wtf did you guys do to laci she is now redpilled
Wtf did you guys do to laci she is now redpilled
She's bending to the whims of the internet for views. Gotta get them betabux dollas somehow.
she's a rhetoric whore for 12 year olds. she'll say what keeps the lights on
how did she become a voice for the altright?
An alt right guy gave her a few good fuckings, and put her into her place. In that picture you posted, it was obvious that she got fucked till she was cross eyed.
>two genders makes you alt right
She is simply expanding her orbit.
Welcome to the current year
Which is a WIN for us.
if she is a puppet, than what matters is for whom she dances.
If she dances for us, then she becomes our weapon.
does she do it for money? sure
does she believe in the cause? likely not
but what is wrong with mercenaries?
well, what i said, or she wants to find a real man, and know that feminist men cant really deliver in any way except prepping the bull.
lets encourage her
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Sup Forums stop being so full of fucking brainlets it's embarrassing.
No, she is not a voice for the alt-right.
No, she was not "redpilled", at least, not in the way you see it.
She just got good dick is all. Also, eceleb threads should be an auto ban.
That's what some RayGunCock does to you
Laci Green, the poster child for SJWs and white feminists on Youtube. She made a name for herself as the quintessential SJW, discussing a variety of topics ranging from gender identity and sexuality to racism and white supremacy
Laci has >1 million subscribers.
In a recent video titled "Taking The Red Pill?", Laci extended a mayo branch to anti-SJWs and the Alt-Reich (a group known for threatening Laci.) Laci sympathized with far-right conservatives, painting them as an oppressed group with suppressed voices.
She's also dating Chris Ray Gun, another anti-SJW who sent white supremacists to hurl racial and transmisogynistic slurs at Kat Blaque.
Ironically enough, even though she built a fanbase around social justice, her video has garnered widespread support from white supremacists. White supremacists, who once sent her death threats, are now singing her name.
I want to bring this to your attention because at the end of the day, Laci is a white woman. White women will always have a seat at a white supremacist's table. They ride the SJW train for 10, 40 years, but the minute they go rogue and raise their hand to sieg heil, they'll be welcomed with open arms to the family of whitehood.
White women are beneficiaries of white privilege. Even if white supremacists shit on white feminists like Laci, at the end of the day, white supremacists see white women like Laci as instrumental to white supremacy. Racist white men will ALWAYS need white women because part of their objective is racial preservation, and they can't "preserve" the white race without white babies.
1.5 MILLION subscribers, and she can walk away from ALL THAT and still be loved and have her needs met because she's white.
Laci is the most known SJW on Youtube. If she can turn her back on people of color and fuck a white supremacist, how the FUCK do you think people of color should feel about the entirety of white allyship? How can ANYONE trust white women, let alone whypipo as a collective?
I'd let her expand my orbit
or maybe she discussed and changed her mind and stuff. You know, it happens when you grow up, you stop being such an extremist faggot.
Not everything is a conspiracy you drooling cretin, even if you want to.
Kys illiterate nigger
> Alt-Right is a real ideology
current year
Who gives a flying fuck about this bitch she saw where she would make more money. Same slut sucking a different cock.
Why the fuck would anyone listen to some pedestrian rambling incoherently about shit when scientific literature starting from Ancient Greece is more lucid and topical?
Listening to Plato shit on democracy as an destructive political system is like hearing a description of everything that is going to hell in Western democracies today.
Everything of value was thought and said hundreds of years ago.
>or maybe she discussed and changed her mind and stuff
she's a woman
>starts dating a guy with alt-right views
>immediately drops her feminist angle
really makes you think
You lot are a bunch of e-celeb worshiping beta fags. She is not alt-right and is against white nationalism. Not to mention that she's a Jew whose dating a fucking Puerto Rican. All she's saying is that there are two genders which most people already know.
>welfare sate is bigger government
is the t left out on purpose? it is driving me insane
maybe because you discuss things when you are in couple. But how would you know? Maybe you should kill yourself you waste of space and air
I want to fuck her fat mouth
haha me too :)
>maybe because you discuss things when you are in couple
If you've actually thought you had legitimate "discussions" with a woman it's no wonder your country is getting trucked to death.
>Maybe you should kill yourself you waste of space and air
I'd tell you to go do the same but really I could just tell you to enjoy a nice day outside and get the same result.
Remember that she said she had HPV disease and wasn't treating it. Stay well clear from this one.
She got an anti-SJW boyfriend and joined up the skeptics like sargoy. That doesn't mean she's redpilled, she's just regained a bit of common sense.
Until she advocates white ethnostates for all euro nations and calls out the Jew, she isn't redpilled.
