Can someone tell me what the actual appeal of communism is because I have no idea why everyone keeps going on and on and on about how there life's would be better if we were communists
What the hell is the appeal of communism?
Other urls found in this thread:
Doing nothing and getting free moniez
Harmonious society, maximization of happiness for everybodyl.
Communists, that is the people that run communist parties have all of the greed but none of the work ethic of capitalists, They believe they should have something they don't deserve just because "wahhh it's not fair", then when they have it, they hoard it to themselves.
They're good at riling people up, deflecting the blame for their hardship on these rich and wealthy people who worked or fought hard for what they've got, then it becomes violent.
Ever notice how the Communist leaders all eat like kings whilst everyone else is starving? They're hyprocrites.
Communism is only valid in a society where individuals share identical values, objectives and means. One shared consciousness, the same goal, same capacities. Bees and ants...
Wherever there are gifted, there will be leeches.
it's a pretty good diet plan desu
two main distinctions:
Communism and the soviet model of Communism.
The main appeal to communism is it gives people an alternative to capitalism.
The main appeal of the soviet system is that it proved in practice there was an alternative to capitalism in the direction of communism.(with warts and all). Im not a stalinist, so i dont support going back to soviet model.
Also communism appeals becasue it is a natural product of not only capitalism but class society. Marx codified it for modern capitalism, but it existed always, primitive and utopian communism -see the diggers in english history.
>What the hell is the appeal of communism?
I can sum it up in two words:
People love free shit, especially niggers
Miserable people who lead shitty lives who want everyone else to be "equally" miserable pieces of shit.
It’ll work this time, (((trust me)))
women too
The motivation is hatred of the rich and successful. Plain and simple. Burning jealousy and envy.
The soviet union did in some respects work. It developed more rapidly then almost any society in shuch a short time period. Put the first man in space, and played the key role in defeating nazi germany. This was possible becasue of a planned economy. The soviet union failed from lack of democracy, and dictatorship.
Don't repeat the Mistakes Just the Succeses.
Women are the niggers of gender
it was created as an overreaction to industrialization happening in western europe like most other forms of socialism invented in the 18th century. they tried to convert poor people and workers by promising them free gibz and a perfect utopian society which some of them actually fell for. many of the poor peasants ended up dying or suffering under communism while the communist dicators became the rich ruling class.
The appeal is the desire for all-powerful eternal daddy that takes care of you. It is also appealing to people who do not know how to produce themselves but expect others to do it for them.
"Sharing is caring"
Not having to work a single day of your life because you'll die from famine.
It's edgy.
Three main things:
1) Acceptance: With the dismantlement of capitalism, what communists believe to be an "oppressive" culture of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. will be wiped out because the power dynamics that make oppression possible are created and nurtured by capitalism. This would allow them to be free in their own identity, and start a new age of love and tolerance. Stems from a general ignorance of human nature and delusions about their own degeneracy.
2) Greed: Despite living in one of the most equal societies in history, and already being the recipients of significant wealth distribution, many communists believe that by ending private ownership of the means of production, abolishing the state and giving workers all the output they produce, they will have more income, less work, and a higher standard of living all at once. In reality, the biggest benefactors will be Chinese and South Asian sweatshop workers, who actually manufacture most of the world's products, leaving the middle and lower classes of the West with virtually nothing since without control of the world's capital their countries have little in the way of wealth generation, leading to economic collapse.
3) Anarchism: Most communists have problems with authority of any kind, owing mostly to father issues and the natural resentment of authority that is brought by youth, with most communists being mental teenagers due to years of sociology education and being isolated within a clique of mostly fellow communists. Since communism claims to do away with the state, capital ownership, landlords, the family and other 'oppressive' hierarchies, the communist believes that this will make way for an ideal world, where his personal issues will not exist. Unfortunately, these external factors are merely where he believe his problems stem from, while most of his mental issues are entirely of his own making.