But, but it was HER turn?!?!
But, but it was HER turn?!?!
Id consider voting for her, as long as she completes the wall and cracks down on companies that hire illegals... al;so she has to restart TPP in a move favorable US position
you would really consider a female president? after how the first black president left the country?
sure if the ideology is right... its gonna happen someday so why not someone like minded.
i would've voted for a black man for the same reason... but well there really isn't any black out there that know of that would "do the Right thing" maybe that black sheriff whats his name?
over my dead fucking body
Lmao then I'll consider the US even bigger cucks than bongs. It'll be glorious. The bants will well and truly top the 56% meme desu. We need new burger shitposting material.
I'm certain everyone who currently has a pussy hat in their closet will vote for her, too.
I like her name and she is sexy in a strict mommy kind of way
I can imagine all those soyboys in UN thinking of being dominated by her at night.
I kinda like how she's dealing with the UN. If this is an indication of what her foreign policy behavior will look like I'd vote for her in a hot second. It would also be fun to watch the feminist community attack a woman running for president.
I'd vote for Nikki if it didn't interfere with a better candidate.
I prefer Tim Scott
>implying Hillary won't take credit for it by saying she paved the way or some shit
Oh God, I can already imagine the SUPERPOWER BY 2020 memes
Please make it happen!
From what I've seen of her so far I would vote for her in a heartbeat if she ran against garden variety neocons or liberals
She is a neocon.
Let's not forget she tore down Confederate monuments after the Dylan Roof debacle and banned the Confederate flag.
She also supports the Dreamers, hates the idea of a wall, and wanted more third world refugees.
She's shit.
Highly doubtful. I hate to tell you guys this but it will swing back to the left within 3-7 years.
This is pretty low tier, even for an Aussie tbqh.
No woman will never be president of the USA.
She's the textbook definition of a neocon
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Based Sheriff David Clark
Not even once.
She did just fine as my governor, she'd be an ok president.
her name is actually nimrata randhawa
I got a hardon with that speech today
>That chick lean
>Vertical grip
>Hair not properly tied back
Not my President.
Do you not see how far away the receiver is from her face? The hair is fine down
It's a single frame who knows if she didn't lean in before actually shooting. You can't judge a person's ability to handle a weapon by a single frame unless they're doing something retarded like pointing it at their face.
>nimrata randhawa
Confirmed Poo.
That's clearly the bitch lean Sgt. "What the fuck am I actually fighting for again" tells freebleeders to do to offset their lack of upper body agency.
She's a neocon who sold out her state's heritage and dumped the Confederate flag as governor. She's Mitt Romney with better tits.
Nobody named "Nikki" will ever be president.
Digits confirm first nigger president is the last nigger president. After seeing how women destroyed Europe, I will never vote for a female president, even if it was either of my daughters.
Haley/ Kushner 2024
kek, an ausfag talking about cucks! your shitposting skills are either terrible or it's summer break over there.
>military analyst
>we should take his word on who might be president down the line
LOL in what world is a street shitter going to be president? Certainly not in Trump world. She was such a terrible executive she was put in the UN retard job to make way for a white man. She's already peaked and will never achieve higher office.
>women in leadership roles
Haley's a miserable neocon cunt. The only woman worthy of the presidency is Tulsi Gabbard
> First woman president is conservative
Holy shit yes just for the feminist melt down.
The 1st female President will 100% a Republican, just like the 1st female PM in Britain was a Tory
uggg I hate nikki haley id rather have jill stine
This is how a female president should act. Not break out in tears or namedrop celebs. Just step up the mike in front of a hostile crowd of foreigners and simply telling them with a straight face, "Don't fuck with us."
ok richard spencer
She is a neocon. She did everything in her power to oppose Trump in the primaries. She is for open borders. She took down the confederate monuments in South Carolina. SHE IS NOT ONE OF US.
I have no idea why Trump picked her after all the shit she said about him, but now we have to listen to her shill for Israel nonstop and try to start a war with Syria and Iran.