In a collective act of defiance against Washington...

>In a collective act of defiance against Washington, the United Nations General Assembly voted 128 to 9 with 35 abstentions that the United States rescind its December 6th declaration on Jerusalem, the contested holy city.
>The resolution is nonbinding and therefore largely symbolic, but the vote indicated the extent to which the Trump administration’s departure from a 50-year international consensus on Jerusalem’s status has unsettled world politics and contributed to America’s diplomatic isolation.
Fuck diplomacy. If the US is so strong and the rest of the world is just so cucked, how can they find it within themselves to so lopsidedly denounce the US and Trump? Apparently, someone has the balls to not present their puckered asshole for Israel. Apparently a lot of countries do. But the US is not among them. MAGA my ass. Fuck foreign policy. Trump is an embarrassment. He's not a strong leader. He's a corrupt bitch. The vast majority of the world and a majority of people in the US hate this faggot. But not our redneck dumbasses. No, not them. Fuck you idiots. Let your salty asshurt sages rain down, nu/pol/. After all, you don't care about reason, only feels. Morons.

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Fuck you kike. He's showing who is controlling the US with this Jerusalem shit

ur gay

>Resolution to make the US decision to move embassy null and void
Fucking weird.

>distance between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is 34 mi

Other than cutting taxes and building the Wall, I can't think of many things he could do to please more Americans than bending the UN over and shoving a hot poker up its ass. Americans would start building statues to him if he had the UN frog-marched from its HQ in NYC down to the docks and put on the first ship headed east.

Fuck JEWsa

Americans don't like Israel

I'm not going to fuck over the planet for your little jew state boy


anti-un seems to mean do whatever Israel wants now.

they're more than relevant as a source of entertainment, if laughing at globalist butthurt is your thing

>rest of the world

>if laughing at globalist butthurt is your thing

but us and Israel are globalist. Just another side of the coin.

The fucking mental gymnastics are astounding. Good goy. Jump through those hoops.

It is pretty much. They are nothing.

EU and UN handouts are over.


Trump understands that (((EU))) and (((UN))) have to play the pretend to hate Israel game. "The jew cries as he hits you." So as long as he puts everything in a pro-Israel light, he has a free pass in the (((media))).


not in the one world communist government style that the UN fancies

You miss the point. Votes cast in the UN literally do not mean anything. It's a form of watered-down diplomacy, the national equivalent of virtue-signalling on twitter. The way a country votes in the UN does not even necessarily reflect the position of that country. 90% of countries do not even have a position on Israel.

>If the US is so strong and the rest of the world is just so cucked, how can they find it within themselves to so lopsidedly denounce the US and Trump?

They still think this is the USA of the past 8 years where there are no consequences for their actions.
They will learn.

No. It is missing the point to say that global condemnation is meaningless, regardless of whether or not UN resolutions are binding or not.

UN haha more like U-Cucks. Name one thing the UN has done.

Goodbye UN handouts and faggy OPs.

So instead of pretending to hate Israel (which country's don't even do), he will just openly suck bitter nuggets our of their collective asshole instead, and threaten reprisal to those who condemn it. That's some pretty retarded logic. Sad leadership. But you faggots will do anything to justify Trump. The fact that the one entity that you did not put in triple parentheses is Israel is pretty fucking telling.

Who needs UN handouts when the US is handing out billions of dollars every year along their tight asshole to Israel for their pleasure?

>pushing agenda 20/2030
>pushing commie-tier gun control (which idiot governments like ours adopt)
>running nigger factories to feed our suicidal appetite for mass shitskin immigration
Russia and the US combined don't have enough nukes to give the UN what it truly deserves

Trump just stood up to the ENTIRE WORLD


You hate us because you ain't us.

He's defunding (((their))) little global project and there is nothing they can say about it since hes doing it in the name of Israel. Can't you see the genius?

Holy fuck this
>just alienated all your allies for Israel but it's 13.5D poker

You can't piss off the "UN". The UN is a collection of nations. He's pissing off hundreds of other nations. For no economic, scientific or diplomatic benefit to America. The only one benefitting here is Israel.

Knowing Trump, his 'threats' will only amount to angry twitter posts.

