Why does Sup Forums like Japan again?
Why does Sup Forums like Japan again?
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They've got ninjas and shit.
Imagine being such a partisan hack while thinking about fricking Japan
They also don't have niggers and kikes.
>Japan doesn't have conservatives
The Japanese government are as right-wing as you can.
But in Japan, along with the rest of the civilized world, being-right wing doesn't mean being a capitalist retard
because pol is filled with manlet nignog faggots who think japan is just like their animes when its more like a bowel movement
>not a right wing government
>by Law, Quran not allowed and Muslims can't own property in Japan
Yeah, they don't need a right wing government if this is considered "centrist". They are doing everything alright over there.
Kek, Japan isn't right wing? It's likely the most capitalistic, and nationalist nation in existence right now.
>Japan doesn't have an insane right wing political party
Lmao, wait what? LDP is not a right-wing party? :DDD
95% of their government is made up of conservatives and libertarians
It doesn't have retarded ass leafs making pointless threads using strawmans. Saged
>But in Japan, along with the rest of the civilized world, being-right wing doesn't mean being a capitalist retard
What are you talking about? Japan is capitalist as fuck.
>japan doesn't have republicans
they're right, they have better. They have imperialists
Japan doesn't have a terrorist organization masquerading as freedom fighter revolutionaries who put cement blockers on their train tracks.
That's literally it.
When is article nine getting repealed?
Yes, but they also have a lot state involvement, particularly in infrastructure and in tech. They are not libertarians or laisez faire or whatever. Their capitalism is highly controlled.
We literally have black trucks driving around waving the old flag while playing old WWII music telling foreigners to get the fuck out of this country but we aren't right wing.
Lol ok
Meant for
A wise and courageous jap saved his country from communism. That's why they've done so well these past 50 years.
It's the germany of asia
>train goes 80 around a 30 mph curve and derails
>blame Republicans
Stop pretending to a be a Japanese person, you obese amerrimutt weebo.
All countries do. USA has vastly more socialist policies than Japan, would anyone care to argue that USA is not a capitalist country?
I can't name a single country that would have a 100% free market, can you?
>le evil rightwing party
going lmao when we get a big fat infrastructure bill
Rural and suburban retards kindly voted to rebuild our inner cities, for you ungrateful highrise living snobs
Stop pretending to be British, goat fucker.
o i am laffin
hong kong is a turd.
No, Japan has "insane right wing" 100% fucking privatized rail systems. That's the irony of it. This person so ignorant they don't realize it's "right-wing" aka capitalist/free markets that make Japan's rail system what it is today. The government does not own, run or maintain the bullet trains. It's all privately owned and managed.
Hilarious. Japanese parties are either Nationalist Conservative, or Conservative from our political perspective. Japanese succeed because they are a monoracial country that doesn't have to deal with the baggage that comes along with a multi-racial society.
Their homogeneous society and absolute disdain for foriegners.
Except America has the biggest stigma and it's one of the reason it has not had any large scale infrastructure projects in a long time. Anything with state involvement is muh ebill socialeeesm wanting take yer goonz.
Muh free market.
Yeah the privatized rail systems that were built primarily on Japanese government investment. Kys lolbertarian.
Nah. Japan is smart enough to not let in muzzies.
it's really hard to get shit done when we have more niggers and spics than you have ALL PEOPLE. I mean we waste so much money policing them and then the democrats waste all this money you are referring to on them. Imagine a USA with 80% less murder, prisons, welfare, etc.
Wow. Another butthurt chinaman in a thread about Japan... who would have guess?
Japan ONLY has conservatives, what the fuck are they talking about?
>ethnically homogeneous society.
>prioritizing existing citizens over immigrants.
>orderly society with virtually no crime.
>government is actually fairly self accountable.
>place is impressively clean
>competent education system
>mostly conservative government, has been for decades.
>Corporations and companies not ruled by greed. When they do poorly, executives volunteer their own salaries, even if it's just a hollow gesture to their employees that they will suffer with the rest of them.
>Companies legally can't lay off employees, forcing them to find effective uses for them instead of just dumping them when it's convenient.
>Company loyalty is socially expected. It's unusual to not be a company man all your life.
>Japanese can be deeply superstitious.
>'Visit but don't stay' attitude means that everything they have going for themselves is virtually impossible for you to enjoy.
>You can own a gun but only in some provinces and only with some serious restrictions, including annual psychiatric evaluations, and the police get to know exactly where you store your gun, and it must be stored separately from ammo, and all of it has to be stored in locked safes.
>Half your income gets taxed.
>Everything is expensive.
>If you marry a Japanese person and live in Japan, they will have to handle almost everything domestic. Car dealers do not want to talk to you, land lords think you're a slob and a dead beat because of all the times they got burned by a gaijin who either didn't pay their rent or left the place a dump.
>Japanese taboo on not working your ass off leads to suicides and people who literally work themselves to death. No one wants to leave before their boss does, which often means that a 40 hour work week easily balloons into a 60+ hour work week for absolutely no goddamn reason.
>This also means gobs of unpaid overtime.
The source of the initial funding is hardly relevant. The main point is that in a privatized system there is competition, which drives up the quality of the product. If there is no competition aside of getting the best lobbyists, there is no incentive for quality; you will get paid regardless.
In a free market (like the Japanese railways for example) happens survival of the fittest. A natural evolution of the product, and that is why Japans railways are the best in the world.
W-well, at least the Führer handled his defeat in a more japanese way than Hirohito
Japan is conservative but not in the american way.
This is actually closer to the reason
But not smart enough to post gifs.
> When liberals defend an ethnostate that spends on itself instead of others and immigrants and boast how great it is
>Not order of magnitude more conservative than the US
The fuck?
