>he thought the trump administration would be different
lmao just lmao
He thought the trump administration would be different
bravo Sup Forums, part of the 900D chess right?
I'm completely for this. There is now an excuse to cut off federal aid to these shitty countries and throw their reliance on us in their face. We save hundreds of billions, and brown people feel the pain because their officials wanted to show how tough they are. What's not to like?
cutting funds is different right?
>cut aid to these shitty countries
you mean like Britain, Germany, Japan and France? All your aid already goes to Israel you dumbass
>cut off federal aid to these shitty countries
And will just give it to Israel who Mossad will channel it to fuckers like Soros.
Go look up who Bibi's father is, a famous kike historian that makes up a lot of bullshit of the treatment of Jews in the Middle Ages, him and his son believed to a T that all Jews, no matter how they paint them themselves to the goy, are Jews through and through and will remain resolute in destroying the goyim.
Cut off funds to egypt and jordan
>trolling over a hundred countries and Nazi faggots on Sup Forums
She truly is /ourgal/
good, good. the EU will strike back by shutting down US bases within their countries and keep pushing for the EU army
lol the main problem is the money we dump on israel and the jews
Didin't you mean /ourpoo/?
Cut off funds to egypt
Yes, because those were clearly the ones that I meant, cocksucker.
Yes, all $23,000,000,000.00 is going to go to strictly Israel, you moronic tinfoil hatted fuck.
Lol how will you faggots do that with no army and no males besides the Arabs you imported?
So lemme get this straight
The globalist Jew puppets are mad at the nationalist Jew puppets.
Checked flag, A FUCKING LEAF
Cut off foreign aid to nigeria
the majority of your foreign aid goes to Israel you moron, only Afghanistan receives more aid than Israel
What black,brown and muslim countrys will lose foreign aid?
Can we cut off foreign aid to ethiopia?
And yet you think all that funding will be cut?
Which one of is the real lunatic?
Or maybe you are a shill?
Besides, the American people will support Trump's decision to give it all to Israel. Stop being retarded.
Are we going yo be able to cut off foreign aid to afghsnistan?
Which way did afghsnistan vote?
I'm pretty sure Ethiopia has good ties with Israel. Not happening. If anything, it means Ethiopia will get support for their upcoming war with Egypt and their possible ethnic and religious cleansings.
Trumptards literally shill for Israel now, literally defended the pardon of that kike yesterday, and are literally calling for war with Russia in that other thread about sale of weapons to Ukraine.
In a few months they'll probably shill for more BASED immigration and call border wall racist.
They should be treated like JIDF because they are indistinguishable at this point. They will support Trump even if he personally murders their family and fucks their dog while shitting in their mouth.
you are currently in war in Afghanistan, you can't cut aid even if you wanted to
If the punished Trump theory holds true then this is exactly what Trump is going for. To cause a rift between the jews. He is fueling right wing jews and globalist jews hate him for it.
Theres nothing in afghanistan except muslims and goat fuckers
maybe you should have thought of that before invading
NatSoc here
Literally don't give a fuck about the desert
I hope they bills their faggot Temple so all of you lose hope and figure out your respective religions are fake and gay
Biggest heroin producer.
Kikes infiltrated and subverted magatards effortlessly.
The UN building site. In Jew York.. Would Be EXCELLENT for a NEW TRUMP TOWER and HOTE
Why can we have an Ethnostate but if the jews get one we want to kill them?
Let the jews have an ethnostate if you want to have a white ethnostate.
No kidding outstanding post
Europe is in much better shape demographically than the US. The really hard hit countries in Europe are all the ones who have been fatally attached at the hip or occupied by the JewSA, anyway. The US is basically Nigeria/Mexico right now. Nobody is following, everyone is laughing. The world doesn't actually need a jew-nigger parasite sticking its hooked nose into everything.
All the industry that isn't the exclusive purview of Lockheeb Martin is already offshore and not coming back. Now it's becoming clear that the countries it was exported to aren't going to accept "phase 2" and act as ZOG meatshields to return the favor. LOL.
It's just jidf. They've made /ptg/ their home. Go to 8ch if you want to be free of them.
Either ways the turbo kikes going gaga over Trump shouldnt get too comfortable. I still believe Trump is /our guy/, so long as he keeps pointing out the (jewish) wars in mid east. That directly disrupts any plans for greater Israel since Iran, Syria, Iraq won't be broken up.. In fact they are going to get stronger from the fighting experience and in a generation of two could become very powerful. The whole point of the Assad war was to carve up Syria but if he is not allowed to rebuild he will become formidable. Trump is playing a super long con on these kikes.
you don't get it guys
Trump is making Jerusalem Israel's capital just to trigger muslims and terrorists
when this happens they will strike back in the form of terror, killing hundreds on western nations, which helps Trump narrative to block Muslims from entering America, as well as being easier to send bombs to the middle east
Punished Trump theory is made up kike nonsense.
So you've just confirmed he's a zionist attempting to reduce muzzie power in the west to keep jews in their safe space. While not addressing his clemency. roger that
top kek
Jews already have an ethno state and whites don't. Jews run the media and politics in western countries where any movement for white nationalism is nipped at the bud.
>hurr durr muh ethnostates
almost all countries in Europe are ethnostates you fucking moron, nobody cares about Amerimutts, there no whites left in America to have a white ethnostate, at best case scenario you can create a muttstate
Trump doesn't need a narrative to block Muslims from entering the United States. The executive has the rightful and complete authority to restrict immigration of anyone from anywhere for any reason. Trump is recognizing Jerusalem as israel's capital because he is subservient to judaism.
It is different.
They don't pretend the UN matters.
There's about 200m pure Anglo whites in the USA.
