Why so many americans hate the french?

Didnt frogs helps the jewSA gain their independence??
Didn't France gift america their statue of liberty?
Why all the hate?

Picture unrelated

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Because of Quebec

Because Americans are generally retarded and accept whatever drivel their JewVision™ tells them.
Plus French are cowardly poofters.

Rude, smelly etc

Quebec frogs are less cucked than France frogs though.

France has more military victories than most nations. They've only been weak and gay since their (((revolution)))

Americans don't really think about France or French people other than what we see in movies.
Since most French movies are monumentally gay, we generally view French people as gay too.
>captcha eatcocks

The as their power waned through the 20th century the French grew contemptuous of America in a kind of surly compensation. Americans noticed.

True dat.

We don't hate the French; you do, hat. We like them just fine.

False: their last moment of any resemblance of dignity was Napoleon's reign, after which they became the pathetic vassal state of Britain it has been since.

Anglo insecurity
The Brits have always been butthurt about France being less autistic and uptight than them

We don't. We just no longer have a desire to visit due to all the muslims.

What hate? We just joke around about them being fruity because they sound and act fruity.

>make jokes about surrendering = we hate them

dumb leaf.

De Gaulle was disrespectful to FDR. We will never forgive them for this insult.

Ever been to France? The most autistic and uptight queers exist over there. Absolutely ghastly people, nothing pleasant whatsoever apart from their attractive women, who smell.

And I have to deal with them on a daily basis... But they're "la grande nation", kek. They all act like they've got a stick up their ass.

>that pic

It's the fucking truth. Every girl that used to hang out with the boys when we were younger got passed around and fucked by everyone.

Mainly their more modern leadership. Most of us don't really have a problem with the French people. This, and in all honesty, if we had any debts with the French, we've already paid those off in full.

Oy vey!

i hate them. i have never met a frog that hasn't been an insufferable cunt. every. single. one.

I like the quebecers, although I am Acadian so I'm a lost cause in canada

I don't really hate the French, it's just fun to rib each other. I expect they do the same to us, it's cool. I do think they have fucked their country up, though that's just there shitty politicians being shitty as it ever is. I think, can't say I'm all that up to snuff on French Politics because they barely matter. (See, ribbing is funny)

We dont hate them,we just think that they are cunts. The epitomize the pussy eurotrash stereotype.

t. american trash

That's the same reason we quebecers bant them constantly, effeminate mans is what they are projecting. I wish they could break out this stereotype.

i went to canada yesterday and the instant i hit the border fuckin everything is in french, even in BC. WHY DO YOU DO THIS

>effeminate mans is what they are projecting
Leaf, please. how many times has your PM cried on tv this week?

Because the french went to the west coast before the anglos took it over. There are still french communities in the west, this is why there's a presence of french everywhere in Canada. Don't be so delusional.

holy fuck. that pic really makes me angry.


I want chicken now

He's pretty bad

I'll tell you why:
they smell like SHIT
horrible BO even women
they don't use any deodorant

>Justin Trudeau represent quebecers views
>He wasn't elected because of dudeweed lmao and dumb womens
Dad, please reconsider your ideas. Trudeau is finished even for the liberals.
It's just that your accents seems to sound weak to us. Otherwise much love from oversea.
Remove kebab.

maybe they should learn a normal language so that you dont need 2 signs for everything

The Statue of Liberty is ISIS the whore of Babylon.

So can you explain me why a lot of britbongs end up living in the South of France ?
I can't walk in Antibes (French riviera) past 7 p.m without encountering a drunk ugly britfag or a fat poorly dressed britgirl because you motherfucker can't endure your life without going to a pub at 6 p.m ?

Your foggy island is a shithole, only Scotland is a beautiful land. You've tried to get our delicious sunny vineyards and awesome alpines mountains more than once during the last 2K years.

If we were this autistic, you wouldn't finish your existence near my fucking home.

>tfw American living in France
>tfw banter French wife into compulsively taking a shower daily because I always say people here smell and she was too poor for it before
>tfw she never smelled bad to begin with

Never change user

The French hatred started when France refused to participate in the Iraq war. The neocohens were the biggest cheerleader for all the French hatred.

I don't hate the french. I thought they hated us.

You can't respect a country that did this to itself

lol holy shit, fix your nation you disgusting frenchmen

Why would we, except our sandniggers ?

Just ignore the french scrubs living in Floridia (Especially Miami) and some parisians stereotype and like us like we like you.

The french surrenderfag meme was neocon propaganda used to bolster the iraq war

actually, you can trace the french/american "hate" all the way back to the french revolution.

>Why do so many Americans hate the French?
Because we're a nation of fashionable hipsters incapable of independent thought.

Sound like anyone else you might know?

We do too, fuck these guys

Because muh Iraq war or some shit. France wasn't a part of NATO at the time and literally the whole world was supporting our retarded decision to go after Saddam, but it just wasn't enough that a single nation decided not to go with it.

>Why all the hate?
we're still emotional over all the aristocrats who helped our revolution being executed

so it's complicated, we appreciate France, but are angry that the French people killed those who supported our liberty

You realize Lafayette was a retard that got dragged into supporting the French Revolution and ended up killed by his fellow revolutionaries anyway?

its just a meme
although parisians are massive cunts and probably 90% of Americans who go on vacation to France go to Paris

Fuck you we won the trench war you are just our goyim you accepted to lose more than us by being just a lonely island invaded by pakistanis and sikhs
We won, that's a fact

>South of France
You mean Spain, right?

also, you tell me why Parisians come flooding to London?

London seems to attract cunts, I don't know what it is.

Why London is attracting all the cunts of the entire planet ? *

because i always wanted to visit paris, but that dream was ruined after it became an african colony

>Le Pen represents hate and is all that is wrong with France
>I HATE her

>we're living in a globalized world

>she's not progressive

>terrorist attacks shouldn't affect voter preferences

your lefties sound a lot like our lefties. almost like this is a mind virus or something.