How intense is the mutt problem in America ?
How intense is the mutt problem in America ?
its obviously just a meme but there is truth. A lot of people in my area are half German and half asian.
Depends on the area. Most suburban and rural areas have been spared, but cities are buttfucked
See for yourself
About 56%
Is that real ?
Only in degenerate fornicating places like California and New York
How long did it take you to draw this?
>Sup Forums filename
about 5 billion hours in paint
Its bad user. Cant go anywhere in public without seeing mutts roaming around. Fucking sickening. I have yet had a day whrn i havent seen atleast one mixed kid.
I see mutts like that all the time they call themselves hispanics.
Its bad who do you think all these larper wannabe whites are chanting MAGA? all degenerate mutts.
Lies. Post you hair and eye color let me guess brown brown.
whys that white guys dick so small ?
I sure got a bigger dick than that
I firmly believe that US government owns the moderatorship here on Sup Forums, so threads like this get deleted ASAP
I rarely ever see pure white people here. Every person I see is some disproportionate blob of meat and flesh. It's like being surrounded by sewer people.
It depends on where you are at, but its really bad in the cities. I go to college in a southern state and I occasionally see beautiful white roasties fawn over our niggerball players.
Hes probably a grower
it's pretty bad. I live in TN, Knoxville area. We have black ghettos where whites do not go, and it would be a bad idea to. In the past ten years, the spics have seemingly appeared out of nowhere and the ol neighborhood where I grew up now looks like a fucking shit covered bodega. It's pretty sad to be honest. Probably doesn't help we have a lib cuck Mayor who basically wants our city to turn into a shithole. Oh well, at least I'm white.
they're just mexicans. there are hordes of 5'4" obese brown goblins in every city in the US now
But he's clearly not white or a mutt
Looks like a second generation Armenian or mix breed with an Israeli
you should be asking why he has tits
Not intense at all
Indians and leaves have gotten pretty upset since everyones been shitting on them for years so now they can hide themselves behind other flags or not even hide at all and just post random shit. It's their form of retaliation, just let them feel better for a little bit they deserve it.
Nobody would call that guy white. He looks like a quadroon desu.
In the suburbs and country it's still fine for the most part, but head into any major city and 2 out of 3 kids look like some variation of le 56% face.
Get a haircut hippie
kek this. any meme flag I see I just automatically assume is a leaf or poo.
>How intense is the mutt problem in America ?
It's not. People still basically follow the One Drop Rule, so you have white people who are scientifically proven to be north of 98% pure and then the coloreds. A significant percentage of them have huwhite dna (North American Pavement Apes are only ~80% African).
So there are mutts, but they aren't the whites, and despite what buttblasted Germans will claim, no one actually considers them such.