>Muslim Americans and Liberals dont like Israel
aka people who dont matter at all

>>The resolution is nonbinding and therefore largely symbolic

Says everything you need to know about the UN. Useless as ever. Whats the point of spending all that money to assemble a group of people, having them sit around all day to vote on something, and then sending them home? It would be one thing if it had any teeth, and forced the US to do something, but fuck. This is the League of Nations all over again.

the rest of the world resisted the zog

you see it as an insult to america


>UN votes are meaningless
Are you some nihilistic college student who just started learning about world issues? Non binding resolutions are a sign of diplomatic support. The people who abstained from this particular issue versus the people who voted against is 35:129.
Non binding UN resolutions do not have any legally binding effect, they're a symbol of legitimacy. Any major extra sovereign operation America takes - invading Iraq, Afghanistan - needs broad international support. That is the norm of the current world order which America leads in.

Give me ONE argument for why Trump shouldn't have done this that doesn't involve "but muh palestine" and "the UN says so!"

And what happens when they tell you to close all your foreign bases and restrict all military movement around the world? You don’t have shit faggot and they don’t need your Jew money.


Trump is in the for the long haul, all these losers are expecting the NWO to topple over night. It's no wonder all you betas can't understand the 12D chess at play.

I dunno senpai, cutting the aid budget sure sounds like a benefit to America

If he goes through with his threats, US can kiss their ME allies goodbye. Israel will be thrilled to have Egypt and Jordan as enemies again


>diplomatic isolation.
Shit nobody cares.

Youre confused OP. The US is the only country that isnt afraid of pissing off Muslims.

Why would anyone side with Muslims on anything?

Do you fucking morons understand what the alternatives are? You're like an sjw atheist that's outraged by missionaries spreading the Christian gospel in third world countries. You don't understand what the alternatives are and you don't understand the repercussions of those alternatives. Is it really a surprise to see that cucked governments, that allow their people to be inundated by third world, muslim trash, voted against the resolution?

ok CTR shill

Trump is weak af

Where we're going, we don't need allies.

then we let russia and china take them. this time there will be no delusions about maaah freedom though

Who exactly is going to tell us to do that?
You think the UN has that power?
We are the fucking UN.

>the resolution is nonbinding
That's how. If they weren't a bunch of powerless fools playing a meaningless drama in an empty theater that saw no audience for at least 50 years now, they would tread more carefully. Much more carefully.

We just now have a list who won't be getting Christmas cards or foreign aid.

>We are the fucking UN.

No you're not

We literally do not need the UN for anything.
"Broad, international support" For what ?
So that once again, and as always, the US funds most of it, provides most of the troops and weapons and bears most of the burden? We literally do not need the UN for anything. But thanks.

Go ahead.


It's like this, buddy. If we leave the UN and take our money with us, the UN is completely irrelevant. It's practically irrelevant now. It's funny that any of you think your countries votes matter, you exist because we allow you to exist.


Why don't you leave then?

How could the entire intelligence community tell him that when no one in the intelligence community has ever been in possession of the supposedly hacked servers?

Literally in what way?

hahhaha!!!! Hopefully we will.
It's funny that you think you're relevant.


And why not just outright cut aid?
Protip: that aid isn't just virtue signaling

Yes, you do. You need allies to base your troops, launch planes and station AA defense.

You're right. But aid will be cut.
Wait and see. The only thing keeping
Putin from invading Europe is the US.
Do you really think we need the UN more than the UN needs the US?

In a trump hurt his feelings and cnn told him so sort of way

Well, I wouldn't say "need".
But regardless, we'll have allies with or without the UN. The idea that Europe or most of the rest of the world wouldn't want the US to remain an ally just because we cut aid or left the UN is absurd.

Mate, what do you think would have happened if you invaded Iraq without broad international support? Every foreign military base and port, ship and right of passage that allows the US to project power globally comes from international support.

That's also factually wrong. UN peacekeepers are less than 1% from America and 22% of the UN budget comes from the US

You do realize that they do not base our troops for free? Tax payers are paying millions to have these bases in foreign nations. Things have changed since the 40's, we have other means of gathering intelligence without creating welfare countries with base rent. We don't need these bases nor do we need the UN.

That's just wrong. Germany and France alone out spends Putin's military by 50%. The combined armed forces of European NATO members outnumber Russian troops several to one. Europe has no problem defending itself.

