How open would the Spanish,Italians,Portuguese and French anons be to the creation of an latin alliance,like Mussolini had planned out?
i am not just talking economically but also militarily
How open would the Spanish,Italians,Portuguese and French anons be to the creation of an latin alliance,like Mussolini had planned out?
i am not just talking economically but also militarily
ok but no nordcucks allowed
Your country,and france and italy, spain are being invaded by non whites very single day, but your problem is keep other europeans like you away. fck this is why europe is lost, you have no race counsciess
100% open if Islam is not allowed and migrants are extremely controlled like in Japan
I'm fine with the Iberians but do we REALLY have to take the french in?
>muh invasion
56% and counting. Never forget.
Good argument frenchie. I know france, italy, portugal and spain also germany, uk and greece created europe and european civilization, had empires and a rich history, so the Usa.Just open your eyes and protect europe, like the eastern euros are doing
we are brother in the occident, if you divide us we are lost to the muz who hate all of us, you included.
He's a Portuguese user, not USA. Just ask him to reveal geoflag.
user i am portuguese(OP) and i have a lot of respect for you italians,i guess not they wouldnt need to be alllowed in
i was thinking it could be just with actual Southern european countries.
yes i guess they would not be allowed in sure,what about an alliance with us portuguese?
I was thinking about all this countries remaining with their full independance but being all allied military and economically
if one of us goes to war we all go to war together that sort of alliance
also spain is a great country and i love your language
stopped reading right there.
That's the thing, full independence, each one with their own business (culture, languages, traditions, symbols, etc) but with a great army and a strong united economy free from jewish banks. And we need to ban foreigners in our politics.
The kikes would never allow Europeans to have control of their central banks again. If it's not kosher, they'll just call you nazi and fuck you over.
the alliance should be cultural and not economic and maybe a common fundamentals laws
there should be too a military alliance within all europe to prevent this independance from the us, russiand and africa and asia
Yes spanish user that is what i was thinking,mussolini had plans to make something like this real but he never got to do it.
we would have full Independence from each other but be United militarily and with very strong economic ties to each other so we arent dependent on other countries
ban all influence from outside nations like germany
Nothing would happen. They're all too stupid and lazy to do anything. Their economies are shit and so is their military.
lol alright you sandnigger
>we all had the largest empires of the entire world
> always in the peak of culture and Technology Advancement
you cucks are just afraid the italians fuck you over again like they did in the past(romans,fascists,english)
lmao go eat a kebab
France does not belong with med muds
#and the english
You think jews are fucking omnipotent, the key are the banks, we need to destroy the actual monetary system, this is the real strength of the jews, the money, there is no more. If we contro, the money, if we control the economy, totally, then they are finished, then we have control over everything in the society
The economic aspect is essential, the cultural aspect is secondary, we already have similar cultures, the only thing that should be done is to eliminate social engineering through education and media
Actually all western Europe is the same race, they speak germanic languages in Britain and western Germany due the barbarian invasions
thats my point we should ally with things that unite us not things that divide us. Economic matter is way too difficult to rally between north and south country of europe. that will only fail.
i have been saying for years Portugal and Spain need to form an alliance with each other,all this stupid in fighting is retarded
if we got along better we could stand up to the rest of europe,all we would need to do would get the support of the italians and maybe the greeks(very compatible with us) to get away from this german 4 reich EUSRR Dictatorship
the frenchies would be allowed in if they gave up the EU and stop trying to control europe
thats funny you description suits perfectly most of muz countries but not most of european countries.
But do we call it Wopworld or Dagotopia?
yeah that is what i was thinking
aldo i wouldnt be opposed if we had some sort of side alliance with greece and help them get out and stop being the fuckboys of germany
latin bloc mein nigga
club meditteranean alliance ^^
that will lead you anywere guys...
lets do it
all hail Consul Macron of the Neo-Roman Republic, may Jupiter bless his rule
What heresy is going on in this thread? I would sooner sacrifice 500 puppies to buddha than to share the same country with the spanish
not share the same country,just a militarily and economic alliance,everybody would have their independence
you frenchies have fucked yourself with the sand niggers,in a couple of decades your country is going to be a second saudi arabia with akhmed fucking your french women
Thats what they said about EU, now we are inches away from being an actual superstate entity. No thanks
user we would have more uniting us,we all have similar cultures its not the same thing with the EU trying to throw all this different countries into a shit alliance aldo tons of this countries hate each other.
It would also give us more Independence from the rest of europe so we wouldnt always have to be the fuckboys of snow niggers
also fuck the EU that was just one more way of this german cucks to gain control of europe since they fucked up in ww2
>fuck the EU
>gets giant boner for EU 2.0
What about the Swiss that speak Italian?
They should be included with the Swiss that speak French.
nigger this would have nothing to do with the EU,we are culturally very compatible and we would have full Independence Eu was a neo marxist collectivist plan to create a second soviet union only in europe instead of asia
not every alliance between europeans needs to be a bad thing or=European Union
why are you so against a future alliance with our latin brothers user
we have an alliance with the brit cucks dont we
if we dont start making some alliances we are all going to fall under the new communist world order or jewish capitalism pick your cancer
user i am not sure
maybe if they are of italian origin they would,but everybody would have individual control of their borders so that would be up to france/italian if they wanted to let them in
Spain is progressive as hell, and France fits better in a muslim alliance.
had to fix your brit map
>alliance of mediterranean countries to protect their economic and sovereign interests against germany controlled EU
>the same as the EU
the fact that you think these are equivalent is what keeps the german kike heel on the neck of mediterranean people's.
lol fuck off
why is it always portucucks who refuse any type of improvement over being bootlickers?
56% amerimutts need not apply to thread.
What kind of improvement are we talking about?
Why france
Fuck em
Non merci, sales arabes.
Sounds like you've never been to Switzerland there are Swiss Italians Swiss French and Swiss germans all of them are Swiss.