Does your family know your political views, Sup Forums?
Do they think less of you for it?
Does your family know your political views, Sup Forums?
Do they think less of you for it?
>haha user you are such a nazi
No, my family aren't cucks. Or white for that matter.
Tell my mom all the time how I love that trump is president. My dad's always calling me a dumbass for supporting him because "it's not in my best interests" but what he doesn't understand is pissing off liberals is my best interest
My dad's our district's GOP chairman, and he's very conservative across the board. My mom is more libertarian I guess, but we always discuss politics openly whenever I'm home.
My father is the one who handed me the bottle full of red pills.
the good thing about being an ancap is no-one knows what the fuck you're even talking about enough to judge you for it
My parents know and agree. My sister is the exception but she lives in Chicago and is full BLM and avocado toast so nobody cares what she thinks.
They're moderate right wingers, but don't really care that I want a Christian Theocracy, with a capitalist economic structure.
you have the logic of an actual real liberal my friend
yes and yes.
Open yes.
I actually gained a lot of respect for telling everyone that when Trump announced that he was running, he was going to be the next president. From family to friends everyone treated me like a compete fucking retard no matter their political affiliation. I vangaurded all the way through to seeing him in the oval office and even if they didn't agree with me or my new president's politics, the respect was earned. I really had no doubt guys. Genuinely, I honestly knew he was going to win. It kind of scared me how I just knew while my whole world told me "no way in hell" and I was right. My whole world, guys. I'm sure some of you can sympathise this at the beginning of the race before the bandwaggon Trump supports joined us.
I love hearing it from their voices when I ask them all to this day.
Who's in the Whitehouse?
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
my little brother recently asked me if we were lied to about hitler lol
Family is full of christcucks, so we are okey with hating commies, but no so much on free market and such.
My dad's best friend was born in Germany during ww2 and openly proclaims the wrong side won the war. Or so I hear, my dad's never introduced me to him. Sounds like a cool guy.
My brother disowned me for a year for posting a gloating pepe meme on Facebook on election night after Trump won.
My mom is one of about 3 blue dog democrats left in the world. She hates republicans reflexively but doesn't even know the current party lines anymore and I always embarrass her whenever she debates me because I point out that pedophilia, foriegners>americans, and everyone else>whites are very mainstream leftist beliefs nowadays.
>Open Nazi
You must be American then.
My family are liberal cunts I don't give a fuck what they think about anything!
My family are 100% cuckservatives. They fully subscribe to the idea that licking Jew, spic, and nigger anus will get them ahead in life, and they think less of me for respecting my own genetic lineage. In regards to Jews they very often repeat out the common tropes of "They're gods chosen people", and "they truly are a persecuted race." It makes me sick to my stomach that my own blood betrays my own grandparents German and Hungarian lineage so readily.
However despite this they don't argue with me over it because as I've said, they're cuckservatives that do not stand up for themselves. Rather than arguing they annoyingly leer at me every time some personality comments on some "good" action a Jew or person of color allegedly did one time. It is extremely annoying as they seem to believe I'm incapable of respecting individuals or truth when I'm the only person capable of looking beyond the political correctness smokescreen. However, it does serve to remind me how much unnecessary praise our media gives to non-whites for doing things white people do naturally.
The odd part is my own grandparents would be proud of me, but my brainwashed Boomer/Gen-x parents were convinced that my grandparents were just "racist" and didn't know better.
>American flag
>Thinks he needs to inform us he isn't white
fucking kek
>Does your family know your political views, Sup Forums?
>Do they think less of you for it?
no they actually are quite ok with it, they would be mad at me if i was a communist
My parents and I immigrated from Russia in the mid 90s, they saw what communism does first hand. They're both Republican/conservative, as am I, we are also fairly racist and my mother views this wave of #metoo with disgust.
My younger brother is a libtard though, I'm not sure where I went wrong (it might be his wife).
They know I don't like Obamacare and think I am an asshole. My boyfriends family knows how much I hate ghetto niggers and they don't think I am an asshole.
My grandad was almost killed by communists in the 80s.
A guy tried to lure him into an empty stadium to try and kill him, luckily my granddad was smart and managed to put a gun to the guy first, he then took him to a pub where a laywer he knew was hanging out.
He knew if he just shot the guy his family would not have a father to take care of them.
>tfw an Aussie with no family.
I am the most free man who has ever lived.
>they annoyingly leer at me every time some personality comments on some "good" action a Jew or person of color allegedly did one time
What a bunch of condescending assholes
>Does your family know your political views, Sup Forums?
only partly
>Do they think less of you for it?
My dad knows. He's one of the only people I can speak openly with about politics. I've even redpilled him out of being a lolbertarian at this point.
I'm a bit of a phantom and like those around me, hide behind 50 shades of gray. So no one can tell.
Calm down, Chang
This Unironically
>>tfw an Aussie with no family.
>I am the most free man who has ever lived.
>Does your family know your political views, Sup Forums?
yes, they're all based af
I ironically tell people my beliefs and ironically get amused at how they don't understand it
No they dont and i like to kerp it that way (although i do sometimes call people niggers in public)
I use to date a russian woman that had blonde hair and blue eyes. But than i read the bible and realized race mixing is a sin that was being promoted by jews
my dad actually finds Sup Forums pretty cool because it gives him other viewpoints for his counselling work
My family still watches CNN. I'm starting to lose hope.
My mom is Jewish and she thinks I'm a white supremacist, despite the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to be a white supremacist even if I wanted to. I wonder if this is how Stephen Miller felt.
My parentens immigrated from Russia aswell and they are pretty conservative .. but all my friends are lefties
You guys are all cucks
Yeah because they got my history through the reutor on the computer so they found out. They made me see a shrink
Indian family
Family is full Republican/Conservative/Christian
I'm an Independent don't like to pick a party
We share political views ...most of the time
Major differences
>I support gay rights/They don't
>I support stem cell research/They don't
>I am against the death penalty/They want it
>They are super strong supporters of pro-life/I couldn't care what happens to be honest
There are probably more views that i don't agree with them but it hasn't come up yet
Yes, and my fiancee agrees with me.
Your reaction image captures my emotional scars quite accurately.
bobs and vagene
sorta, but i keep proving them wrong, soooo?
my parents don't care about politics. they are from iran so my mom didnt want trump to win for the iran deal(they listen to iranian radio which critiques trump heavily). my dad supported trump because he doesnt believe that women could be good presidents
No. I grew up in the Midwest. I was handed a gun on my 6th birthday. Told no nigger friends.
bro you and i both know that's a guy. There are no women on pol
Uncle's best friend got shot and killed in front of his 2 year old daughter by some niggers. Since then 90% of my family has become rapidly pro police and the n word is commonly thrown around at family gatherings
What family?