Aid is basically used to buy those allies. Once you cut aid your former allies ally with someone else. It's basically bargaining that's going on. The implicit exchange is:
>give us more money if you want us to side with you on this policy, which is extremely unpopular with our voters
>no fuck off, if you're not dancing we're not paying
The thing is, for the US, all those allies are basically mere convenience, not a necessity - it could steamroll basically anyone, with the sole exception of Russia.

Can anyone tell me why I should be even bothered by the fact that he moved the ambassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

Like honestly, whats the fucking deal? Ain't the Jews themselves been proclaiming Jerusalem their capital for aeons? This is starting to be downright silly. Imo I'm sure that the reason the Israeli are so butthurt about this decision is because Tel Aviv (current capital) is way more isolated than Jerusalem, its pretty much an island within Israel itself in term of lifestyle and security compared to the rest of the country and thus its way easier to control who goes in and out of the country and city. So basically now that the embassy is in Jerusalem the next time shit hit the fan for whatever reason the USA will have eyes on place to validate whats happening and act in consequence without having to rely on the Israelis and MOSSAD.

"Need" is the right word. Take the Syrian intervention. If you had no support from Turkey, or Saudi Arabia, or Iraq, how would you intervene? Launch bombers from 1000 km off the coast of Syria? Base your troops in ships the same distance away?
And the military implications aside, your intervention would become an invasion. It would be seen as such by its neighbors and by Syrians. Even if you did manage to win, some neighbors would come to their aid to expel you.

No, the UN is an organization of elitist fags. They don't accomplish anything, real negotiations are country to country. The UN is a show put on the trick the populace into thinking the world can get along.

What I don't understand is why everyone is so against this. Are they forgetting about 6 gorillion? I can understand the jew-hating Egypt or Turkey or whatever, but Germany? Aren't Germans supposed to love Israel?

>organization of elitist fags
What? user you do know that the UN votes, resolutions and vetoes are all done by ambassadors from nations right?

>negotiations are country to country
That's what the UN is. Do you think the UN is some governmental organization run by globalists?

If you want the non meme answer, it's because the original two state solution stated east Jerusalem would be the captial of Palestine, and west Jerusalem the captial of Israel. Israel has occupied Jerusalem for decades, but it was condemned as illegal and against the two state solution.

>keep eyes on Jerusalem
An ambassador living there with a telephone could do the same.

Trump is a retard in a country full of retards, left and right - the perfect president. God, I love this timeline.

>Do you think the UN is some governmental organization run by globalists?
That is literally, unironically what it is. Fuck off.

Next stop, cuckpol devouring itself, choo-choo!

Eat shit

wonder if hating (((them))) will finally bring the left and right together

>the UN is a governmental organization run by elitists which is why the ambassadors of all nations just voted on what to do

That sums it up

I always knew Americans treated the people they vote for like celebrities - defending their every move, fighting for them on every forum, giving them(billionaires) all their money - but this level of mental gymnastics is incredible. Neo nazis defending the president sucking Israel's dick as nth dimensional blackjack.

>And what happens when they tell you to close all your foreign bases and restrict all military movement around the world?

Them and what army? Serious question.

don't hurt your little brains trying to understand
everything's alright
everything's fine

The rest of the world has known about Trump's Mob connections for decades. Even Washington Post won't write about them. Australia has denied Trump from ever building in Sydney.

The reason Trump made so much growth off his father's money is because he would hire contractors and then renege on their payments. Dude's been sued over 3,000 in USA alone.

What's JFK or Patton doing in that pic?

I'd take ethno-statist Israeli Jews over subversive globalist Bolshevik Jews any day.

this flag will be a meme screencap this

After everything we have experienced in the last 15 years (at least) this is all just kabuki theater. So a nationalist Jewish gang challenges the ruling Internationalist Jewish gang with a few moves - this is all just bread and circus for us idiots.

Pretty much this


>In a collective act of defiance against Washington, the United Nations General Assembly voted 128 to 9 with 35 abstentions that the United States rescind its December 6th declaration on Jerusalem


>The resolution is nonbinding and therefore largely symbolic


>128 nations
>powerless to stop America

Damn it's nice being American

You will fit in with the super mutants well

He just strengthened Israel's enemies by ending programs that supported ISIS and other terror groups and then just painted a big fat fucking target on Israel's back. Are you dumb, you nigger?

the rest of the world is nothing but little pussies like OP. Trump rules the world.

global condemnation is completely meaningless you little retarded homo. Trump will crush all the nations of the earth and subjugate them.