#TheFutureIsFemale... remember that

#TheFutureIsFemale... remember that

>"Per the data, female matriculants (or enrollees) comprised 50.7% of the 21,338 people entering medical school this year. Female matriculants increased by 3.2% this year while male matriculants declined by 0.3%; what’s more, though, is that since 2015, the former group has increased by 4% while the latter has declined 6.7%."


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Would Sup Forums rather get a massage from a gay masseur or get surgery from a female surgeon?

Gay masseur

Too bad all of those female doctors retire at 38 thereby wasting all of those free tax gibs.

i look forward to the rise of wrongful death suits

They'll finish med school, drop out to have children, but there won't be any good men because women took all the spots, and it will exacerbate the doctor shortages

Shit, I going to die

how bout some of those female med students come and matriculate on my cock

This, women only get great jobs like that to find a rich guy to marry, and then they retire early or scale way back to have kids. And the tax payers get to pay for it while qualified men are left in the dust, and we have a doctor shortage. Thanks left.

We all know what the solution to that doctor shortage is.... IMMIGRATION!!!

Here's exactly how this will play out:

> More women will drop out of medicine to pursue psychology or similar
> Universities will struggle to graduate more women
> Universities will lower standards to retain women
> Women will become doctors despite disinterest
> Women will eventually want to stop being doctors and will prioritize things like having kids
>There will be a shortage of doctors
> Healthcare bills will go up
> Women will demand (vote for) more government spending to pay for their healthcare
> Men end up paying more for healthcare AND more in taxes to subsidize women's healthcare

Women ruin everything.

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

>majority of students are female
>current education topics include feelings, gibs and complaining

>tfw both my parents were doctors, but I'm going to be a lawyer

>give more women then men grants to go to med school
>spin it as some sort of female empowerment garbage

It's lose, not loose.

UK doctor here: females tend to take less competitive jobs with a better work-life balance, drop out of the workforce for extended periods to have children and retire earlier. They are also overrepresented in "office" jobs like GPs and psychiatrists.

A professor in the UK raised this concern and was roundly condemned by Britcucks.


Women are detrimental to the field of medicine.
They take longer to graduate, choose less difficult professions, flood the bullshit ones like dermatology, retire early, and don't pay back your loans.
They also file more complaints and take way the fuck more vacations


Healthcare analyst for hospitals,

>next article
>number of malpractice suits skyrocket, quality of medical care at all time low

I heard this field is awful now. Sometime like 2 jobs for every 10 graduates.

>and it's the fault of the patriarchy

r a r e

I spent the last two decades trying to warn anyone who would listen. Nobody would. Good luck down the road. You have to live in the future you create.

n e w

So... What are the "future is female" people going to do when all men just decide to quit? Are women going to handle the defense of the country? Because I sure as hell won't be jumping up to save a roastie. Fuck em

I like how these people merely look at the numbers but not the reasons/effects behind them.

They'll fix the Doctor shortages by jamming every hospital full of Pajeets that don't was their hands.


And i'll qualify this by saying don't get sick. Stay out of the healthcare system as much as possible or you could end up victim to one of these "Doctors".

>in surgery
>woman PMSing
>suddenly clasps her hands, shakes them
>says she needs a break and stomps off

What race is the surgeon?

I hate female doctors.
I will legitly only see male doctors. Women are generally useless as doctors.. and often bitchy and unprofessional.

>goes to med school
>dates black business guy
>gets knocked up
>has to quit med school

I care more about how many doctors we have than med school students

God save us all.
Hospitals will be filled with nurses, demartos and radiologists.

>more women going to college then ever
>cost/value ratio of a bachelor's degree plummeting
sounds about right

meanwhile facebook gets to post shit like this.

Off by one but that post was still on point mein duder

They work for a few months or years then go on maternity leave for a few months or years.

Forgetting much of their practice in the process and creating temp jobs because "its only for a few months/years the doctor is gone".

At least the work force is doubled right? good trade.

Boomer genocide when

One would be awkward and one I could die from.

I'd take a white female surgeon over a street shitting/nigger male surgeon.

So does this mean we can stop the affirmative action programs and coddling women for fear of making an "unwelcoming environment" now that they're the majority?