They wuz samurais n shiiet
So why didn't Obama build bullet trains? He had eight years to.
East Asians, Japanese in particular, are urbanites who aesthetically like compact, efficient public transportation. 200mph trains give them boners and they're regularly used by relatively well off people.
Burgers, and west burgers in particular, have land and petrol to spare. They prefer roads and individual cars, and so trains are relegated to the transportation of cargo, livestock, and niggers. That's why burger railway infrastructure doesn't get nearly as much investment or concern for safety.
you forgot people live in 5 m2 and pay 2000 dollars for it.
I'm starting to believe more and more as I get older that there are some genuine, real humans but the majority of people NPC's who can't think properly
Japan is a homogeneous society without niggers and other dirt people.
There is always a cheaper alternative in Japan if you are not retarded and willing to buy secondhand. If you don't know how popular and we'll stocked 100yen shops are here you don't really know Japan at all.
>Be Japan
>Right wing as fuck
>People aren’t a bunch of squabbling self-absorbed cry babies on either side of the aisle
>Can work together because they’re racially homogenous with common goals and a culture of respect
They get shit done because they’re sensible and don’t squabble despite difference, and they don’t have niggers kicking and screaming for gibs from the rest of the population.
Isn't trump the one president that has pushed for more infrastructure improvements the most in a long time.
Even after the fucking train flew off the tracks he tried to use it to gain support for upcoming infrastructure bills.
Japan doesn't have Republicans because they don't have niggers.
Isn't that south korea? The only thing I ever hear about it is the feminist cults and how men are treated like shit constantly.
>No niggers
>No kikes
>Insanely conservative
Japan would be the one example that shits on their argument
Japan doesn't have niggers
>Megalia is controversial. Users of this website often post gory images of sliced penis and mocked war heroes who died in Korean War to express misandry.
Wasn't the train derailed by some antifa wiggers?
Go cook some more dog you filthy chink
Technically the first sentence is not refuted by the claims in this thread of Japan's right-wing popularity. He is implying that America's right-wing party, specifically Republicans, attempt to prevent social and infrastructure investments.
Except it isn't Republicans holding back infrastructure.
Now the first sentence is refuted.
Well, all of them, really. Japan also has its fair share of disasters. It's just more non sequiturs from liberals.
>being this delusional
Long story short: Japan is an entire nation that's smaller than California. It's a lot easier and cheaper to lay down advanced infrastructure that spans hundreds of miles rather than thousands of miles.
The fact that CA doesn't have the same level of infrastructure as Japan pretty much reveals that dems are horrible at government, though.
t. written by a white liberal that has never been to Japan
I have actually been to Japan and before and can confirm Japan is racist and xenophobic as fuck, as it should be. They make Trump and America look like Sweden by comparison. The government just spends a lot on infrastructure instead of the military (which we provide for them).
Basically National Socialism-lite. Yeah I would love it if it were in the US too. Open border, warhawk Democrats though stand in the way of that however.
Japan is one of the most right wing countries on earth.
lol I came here to post exactly this
>rail system built after WW2 in a non-commodity based exporting country
>rail system originating in the 1800's specifically designed to carry commodities across large distances
HURR, why aren't the oil pipelines in the US the same as japanese waterslides??
>Why does Sup Forums like Japan again?
Because we want to rape their women.
To be fair our own would probably ruin our lives with STDs and "accidental" pregnancies.
keep it deep, yamaguchi
イギリスにはモハーメッドが一番の名前なんですよね. WWWW
But how is Japan on letting white European? I actually thought about moving there, but the biggest downside is you guys are anime freaks and I fucking despise anime.
Who the fuck cares what you want, kekifag?
also isn't the gouverment in Japan right wing?
>you guys are anime freaks
Ive heard that anime culture is more of an export than a local thing for them, and that they dont obsess over it like westerners do.
No theyre not. Theyre normal people. Just ask all the weaboos who come back from Nippon super dissapointed its nothing like their anime cartoons.
Go jerk off to some hentai to calm your autism amerifat
Well, I do. But that's beside the point. Nobody wants you there anyway. Me or them.
I never even implied it was like cartoons, only weebs think that cause they are borderline retarded. But I've seen and heard from people there is a fuck ton of week stores and anime merch all around
>Well, I do.
Nothing left to say here...
>I lose.
Then leave.
Japan is far more right wing than any Bible thumper on the planet. And that is why they are so successful
>stereotypically Japanese things are sold in places where tourists go
>Watches drawn girls getting fucked by tentacles
>Basement dweller
>Protects anime with full strength of his virginity
Tell me if I'm wrong here
>Ive heard that anime culture is more of an export than a local thing for them
No. Anime is almost exclusively developed for local consumption. Anime outside Japan is always an after thought.
Anime itself doesn't make much money, they make everything on the sales of merchandise.
Where is my fleshlight you faggot I ordered it 2 months ago and it still says that it is IN TRANSIT, FUCK YOU.
Well, I'm defending Japan's choices. I like the hentai sure but, as I said, that's beside the point.
Of course you're sitting here moralizing on a website that's owned by a Japanese individual and frequently shares hentai so...
>Tourist places
No, you're a cuck.
They're not normal people. They're soulless hordes. They're basically a more polite, shy version of the Chinese. No wonder they make anime all bright and colorful with all these dffferent hair styles and crazy eye colors, because trying to tell them apart in real life is fucking impossible.
maybe the nips don't think hiring people qualified for a job is non-inclusive
I did a few semester abroad there and loved it. It put my suburban upbringing and urban college experience to shame. I'm currently accruing experience at an international company so I can get the fuck back in long term without being an English teacher or lucky GI.