>Support Israel or else
And people say this shithole isn't just an Israel puppet.
>USA isolated Russia so thoughtfully that itself became isolated
They will do nothing other than spread their asses and hope America continues to defend them.
So far I've only seen Israel killing Palestinians since the announcement.
>almost all countries in Europe are ethnostates
He says as Europe is overrun with arab filth raping European women at will, causing a crime spike everywhere they go while the governments ignore it.
How jewish are you? Oh yeah, forgot to mention, they have TWO ethnostates:
Anglos aren't even the largest demographic among White people in this country, let alone the entirety. Germans make up the largest plurality of Whites in America. I don't know if Anglos are second, third, or fourth. Obviously Irish and Italians being the other possibilities there.
This, this is just stupid lefty bullshit disruption. Pathetic really, the Jews didn't get their way and now Trump is pissing off mudslimes and saving millions of dollars. Honestly how can you not be in favor for this? It's pure chaos.
Jews should go to Birobidzhan, it's perfectly safe there for them. At the very least the US needs to completely stop supporting Israel.
Le based Nigger
>hurrrr I saw that meme video on youtube with refugees therefore Europe has no ethnostates!!
fuck off amerimutt. Every country in Europe is an ethnostate, white ethnostates already exist, your problem is that you have this delusional idea that YOU deserve an ethnostate. Unfortunately you are a mutt, and mutts can't have ethnostates
>arabs are killing jews
>jews are killing arabs
how is any of this is bad news?
>you must import muslims to defeat the jews
My tax money helps fund the jews killing Palestinians. That's a big problem.
Is this a ploy by trump to cut government spending on aid without seeming like an actual dick?
>tfw Trumptard until Jewslum recognition
Guess who sends money to Israel to kill Muslims, and guess who receives the Muslim refugees after Israel is done with them? fucking retard
>In 2015, the U.S. provided more than $8 billion in assistance to 47 sub-Saharan countries
And it's going to corruption too.
Have the Arabs actually killed any jews beyond the hebdo thing? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems the idea that muslims are slaughtering jews is just a bullshit meme beyond some potshots around gaza.
>tax money helps jews kill palestinians
>That's a big problem.
not for me it isn't. I just wish we could get more guns and rockets into the hands of the PLO and Hamas so things can really get going.
No. If someone really wanted to get the US financial house in order, first order of business is nationalizing the federal reserve or abolishing it and replacing it with a new nationalized bank. Trimming ~$40B when the nation has already rung up ~$20T is irrelevant. It's purely symbolic and is being done 100% because Trump is beholden exclusively to jews. He is the most kosher president we've ever had.
Likely because Mudslimes can't fight for shit. That's why they always bitch, and moan to the UN, when some country finally realizes they should just be exterminated. Just look at the Rohingya
cut aid to who you fucking moron? most of your aid goes to Israel
>U.S. provided more than $8 billion in assistance to 47 sub-Saharan countries
LMAO, you give 5 times that to Israel alone, you dumb kikeloving ameritard
>guess who receives the Muslim refugees
>travel ban in place
I don't know, is it Sweden? Again, not a problem for me.
>arabs get mad go berzerk
>arabs and kikes kill each other.
>trump doesn't take any refugees.
>israel and all arabs permanently btfo'd
I really don't understand why anyone on this board other than lefty/pol/ would be mad about this tbqh.
>.t boomer
>UN goes ballistic
>trump cuts foreign aid and pulls out of UN
Literally what the fuck is actually wrong about this decision?
>gen x
get fucked plebe.
the mental gymnastic of a trumptard to justify his kike support
Israel won't die, or lose or get any btfo from this decision, its all benefits for them
Lol! The Palis getting all butthurt, and claiming moving our embassy to Jerusalem is aggressive, as opposed to them lobbing rockets. Glad to see someone telling the UN to piss off.
The only real solution here is for the Russians, Turks, or Chinese to roll into East Jerusalem and set up a trigger garrison.
>shares my generation
>spells pleb with an -e
Yeah, I'm definitely getting fucked right now.
>Arabs and kikes kill each other
Except this doesn't actually happen. Don't get me wrong, fuck the UN and fuck NATO, but this mass cleansing doesn't actually happen. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>mmm Kike cock tastes so good!!
>12 year Palestinian kid shoots firecracker to Israel
this is the mind of a trumptard dont try to argue with it
>>U.S. provided more than $8 billion in assistance to 47 sub-Saharan countries
Yeah, and now it will be nothing.
Thanks for the money back, based Anglosphere abstained.
What happens to the 300,000 Palestinians residing in Israel if it is named part of Israel? Citizenship
75% majority Jews drops to le 50%
He's flooding Israel with muzzies
JIDF detected
you already give 38 billion to the kikes but you care about the 8 billion? lmao
>and now it will be nothing
who said that? your buttcrack?
are you really that retarded to think that a USA decision can change how the Israeli government grants citizenship?
>short for the latin plebian
>hurr dur you spell wrong
kek. look it up nigger and then get off Sup Forums and read a fucking book
Nice digits but you full of shit
With the exception of that juicy 15 billion.
Inshallah well said
>Established folk.
Dint know the law/lore of many worlds.
Says who? the UN?
Trump uses Israel as a"immunity from (((media)))" card.
Trump pulls all funding of UN.
>Ebassy move was scheduled decades ago
>NOW they have a problem with it
>All at once
Fuck em.
>the EU will strike back by shutting down US bases within their countries
please do, there's no need for them in that Sharia shithole in the first place
Israel is the "only democracy in the middle east" you think the can refuse? It will make them hated by leftists and anyone else on the fence
They cant kick them opt they live there. Their hands are tied.