probable GOP candidate for governor against either the vibrant mayor of Tallahassee or Bob Graham's daughter.
It depends on that Moorto Rican turnout if they can show up.
Doesn't Manchin always vote with the republicans though? Also is it true that Kasich is running for the senate in 2018 since his governor term is up?
that's not how this works.
go back to plebbit
lol every single one of those democrats is right wing.
pol has a short attention span only interesting people like trump catch on and most republicans are a bore
I think Tester is liked a lot in Montana. They used to have Baucus. Seem to always have Democrat senators.
Ohio user here. If it’s Brown, flush it down.
lol no
>tammy baldwin is rightwing
Tammy Baldwin is an out lesbian. You have a brain the size of a walnut.
this has to be fake. were vampires even a thing in 1789?
>Nelson voted out
Top fucking kek m8. I like Rick Scott but I don't think he can do it. Nelson won 60-38 against a female canidate in 2006. He won a closer margin in 2012 but still over 10%. But who knows we haven't even had primaries yet.
I've been saying this since VA's election night.
With generic Dem vs Rep at +10 and higher in places nationwide, no they won't.
Unless we all get to fucking work.
Have a bump for your post
We need good candidates that we can meme.
Don't forget now that Trump is President liberals are ultra motivated to turn out vs 2016 when they were complacent and thought they had it in the bag.
Also, R turnout is depressed because of lack of wins, which we now have with tax reform but we need more for 2018. Trump also needs to get out there and sell sell sell his accomplishments and candidates that aren't total kooks like Roy Moore.
Also, Sup Forums has been fucking complacent since last November. You can't be delusional or complacent, the war is on and you have to fight every day, every month, every year of Trump's Presidency because it can (and will) be swept away in midterms.
VA and AL should be GIANT wake up calls that we need to attack and meme.
Tammy Baldwin is going to get absolutely btfo in Wisconsin by this guy.
Even my ultralib friends who are involved in wisconsin politics know shes getting btfo
You don't want to go against the Bogs.
Kid Rock dropped out and Debbie Stabenow is probably the least insane Democrat in Congress.
Ohio Dude here, And I Fucking Despise Sherrod Brown. That asshole has been either in the Senate or running for the Senate since God Knows when. And he's not the only one in my state who's been running for a long time.
Kasich will get no help from the GOP; he's on Trump's shit list.
I think PA is going to be good this year, Wolf is already running ads, must be scared.
Franken won because he is well known. After all he was on SNL.
You sure about that Boy?
Democrat Logic
> Wins Governorships in Virginia and New Jersey that they expected to win
> Destroys Roy Moore
> Still Was a Close Race
Franken won because he cheated.
This was the sentiment about Alabama prior to last week.
Don't take anything for granted, even in states Trump handily won.
The atmosphere is completely different now.
VA was expected to turn blue, It's a Blue State thanks to the cities. Also the Republican was a RINO. AL turned out that way because they did everything they could to destroy Moore, and it still was close. Doesn't matter, Cause Jones will be out in 2019 thanks to the fact that it was a special election.
Yeah I heard about that. I still Despise Franken. He was always an annoying piece of shit who sucked at satire and attacked Right-Wingers.
Im not, but I think Dems are more afraid then they let on.
I am a national socialist and I will continue voting for manchin until the day I die you nigger