I see you fuckers talk about this constantly. What countries do you guys actually consider "white?" I'd give you guys a USA template, but I'm 100% certain you guys would just post an amerimutt meme on every single state.
I see you fuckers talk about this constantly. What countries do you guys actually consider "white...
define "White"
Blue eyes. Everyone else gets gas.
You first.
>Amerimutt understanding of race
That'd be one extremely lucky nigger if I was der fuher.
I think "White" is a stupid broad term used by Ameicans and butchered to the point it means nothing as proven by this brainlet
Shit eyes detected.
>Blue eyes. Everyone else gets gas.
Stay mad nigger iris.
Amerisharts should be the least to talk about race.
First you were the inferior europeans who escaped from here.
Second you mixed with everything over there
Third you eat shit drink shit and the neuron celles go down by day
Stop lowering the average IQ of pol. GTFO
Understandable. This thread probably isn't for you though.
only white countries are usa and israel, the rest are shit
And what country are YOU in, praytell?
Oh come on now, fucking stop.
Dis pretty gud m8
did you just marked the neo-muslim countries?
All europe is white obviously
>Blah blah blah I'm mad as shit and I like memes
Calm down dummy.
You're white if you're a native european.
not the south, they are moors
People, not countries, are "white". "White" is just a colloquial term to describe a very specific human race (or subspecies if you will) and its ethnic groups native to the continent referred to as Europe; similarly as to how "wolf" is a colloquial term to describe a very specific canine native to Eurasia and North America. Obviously, with humans as with everything else in the natural world, there are edge cases, exceptions, and whatnot which however do not disprove the mean.
Now, to answer your question as literally as possible and assuming we consider Europe pre-20th/21st century mass migration, I'd say all of those highlighted in your map are White European minus Turkey, North Cyprus, Armenia, and Azerbaijan but with asterisks next to Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Cyprus, and Russia as these countries have significant "native" non-White European populations within their borders. Also keeping in mind that Roma and Jews, both non White European people, have sizeable populations spread across the various countries of Europe.
>le "let me tell you which countries are white" - the thread
Europe, Middle East, And North Africa.
Albania, rest of Balkan (except Greece/macedonia), Scandinavia, central europe except Germany and Fance.
That abbo skull is some ancient hominid looking shit lmao.
Sweden is on the non white side. Learn to geo
Well which country do you think Sweden is?
I don't care which countries are white. I'm just curious where these
>This is white
>No fuck you nigger this is white
>Le 56% face.jpg
Fucker's angles exactly are.
Or if it's just shitposting.
>Amerimutt cannot even spell the name of his sacred leader right
>all of these countries are getting turned into caliphates except austria
im proud of being non white then
That was a typo. I speak impeccable German.
if you dont like slavs why is poland, czechia, slovakia and slovenia still in there
I don't really care what European country someone originates from, so long as they are actually white.
Look at Italy or Spain, some of them have naturally light brown skin. Those are not white.
For example with footballers, David De Gea is white whilst Pedro isn't.
Romanians are definitely not white but I have no issue with for example the Baltic states saying they are white.
Anglo Celt Gaul, Frank, Slav, it doesn't matter they're all white
>Let me tell you who is Hwhite
Good luck with the sharia police faggot
why is it every time its the ass pirate flag its pure retardation? just show your flag so we can laugh at you.
is that you herman simm
>Includes Georgia, the lamest white nation that never did anything
>Doesn't include the first Christian Nation that defied Perisa for centuries and withstood the Muslim invasions and retained their religion
>tfw 80-90% of muslim & non european pop is right there.
The spaniard strongest woman in the world. We are pure breed you jealous anglo
this is the only correct map
>Slavs white
>Italians non white
Fuck off shill hungarians are even Magyar that are literally asians
>strongest woman in the world
shes the best 75kg WLer but there are stronger girls
pretty good
Ukraine and Russian are part of the same ethic group your map makes no sense
How can meds even compete
>russians and ukrainians are like the same thing man!
le 56% faec
God exported quality goods, where is the loyaltyt Spain?
