If western iq goes up about 3 points per ten years, that means that our iq was the same as Africans 100 years ago? How does one disputes this in a debate?
How do you argue against the Flynn effect
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>burger education
Oh yes. I'm sure they teach all about iq differences in race in Irish elementary school. Please enlighten us my potato eating friend or kindly get back in the paddy wagon you came from.
I dispute it wholeheartedly. Have you seen some of the grade school and high school exams from the 1800's? Fuck, most adults with a college degree could not pass them now.
Can you link to an example. You may be right.
I think maybe there are numerically more outliers with higher scores than in the past on the Bell Curve pushing the average up. I think it is clear, however, that without the outliers the average would be in decline. A century of welfare state dysgenics will do that. I am just theorizing. I do not really know the answer to your question. I am dubious, however, that intelligence is increasing across the population.
I agree with the dysgenics part and actually did my final paper in political philosophy partly on the subject. Even Flynn thinks that iq is and will hit a ceiling (just look at UK, AU, and Denmark). That being said, the Flynn effect still boggles my mind.
I hears something somewhere that certain environmental problems makes us actually dumber, but the accumulated knowledge it's so rich that overcomes this iq gap.
Flynn effect has diminishing returns, the effect is more due to two main factors
1. More retards are being aborted before they're born
2. Better nutritional standards allow more people to attain their peak performance.
People falsely assume that the Flynn effect means everyone's IQ has increased equally.
Sorry, I had other things to do. I have seen scanned copies of actual exams online. Unfortunately, this is the only thing that I have bookmarked on my phone regarding that subject.
>American IQ has dropped 30 pts since 1900
City water is rotting peoples brains, seriously. They lose the ability of critical thought. Then turn on their television. They're uncapable of questioning what the see or hear. It's not a choice. They're not capable.
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It's irrelevant because we have physically different brain sizes, to say we have the same intelligence potential is the same as saying a woman has the same strength potential as a man.
That means everyone in America then would be considered mentally retarded today. That's obviously false, so the Flynn effect is false.
30 sec refutation: The hereditarian position is that intelligence is a combination of environment and genes, and the idea that there might be environmental change does not refute that
Full refutation: Flynn effect does not reflect increases in g (general intelligence, or the "real" intelligence). This requires some in-depth knowledge about g. I'd link the paper too but I'm too lazy, go read thealternativehypothesis.org
Working memory.
Although general performance on matrix problems and the like have improved steadily across all races, performance on working memory tests has pretty much stayed the same, and the disparity in performance between races has remained. Honestly, working memory seems to be a bigger indicator of the g-factor than IQ.
There's that IQ gap.
Read The Bell Curve.
The number of smart people remains relatively unchanged while only the number of unintelligent people changes (you can argue in which direction).
The guy who made up the flynn effect is literally a Jew who is part of the Racial equality board, he tried to debunk race and IQ and couldn't, so he just misinterpreted margin of error in IQ results.
What is there to dispute?
The Flynn effect exists, but even when you look at black raised in the sane environment as whites they have a much lower mean IQ.
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The Flynn effect is not that "people are getting smarter," but that in developed countries people get better at doing IQ tests over time.
It does not mean that general intelligence is changing. Other metrics of intelligence do not rise in the Flynn Effect. For the same reason, racial intelligence gaps do not increase/decrease due to the Flynn Effect.
Refer to Flynn's 2006 review "What is Intelligence? Beyond the Flynn Effect" for a general review or H&M's Bell Curve for the original formulation of the idea.
The general consensus is just that the Flynn Effect is part of a general tendency to abstractness in developed countries that makes people more ready to understand "the point" of IQ tests, rather than answering them intuitively. Again, the Flynn Effect *is not* about g (general intelligence) rising, but about IQ tests being insufficient to mesure it.
That's what I thought but then I realized that if it doesn't show increase in g factor then that means that our increase in iq was all environmental which is contrary to the race/genetics argument.
If this were true, would that not mean that all races start out equal but developed countries only have high iq because they get better at the tests? Therefore it's environmental?
G factor is a meme.
Pattern recognition is the most fundamental skill needed for mental problem solving. Pattern recognition is how you recognised how things behave and therefore how they work and this are able to come up with models for your environment and work out how to manipulate that environment to your benefit . Tgat’s How you solve mental problems. Deductive reasoning and ability to understand and manipulate concepts are in there too.
Advanced Ravens progressive matrices and similar tests are true intelligence
Anything else is a much more indirect proxy indicator which happens to come along often as well , e.g. vocal definition tests
Just came in the mail but I'm reading this bad boy right now
No. Different races have IQ gaps in the same country. Even in the sane household environment growing up. See
I liked Ford's book better
western people were indeed idiots 100 years ago but imagine how monumentally stupid that would mean africans were 100 years ago
No, no it isn't. IQ tests aren't a magic bullet, arguably their most important metric they measure is g, the "real" intelligence, whereas the gains have happened in the less g-loaded and less heritable subtests. Or to put this another way, Flynn effect reflects improvements in schooling but not any actual increase in intelligence
And again, I repeat, the idea that there might be environmental change is in no way contradictory to the hereditarian position
what if not
>If western iq goes up about 3 points per ten years,
Kremlin "anti-West" thread
Sage in all fields
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So would you say that gains have only been made in say verbal iq but not special recognition which is causing the learned iq section to carry the averages higher? And if this were so, would you predict that averages in say Ravens matrices would see little to no Flynn effect?
spatial, is the correct spelling
Oy vey
>that means that our increase in iq was all environmental which is contrary to the race/genetics argument.
Nah, first of all you can't expect a big change within a few generations and secondly our current dysgenic welfare societies make it so that less intelligent people have more kids than people with above average intelligence, so that IQ is no longer an evolutionary beneficial trait so to say.
IQ is a distribution. IQ rising means you're depressing the statistics by introducing dumber people.
We fed a bunch of starving africans and now there are 8x as many of them as they were previously sustaining. The IQ statistics of these countries is well known to be well below average.
You misunderstand. If someone today took an iq test from the 80s, they would score much higher than the standard 100
by reading a fucking book that's over 100 years old pilgrim. It's not hard. read a Pitt the elder speech or Pliny the elder. Then explain to me how there isnt anyone that clever anymore. Pro tip - current "scientists" think there is a debate about how many genders there are.
Yes, I would say exactly this
"Studies have also shown that there isa negative correlationbetween how well a question measures general intelligence and how much that question was impacted by the Flynn effect. This suggests that the Flynn effect has consisted in a rise of item specific cognitive abilities."
dude fuck right off with that shit. Of course if you import loads of inbreeds your average iq goes down.
I Just tell them Flynn was a shifty crypto Jew.
So we're not talking about IQ anymore. People got smarter because they were better educated with better nutrition in a society where being more genetically intelligent was beneficial.
Doesn't change the fact that this effect is only a few points, where the difference in racial variance is more like 30 points.
Can't tell if retarded or trolling
This basically answers my question. Good on ya lad
The the same applies to them? Only makes sense, or even a bigger a disparity because they rely on us so heavily.