3-gatsu no Lion:

Is ANYONE even watching this show???

Guess not.

It's too good for the likes of Sup Forums.

I'm watching it, even though I don't really get much of the Japanese chess (and don't care) I'm still enjoying it.

Reporting in. I don't know anything about shogi, yet I keep on watching.

Also it's ridiculous how Nikaido's grown on me.

It's too good for Sup Forums but don't worry there is plenty of people watching (Still don't understand shogi tho)

Agreed he started out as an insufferable cunt but he's really improved. I like how they brought in Yuki to do the song in the second cour though. It has to be a throwback to honey and clover.

Overall though I'd say it's one of the weaker shaft shows.

Some episodes just dont have enough action to get a thread going, like ep 19.
Wish the episodes were 40min long to advance the plot a bit.

It's my favourite show from last season. It's a blessing that there are no shitty threads on Sup Forums about it.

storytelling is good even pretty great at some points but the fucking artstyle of droopy retarded drooling red lips over the dramatic scenes fucking kills it sometimes man

couldnt they have spent a little more on the animation budget

The manga is better.

Mostly because its a 2 cour show and the action is streched too thin. Scene that takes few seconds to read in manga might take 2 minutes in anime.

It's good, one of the best really, in this and previous season.

It's not even the pacing. I just don't like SHAFT's self-fellatory style for this kind of series. Thankfully the source material is good enough to carry the show but that's not enough for me to talk about it again on Sup Forums.

Can anyone even aspire to beat Souya?

Rei is autistic enough that he may someday do it.


His clone, Arima.

Ya- watching for the Akari-bowl and the music is GOAT

Read the manga

I'm just quietly enjoying a 9/10 show while enjoying the fact that I don't have to read shitposting bait threads about it. This is the best timeline.

Shaft elevated this shit, faggots

Is this forced and melodramatic cry-porn? Because I refuse to watch garbage like that.

This show is probs the best this season for me, just haven't seen anyone talk about it.

No. Half of it is goofy comedy.

The scene when momo jumps in Nikaido thinking he's Bodoro was the best thing I've ever seen.

Probably gunna give the mango a read after the show ends.

Watched the first 12 episodes now waiting until it finishes airing so I can finish it.

>waiting until it finishes
what kid of autism is this

I'm watching it but not liking it. I can't stand the melodrama and stopped caring about the characters around the second cour, now I just want to know how it ends.

Yes it is. You probably won't like it.

Literally where is the melodrama?

I just don't watch shows while they air because I hate waiting for new episodes

What parts is the live action movie going to cover?

Look forward to it every week, honestly ALL the characters have really grown on me.

Shogi is definitely beyond me though, since I could never even get into chess either.

This is one of my favorite shows of this season and last.

No, it's garbage.
There's no boobies or cute moe girls or shitstorms.
It's just shitty fujo sausage fest with pretty boys.
Gay shit, nothing happens.

You mean Arima?

I kinda lost interest in it due to having read the manga. Happens often when I get into adaptations that aren't crazy sakugafests. Not to say that this is super ugly or anything.

Nice to hear it hasn't dropped the ball and is still going solid though.

I read the manga so I'll binge the anime after it's all out.

>No cute moe girls
You wut m8?

I always wait for plot heavy series to completely air before i watch it.

Shaft was a mistake....as usual.

I want to know what broke Souya