>Denmark doesn't have anyone living in it
All of Europe besides:
Some tatars
Nenets people
Some mari people
Chuvash people
I think i got them all. This is a purely scientific/genetic view. Everything else posted here is shit.
oh yeah I forgot them
danish arent people anyways so its ok
Sorry for my mental lag but dont get your question amigo
"mom white?"
True, apart from the five of us, holding out on Hessel Island. There are only zombies. Best to stay clear of that place.
True, pretty much only the zombies left by now
What race is this guy? english??
antartica is a white reigon
Pink: Most white, 75 - 100% (assuming you speak of the native population, otherwise little spots everywhere would be brown as it is urbanized)
Light: Predominantly white, 50% to 75%
Non-white: Under 50%
Like I said, some Italians and Spanish are white. Some are not. Look at Pedro, the footballer for Chelsea. That is not a white person. But Fernando Torres is.
Fuck I missed a few so here they are:
Moldova = white
Georgia = not white
Armenia = not white
Azerbaijan = not white
This is under really strict rules. I could easily be convinced to count everyone on that map as white except Turkey and Azerbaijan.
>not white
Wanna know how I know you're an amerimutt?
> marks the area w/ highest mudslime concentration
How are meds not white?
Also, I'm not American.
>How are meds not white?
t. pure Sicilian
Fair enough, northern Italy (down as far as Rome), Spain, and Portugal then? Don't act like Spain isn't white btw. Pic related
>t. amerimutt
Green is white (in terms of traditional pre-immigration population mind you) yellow are borderline. I use borderline because to be white is both ethnic as well as cultural.
Individual Reasons:
Russia: lot's of white Russians, lots of non-white Russians
Turkey: Same as above, Turkey is less no given Islamic cultural influence. Nevertheless, a lot of Turks are white, there are even ginger Turks.
Albania: Same as above
Bosnia: Islamic cultural influence, Serbs and Croats are white though. Bosnians are certainly "European" though
Sicily: Sicilians
Sorry, forgot a couple:
Azerbaijan: look pretty Med, have fair hair. Muslim.
Armenia: Do not look very white, but are culturally European
>literally 56% meme
Because they got raped by niggers
Ukrainians have even more Tatar in them than Russians.
The biggest bluepill is thinking white people who can tan aren't white.
Swede detected
Here's a map of what's white
He looks English, but he's upside down so he's Australian.
Why did you include the UK? Whites from there have a high number of mental disorders compared to the rest of Europe.
Get rid of potato niggers, haggis niggers, and southern france and itll be perfect
Italian spic detected
what about green eyes you dumbfuck
Finns, estonians, greeks, moortuguese, and southern spanish are also quasi white
In Europe we don't think of "white" in the same way as Americans. I see ethnic Europeans ranging from western Europe, to southern Europe, eastern Europe, all the way to western Russia as my equals. Slavs, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks etc might be different genetically but they still share a core European identity with us. They have proven their worth, intelligence and ability by the fact they still exist as people after centuries of war and conflict.
Americans focus on "whiteness" because they don't have accents, sub cultures and heritage to differentiate between each other anymore. Like i see Americans often brand Ireland as a celtic nation when in reality the Irish are a northern European mongrel races. Viking, norman and English governance of the country for centuries has.seen the original "celt" bloodline disappear. Same story in most other Euro countries.
Albion and Lebanon. Shqiperi need not apply
>I'd give you guys a USA template, but I'm 100% certain you guys would just post an amerimutt meme on every single state.
And you'd be right, because it would be funny
Shut up potato nigger irish are the mexicans of europe leeching off every developed nation. This nation died the second you filthy micks decided to swarm in. Also you arent germanic kys
Drop the meme flag, Hershel McMongrel-O'Kellly56%JaquandaBurgersteinwitz.
I'm sorry to say but no one at least south of occitania is a wh*Toid, them included.
The who's white meme is as old as /new/
Do you really think people believe it? It's a fucking joke. We all know who is white.
Like Slavs. Fucking white.