Holohoax red pill thread
Holohoax red pill thread
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wait just a second
something seems amiss here.
Jewish prisoners labor workers from the camps enjoying a brothel
Keep in mind most of these would have been expelled for not being christian.
Why would a death camp put up signs trying to keep people free from typhus?
Another brothel pic
Odd.. a death camp that is trying to lower the death in the camp.
Jews have some fucked up fantasies.
The nazis apparently had trained "fuck dogs" to rape people to death.
Why would Nazis write a sign for Polish and German Jewish prisoners in English?
Jews, Poles, Soviets, Dutch, Czechs, Germans, Austrians were in that camp, Ergen-Belsen. English was the most shared language.
Not sure if everything is still up to date.
>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"
Nu-Sup Forums is not into got threads
I went to your holocaust controversies site. Saw something about "60 men can be cremated in an hour" historical document. I clicked it expecting to see something typewritten in German that I couldn't understand anyway, but... link broken. Try harder faggot.
You are like a little baby
Watch this
>ywn be cremated by rollercoaster
That's the worst bingo images. None of those things are ever mentioned or done. Kill yourself
I'm on a regular computer with a big monitor, this picture is still too shitty to read. Try again faggot.
They will even admit this at the museum, but only if you ask them (and they will give you dirty looks for asking). They will then say the original was accidentally destroyed and they didn't want to mess up the building by putting a new one where it should be (yet there is no where for it to be in the first place). Otherwise they will just point out the chimney and say nothing in particular about it.
>Why would a death camp put up signs trying to keep people free from typhus?
Death camp wouldn't but a slave camp would. Killing your slaves makes as much sense as killing your dogs.
Stormtard Logic:
The Jew where never Gassed,
which is proof they deserve to be gassed
After surviving the second round it would have been easier to just shoot him.
If the Holocaust didn't happen, then who made up the lie?
More like the Jews were never gassed so their non-stop use of a false victimhood to gain and maintain influence while being only 2% of the population makes them deserving of what they claim happened... get gassed.
What was it that convinced you to question the stated facts about Jews in general? For me it was the realization that every negative thing that can be attributed to Jews as a whole is vehemently denied, and the denials usually call the accusations fraudulent and/or discredited without naming sources. Beyond the Holocaust, a good example is the Bolshevik central party and later the German communists who revolted after the end of WWI. Ninety percent Jewish, much of that foreign, and I'm to believe that their religion played no factor.
My tire was never replaced after wearing down. Which is proof it needs to be replaced.... So what exactly is the problem with that line of thought?
exact same pic. modified afterwards to create appearance of being doctored. kike?
The British and American governments who were both infiltrated by Jews. Jewish advisors are the ones that urged Churchill into war thinking it would be easy for the British empire to destroy Germany.
By the end of the war, the allies were killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese and German women and children even though the axis didn't commit such atrocities during war. The fact that Germany expelled it's Jewish population into war camps and some were hit with Typhus at the war's end made up the perfect excuse.
But they got greedy with their lie and made claims not probable. To dispose and turn 1500 bodies to complete ash per day during war is near impossible. Paired with the fact there weren't even 6 million Jewish people in German territory at the time.
khazar kikez
All sides were "infiltrated", if that's what you want to call it.
The Russians created the propaganda
Jew/Zionist (same shiteaters) published it world wide for them
Are you looking for a meme answer or a serious answer? I'm happy to give you the full story.
Juden love to play the victim card. That's probably where the niggers get it from.
>implying they wouldn't shoot him dead after the first time
pic is all you need to know
Look, a new friend. Allow me to let you in on a little tip. Sup Forums doesn't allow images above XX mb to posted. Sup Forums reduces the size of very large images while other boards like Sup Forums simply prevents the image from being posted.
So if you see a large image with tiny, low quality pictures or text, try reverse image searching via Google or cuck cuck goy. It'll help you in the future.
this is what you do faggot guess what? Download it, then open it on your computer and zoom in! Congratulations you just learned something about how to use computers!
or guess what here is another trick just click on the filename (you know where it is blue and shit) and zoom in using your browser without dl'ing oh fuck mind blown right?
>new friend
You guys are fitting in here just perfectly. We can't tell at all anymore.