Why doesn’t Sup Forums like Israel?
Why doesn’t Sup Forums like Israel?
Because Israel doesn't like Sup Forums.
Why should it?
look at these digits for all you need to know
Because we don't like disgusting shitskins.
Why would we?
They're behind all the main Islamic terrorist groups including Hamas.
lol wot
Why should it?
>56% flag
>loves kike
mostly just a bunch of butthurt abduls
Good goy
Sup Forums doesn't really care. The diaspora kikes are the real problem for the west. Most of the ones bitching about Israel are either diaspora kikes themselves, or their allies the mudslimes.
Because they use US dollars and soldiers to fund their own expansionism. I'm not opposed to the existence of Israel as a Jewish state on principle.
I like Israel. I think even jews should have an ethnostate.
Oh shid, it is da joows
They sold earth out to yahwh.
They are traitors to earth.