The eternal boomer

what went wrong?

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raised on tv

Nailed it on the head !
Also the fact as kids they got EVERY toy they wanted for xmas.
Spoiled rotten old farting bastards.

Turns out inhaling leaded gas fumes as a child and experimental drug use as a young adult will have some bad effects when you get older.

So did we. I remember getting hundreds of dollars worth each Christmas in a largely one income household.

>be boomer
>smoke the green jew
>support the integration jew
>vote in the political jew
>support the one state jew
>make your newborns get the jew cut
>spend hours watching the electric jew
>give amnesty to the millions of taco jews
>give niggers the affirmative jew
>engage in the premarital jew
>wonder why the world is shit

They do what they tell them what to do.
Our race would have nothing to lose to castrate those idiots

I'd protect my parents above all. But I don't care if my parents peers go or if my peers go.

>absolutely no reference point on who you are or what your families income is

ok thanks for the input, guy

I'm working class or high prole. I came from a union family. I can't relate to my family switching jobs or going to a daycare or even having less than stellar healthcare coverage. I can't even relate to student loan debt.

People only vote for what will help them. In the 60's they were poor and they needed liberal gibs, now that they're old as fuck they want government tax gibs. Fuck this world.

Class has more to do with just money. High proles are considered lower on the class scale than middle class despite often times having higher incomes or benefits.

when you are 20 and the cops harass you, you hate them
when you are 70 and own a nice house, you want the cops to harass the punks hanging out by your house
everyone starts off rebellious and slides towards authoritarian

Most boomers didnt vote for Obama
But to answer your question they were raised by the worst generation

>what went wrong?
Anyone believing Commies had principles or value principles

A. what the fuck is a prole
B. >people with more money are lower class
what the fuck are you on about?

They were victims of the worst psy op in human history.

nouveau riche are still lower class

Read this. Class is more than money. I wasn't told the generic follow your dreams and major in anything spiel.

Drugs ruined everything

you mean when they switched from weed to prescription pills 30 years ago?

Most people on prescription pills are in chronic pain and have gone through things like surgeries.

most people over 30 are taking pills of several varieties, they may have started taking them for pain or whatever, but many medications muddy peoples thinking
over-prescribing and abuse are systemic and rampant

happens to every generation

i was going to type in "jews" but this is pretty much the same thing

They grew up on easy mode and it made them soft.
Now we get to pay for all their terrible mistakes.
If you have liberal boomer parents make sure to put them in the most ghetto retirement home possible.

They didnt have to work for anything and had absolutely no concept about the cycle of civilization

Imagine what the generation raised by the generaton raised by boomers will be.

they stopped being teenagers

My parents are why I don't have student loan debt so no thanks. They also went completely out of the way to make sure I didn't suffer from any of the problems of the era I grew up in. They shielded me and I will always be thankful for that.

they grew up while most of Europe and Asia were either fucked up from WW2 or undeveloped. Anglosphere had 2-3 generations in their comfy little bubble manufacturing and exporting shit while the rest of the world lay in ruins, was stifled under communism, etc.

then niggers started thinking they're people and rich white people said fuck this shit and hired a bunch of chink slaves to run their shitty factories and now everything's basically fucking shit

Can only get better for that lot

It's not getting better though. My parents shielded me from the problems other Boomers created. My only hope is to shield myself from problems my own generation will create. What my parents did for me taught me there's always an option to escape.

this is quite accurate


New boomers, repeating the hippie phase. Unless we make damn sure history is learned from so it is not repeated, which is not going to happen, so we need a lot of contignency plans and community effort. Draw all boomer idols from Pink Floyd to Genesis through mud, tar and feathers. Destroy all boomer music and culture. Kill the rebellious teenagers with liberal idols and ideas if need be. I'm not kidding. Boomer era must never be repeated in the west. We have lost everything.


And replace it with the mumble rap we have now? No thanks. I will listen to music like that until something better comes along.

Leftist organized and slowly took over our school system.

Back then being a leftist meant questioning things.

Now if you *aren't* a leftist/Marxist you are "speaking from a position of privilege and entitlement"

What happened? They're in control now. Fighting to stay in place.... Cycle of this corrupt world.

+1'd for insightful

And I can only picture things 30 years from now when I will be blamed for how things are regardless of how I felt things were going at the time. It's a cycle that will never end

Yes and I can't relate to living in a household where you got in trouble for fighting back and were just told to talk it out to someone bullying you.

I can't relate to an anti gun household. In my household we were taught to respect the police and military and that they were heroes out to protect us basically.

Why does Sup Forums hate baby boomers? Without them, Trump would not be President.

thats because its the law that you be 35 to run for president

I don't like almost any generation. I'm a misanthrope. Save us Gen Z!

They sold the sovereignty of my nation away to the highest bidder.
Morally weak people who deserve next to zero respect.

Generation Z will save us. If not I will do whatever it takes to escape the problems of the era.

I'm angry at Boomers for making our foods GMO and frankenfood. I'm angry at Millennials because they want to quash any notion of this being unsafe because of le science. They are pro GMO and brainwashed also pro fluoride.