>If you've actually thought you had legitimate "discussions" with a woman it's no wonder your country is getting trucked to death.
I could have more legitimate discussions with a fucking chimpanzee than from people posting here. So women are just fine.
About dying, don't you have a school to shoot mr goblin?
Prophetic user
Post more please and thank you
>I could have more legitimate discussions with a fucking chimpanzee than from people posting here
ok, see you tomorrow
You salty cuck.
We will fuck your women and make the ours
seig mother fucking cock sucking heil
post tits
Fucking whore! Why do you guys follow e celebs? All this bitch is doing is jumping on a bandwagon. Stop and think for yourself. Come to these conclusions on your own. Stop following others you weak piles of shit
Nothing will ever beat the bantz, of course I'll come back tomorrow
She isn't.
She's not redpilled. She's a fucking woman.
Women are mimics by nature and will mimic whatever behavior they think will get them more male attention. If wearing a fucking bone through your nose became tomorrow's sudden vogue, Laci Green would be skeletonizing a chicken by eight o' clock that night.
Christ, you desperate beta faggots are so fucking stupid.
Hey look its yet another anti "e-celeb" shill. You fuckers shit up the place far more than anyone who is trying to talk about Youtubers. Fact is most of us could care less if some anons want to yab about em. But you know that your a fucking shill intentionally trying to smear shit all over the walls.
She’s not white.
What a chunky little slut
Nothing you said made any sense you goddamn retard. She's just another bitch with a camera spouting opinions she heard somewhere else in order to appeal to a certain crowd for beta bux! When was the last time she was relevant? When she was liberal?Now no one cares about her so she moves to the right to act like she has been "le red pilled" it's a ruse dumbass. Women do it all the time and that's why they win. Because instead of puting her in her place, you would just rather let her be because you're too beta to tell her to fuck off back to the kitchen! You need to start learning how to be a man
White women are such an effective wedge to drive into the SJW collective due to the fact that black women HAAAAATE them unconditionally, the seething resent is always there and it’s not hard to manipulate
She has herpes.
I hope she does.
Those look like Meganon's feet
Oh hi laci. New vid coming out soon?
New vid just came out.
>exposing herself for the world to see
>no shame at all
>lol she is the voice of our cause
>she is le red pilled
I want newfags to go and stay go
Trust me, everybody already knows.
That's not Laci.
She lost a lot of weight. She looks good in this photo. I'm happy for her that she has lost weight, looks happier, and that she's getting it on the regular from a light-skinned spic she likes. Hopefully she'll get pregnant.
Prove it
Do you watch her video you pathetic loser? Tell me so I can laugh
Yeah I don't think this, the dick sucking pic, or the drugs pics are her. They look nothing like her. No doubt she's a degenerate but it seems like wishful thinking.
Ask Obama how he had kids. Now you need a degree in biology to be the voice of the alt right. And it changes every 2 weeks anyway. Idk how you sit there and listen to a boring web-celeb like they actually know something and arnt talking out of their ass. Even ben garrison ask for money on patreon. You know who spreads this cancer to the rest of the internet? (((YOU))) Sup Forums, PARTICULARLY Sup Forums. Now this place must burn to the ground.
I don't mean some pussy does shit. The servers must catch fire. Hyroshimoot must commit sudoku!
Oh really? I didn't realize roasties can have a different appearance as soon as all that make up comes off. Thank God for your great perception skills. It's clearly not them. Especially with this proof that you provided showing us that it isn't her
The flag makes it obvious it's fake, if it had the Red Ensign it might look real.
>would you kindly please prove a negative
Probably realised her ideology is a bunch of crap but to keep in her market and for the shekels she tried on alt-lite feminism anti-sjw crap.
I don't care she still gets the gas
It doesn't appear to be her to me. You can believe what you want.
I found a gem
wonder how much coal she's burned so far
>ywn fuck those tits
Grew up Mormon, now an atheist, dating an atheist.
Green/Brown are Scottish names, too.
Too bad she looks like a fart.
Haven't seen Laci Green marketing here in awhile.
Oh cool, I grew up atheist and got baptised into the LDS Church last Saturday.
This is old news you fuck. Saging this dumb e-celeb thread, but here have one of my favorite memes.
>eceleb threads should be an auto ban.
>who sent white supremacists to hurl racial and transmisogynistic slurs at Kat Blaque.
i needed no prompting some people are easy to hate. ie kat blacque>let alone whypipo as a collective?
Don't I don't trust blacks between twitter BLM and the Anthem protest I know not to trust the wild wide eyed dindu.
t. negress jealous of superior white women