what is their end game?
Jews takeover of gaming
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>what is their end game
you have to think big jesus...
but in the end it always helps america and maybe also israel.
No jew can even 1cc DonPachi.
More loot boxes, feminism and forced minorities. Gamers will preorder it all anyways if they make good trailers. They don't even need much subversion, gamers are literally the most sheeple consumer group of all time.
In App Purchases.
>what is their end game?
profit and subversion of their host nation's culture. when has it been otherwise?
Ferengi don't do subversion though.
They just sell shit that people want.
The savior (((Vidya))) needs
PUBG is fucking cancer, literally the worst thing that has ever happened to the gaming (((industry))), unfinished feature-less pile of cocksucking trash. It glorifies all the worst things about (((gaming))) including the cocksuckery involved with streaming - the entire culture surrounding twitch and streamers is nauseating. I hope every single person who unironically plays this game fucking dies - all 30 million of them, majority of them being ching chong chinks
Ethan Klein is German.
Last name is Klein
WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM WITH US??? We jews are just ppl like you
>We jews are just ppl like you
Whatever you say, reptile.
same reason they took over (((Hollywood)))
>We jews are just ppl like you
Except you can't 1cc a game of Metal Slug.
What? He's Jewish. His grandfather's last name is Katzman, that's literally the most Jewish Hollywood name in the world.
>cut us do we not bleed
as he argues to take the heart of an honest man as vengeance for lost gold
Interactive jewish programming. Look at the new Wolfenstein game, first how is just forcing you to sit and watch your own father be an irredeemable piece of shit, and then later the game lauds you as a hero for murdering him. Your father is white and thus evil and mean and racist and a shitty businessman and abusive and needs to die, your mother is a jew and has no flaws. The rest of the game carries the same narrative: all the white people are evil and should be killed, whereas the handful of whites who help commit genocide against their own people are heroes.
>what is their end game?
Same as with the MSM and Hollywood.... influence and control over the messaging.
Glad I'm not the only one who hates Twitch.
And before people go "well you killed nazis in the previous Wolfenstein games hur dur" those games had a strong pro-American message, while this new game is just "Fuck white people and fuck America for not bending over backwards and doing everything they can to fellate minorities."
Compare this to something like the new Doom game, which has no underlying message besides "kill literal demons" and maybe a minor message of "unchecked scientific progress can lead to disaster," at most. The ironic bit is that both of these games were published by the same company, Bethesda. But now Bethesda is being bought by Disney, so you can bet money that if they actually bother to make another Doom game, it'll have an ant-white or anti-nationalist, or both, message constantly thrown in your face.
im just getting really tired of this bullshit larping
They were made by totally different developers though. Doom 2016 was developed by id Software. New Wolfensteins were developed by eternal Swedes.
I bet you can't even beat Battletoads on NES.
Wherever they go, they must subvert the goyim.
Everything about PUBG capitalizes on the 'ego', and the people who play it are mostly narcissists - which is why Twitch and streamer culture in general is obsessed with the game. I'm sure the game has a playerbase that is mostly just casual and doesn't give much of a shit about it - but it also currently has the largest ego-ridden playerbase, likely some of the worst people on offer in the whole 'community'. A 'good time' for them is making someone else miserable, and then having thousands of people watch them make other people miserable.
that game was an incontrovertible fucking failure too, if you want to troll them find the executive(s) on twitter and ask what the next Wolfenstein will pander to.
>what is their end game?
to keep you just alive enough to have working adrenal systems they can milk daily.
Dumb people down, get them enraged, create divisional parties, make LOTS of money, throttle creative abilities by locking talent out, stealing the idea you had/have over forums and chat, so they can claim some form of joodom starship.
>Mind controls + population controls + creativity controls.
>Ownership of the global network and advanced AI.
To ruin everything decent in this world.
Are people who play competitive games, like CS:GO, also narcissists?
nah it's really fun to play as a group, just invite all your online friends and school some noob ass teams
great fun
There done, the industry is dead.
They have wone.
No truly new concept in games for the last 5 years.
By the way it wasn't Jews that destroyed gaming, it was Sony that ruined gaming with the PS1 and PS2. They destroyed arcade-like games to make way for casual story-telling software.
Story-telling software is dying too, making way for casual multiplayer-focused experiences.
Most people who play popular 'competitive' games are ego-ridden narcissists, yes. All they do through the majority of their playtime is get mad at other people and blame everything else except themselves whenever they lose, or whenever they get off their streak. It's everyone else's fault - not their fault. This usually means abusing and insulting their own teammates for their own personal failures.
>No truly new concept in games for the last 5 years.
WoW is 13.
>but in the end it always helps america and maybe also israel.
Other way around.
Yep. Which games do you like?
He got cucked and jewed hard, though. I sympathize in this case.
MFW when I only play ZUN's, Kojima's and Paradox's games.
you got trolled by a streamer or what?
Used to like lot's of things, single player FPS:s and action games mostly, but nowdays I just usually can't stay interested for more than couple of hours to the max. Gaming's gotten kinda boring, or I've just gotten too old for this shit. I still waste quite a lot of time on strategy games, pretty much the only genre that still somewhat immerses me and keeps me interested in the long run.
Nah, majority of those playerbases are casuals too, they're just playing mostly to pass time and don't usually bother to say a word to the chat.
The angry competetive players are usually just victims of marketing, they've really gotten excited about all those cool esports-players and the scene built around it, and get frustrated when their gaming experience doesn't match their ideals. They want to believe that by playing a game that's "esports" they are part of it all, while in reality anyone with money and time can and will play those games without any skills or dedication just to pass time or have some kind of fun. And boy, does it piss the esports-larpers off.
>these games were published
Whatcha talking about mate?
Loot crates are AWSOME
Well this is all I need to now. Buying stocks from game companies atm
gaming will take over education. Lessons won't be boring or dangerous if you're a minecraft character
The complete takeover of education through video screens where they dictate the curriculum. The SJW lefties were the results of the first prototype applied through the Obama admin on to public education.
I think fortnite is one of the best games in a long time. It's free and relies on cosmetics that are pretty fun, so it's a win win for everyone. Pretty dynamic and funny concept too.
>tfw only game i am looking forward too is kingdom come deliverance and the possibility of a diablo 2 HD remake.
I havent bought anything "new" in years. feels good not to give these shits my money.