These bloody idiots think the Aryan Invasion Theory (which is fact but Jew scholars love to deny it) is marxist when in fact the idea that SHITdia gave us the loo, numbers and astronomy is marxist. The Jew loves to credit these STREET SHITTERS with the creation of civilization.
ITT: we post pictures of the Streetiris Shittericus in its natural habitat (the ganges)
The subhuman father and its offspring taking their monthly bath in the ganges
Zachary Jenkins
>"I really want to travel to India it is such a beautiful country
John Brown
A pajeet hydrating itself with the cleanest water in all of India. Ganges river water is estimated to have a whopping 1.1 BILLION coliforms per 100mls of volume
Josiah Green
posting a classic because fuck the curry munchers
i have travelled to india and it's just as dirty and horrible as everyone says. whole place smells of shit unsurprisingly
Luke Ward
Indians: wipe their ass with their hand, eat food with their hands. Never ventilate the house, reeks of curry and shit. Has terrible English accent.
Even Maori I know here are more civilized than Indians and that is saying something
Ethan Flores
India is too successful and support too much life for its own good.
The cause of human misery in India is the fact that it is overrun with humans. I'm guessing that before humans it was overrun with some other form of animal mass.
Nathan Cook
Aryans aren't from India and never invaded India. Why do you fucks desperately want to associate with ancient hindus I will never understand. As if there was a point wehn they weren't complete subhumans.
Jonathan Torres
Then why the fuck do most Indians speak Sanskrit derived languages?