ITT: People who defeated Sup Forums

ITT: People who defeated Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

We supported Pai

>ITT:People who defeated Reddit


That bully in the schoolyard who suddenly started a fight with you and you still don't know why

The teacher when she took his side

That girl that always thought of you as her 'brother' but you still hanged-out with because you hoped so so much that if your nice enough one day she might find out she likes you

Mom and Dad when they decided that they don't want to be together anymore

That guy on the other side of the screen when he started trolling you even though you just posted an honest acceptable opinion and somehow knew just where to press to make it hurt until you wanted to just close the site and never come back but you still went there because you wanted to show yourself that you can take the pain even though a wiser man would just let go.

Me when I reminded you.

What has changed Pablo?

fpbp, checked

>hurrr reddit boogeyman

>Defeated Sup Forums

He's one of us, you faggot.
Quality shitposter on par with Australians.

He is literally the face of Sup Forums you idiot.

>revisionist history
So pol is always right because it switches sides when it loses. Okay pal.



Life defeated poltards.


>Sup Forums
>supporting net neutrality

1: Spotted the new fag
2: Reddit was the source of support for NN
3: come back when you're older than 17 pally

Ajit is a friend

>: come back
no, fag. he'll never learn. dust him for good.

>Thinking Sup Forums sides with Obama
>Thinking Sup Forums is against the removal of government power
>Thinking Sup Forums would fall for Silicon Valley shills
>Thinking Sup Forums supports America's decent into communism

What's it like posting for pennies?

>Sup Forums got defeated by pajeet pai
guess the poos finally got their revenge after they got bullied off of this board

Sup Forums only supported it to be contrarian



What is net neutrality and why is reddit so mad about repealing it

redpill me

ATM he is getting sued by the states and being accused of obstruction of justice. He is probably fucked.

>defeated Sup Forums
>Sup Forums still here
Try harder m8