Nope. Women don't actually care about doing the right thing.

gay masseur ten times over if I have to

I've seen women do complicated and delicate shit before, it always ends horribly.
It's like they are incapable of being calm and focused on a task, and that's saying nothing about desxterity.

asking the real questions.

>average white GPA/MCAT score for matriculants: 3.75/510

>average black GPA/MCAT score for matriculants: 3.2/500

we're all gonna die (a lot sooner than we intended).

I am in medical school and i can confirm this. Also, about 1/3 is niggers, 1/5 arab, the rest are indian, asian, or white.

Also, a good portion of the people repeating first year are women (meaning they failed their classes in first year). The guys get kicked out.

>The guys get kicked out.
Jesus Christ. Figures.

i trust chink docs the best, seeing as they have the most rigorous standards. a chinky doc between 25-40, not those 70 year old docs who had no competitors fifty years ago

Womens intuition says.....

Why do I get the feeling the numbers in this study are some statistical chicanery?

>me, my two brothers and cousin live in my grandma's 3bdr house (I live in cottage in back), paying no rent and have cheap expenses
>we all work skilled labor jobs
>I'm the youngest at 23 and we pool in a household combined income of $217k a year
>we all save to a common fund (they've been doing this for the last 5 years, I joined 3 years ago) and will reach seven digit figures in $avings in about 1½ a years
>none of us work more than 38 hours a week
>those poor medical gals, doing 72+ hours a week in zombie mode (studying, interning, residency, etc) and accumulating massive debt
Bless their hearts. I guess it pays to be brainlets (none of us ever went to college).

If you have a parent who is a libtard you should kill them, tbqh.

You have no idea. The docs 50 years ago knew what the fuck they were doing.

OP look at the statistic of how many of the women doctors are working full time 10 years after graduation. Less then half.



Gay masseur no question. 9/10 those dudes are talented in their profession

The guys get kicked out? What sexist bullshit is this?

massage cause i can at least afford that. Id fucking kill myself if i needed a major surgery

Gay masseur.

t. doctor

Your female classmates are there looking for a husband. When you're the natural alpha male of your class and you won't fuck any of them because they're useless, they will turn on you and try to destroy your life.

We had one girl, our Class Vice-President, fail the majority of her classes and get to take a "medical leave of absence" to work on her PTSD from testing anxiety while we had another male with similar scores get told "youre done, you clearly cant handle the material and it only gets harder". Also, of the 10 people repeating the year for failing, all are women and over half are niggers and shit skins.
This. medical student girls are high strung, stressed out cunts. In my study group there is one bitchy roastie that i know at one point was fucking 3 different guys in our class while complaining about how shes failing and doesnt have enough time to study.

We also had an arab SJW girl freak out during lecture, call the assistant dean sexist and racist while he gave a lecture on medical ethics, then try to burn down the student housing complex she was living in.

I hate the majority of my classmates and am scared that they will be treating patients one day

I hate female doctors.
Had one almost laugh when she asked to see my cock for a physical.


In Europe thats a problem because many women want to have babies and start working part time and also don't want to practice in rural areas. So they're running out of doctors.
Same with veterinarians. Many women and they want pet practices and not live on the countryside and treat cows and bulls

Literally the majority of my female classmates want to work full time as a pediatrician/dermatologist until they pay off their debt and get married then work 20 hours per week.

Its a waste of a fucking degree

>be nigger
>to retarded to pass college classes
>do poorly on MCAT multiple times
>accepted to Harvard with full scholarship

>had one almost laugh when she asked to see my cock for a physical

Now imagine if i did that during a vaginal exam. They would sue me, take my license immediately, and broad cast it on national news

Automation is going to remove most of the error.

The technology and education is better now, but the number of capable hands is way less.

>brothers and cousin live in my grandma's 3bdr house (I live in cottage in back), paying no rent and have cheap expenses
>we pool in a household combined income of $217k a year

>I guess it pays to be brainlets

Don't kid yourself, you guys are smarter than people who spend all their time stressing out over shit for the sake of prestige.

read about a case the other day, in oregon i think, where a male nursei think it was is being sued for commenting on big boobs and genital piercings, according to the suit.