Why does Sup Forums hate Trump so much? I remember election night on Sup Forums, the energy, the optimism. Now you all hate him. You say he's a Jewish puppet, but we all knew he wasn't redpilled on the Jews. He's just a normie who wants to MAGA. I think the shills got to you. They won. Prove me wrong.
Why does Sup Forums hate Trump so much? I remember election night on Sup Forums, the energy, the optimism...
Lots of Jews here
Fuck off neo-cuck nigger
So many fucking shills here.
>You say he's a Jewish puppet, but we all knew he wasn't redpilled on the Jews.
Bait thread but I have nothing else to do.
He's backing Israel on their illegitimate claim to Jerusalem and threatening all of the US allies who won't support Israel's illegitimate claim to Jerusalem.
Kind of hard not to consider him a Jewish puppet when he's literally willing to sacrifice all of his allies for the sake of Israel's expanding borders.
Why would bankers allow some random nobody to control their biggest breadwinner, of course he is jewish/puppet.
Supp oliver shill
No. I still like him. And tbqhdesufam although I initially skilled for him as a fuck you to this gay earth, he is actually accomplishing some decent shit for the conservative agenda.
It will never not be worth it. Never.
The only alternative was a satanic lizard in human form. We always knew he wasn't far off, but America is too far gone. In retrospect, it doesn't matter anymore who drives this racecar in the ditch, it's course is set for destruction.
The neo nazi larpers will always be mad that trump isnt throwing jews straight into the oven. The fact is they supported him because he was right wing they saw him as a means to an end. Ultimately the jews infiltrate both sides of every conflict you cant name the jew without isolating yourself anyone that seeks power has to suck the jew cock.
Jews are really overusing this Sup Forums is 1 person meme.
Trump is gonna get rid of Israel you stupid Jew.
well he made the internet shittier, and for that he's a vote. He shouldn't have attacked what his fanbase loves so much.
Sup Forums is bored of piss
> I love him he is a /pol hero
WTF are you shilling OP?
Great post as usual leaf
>Sup Forums hates Trump
Last time anyone posted a poll here with regards to him, he had about 75% support. It's mostly leftyshills, and mudslimes pissed off about the Israeli capital shit.
>he's just a normie
>son of a millionaire
>got rich in one of the most jewified industries in the world
>from jew york
>admitted to taking advantage of the swamp himself
"He isn't redpilled"
Yes, the president of the USA isn't redpilled, but 4chins is
He's not in control, and never was. I don't know if you mutts know this, but recently he had a little talk with Putin on one of his travels. The first thing the American Govt. reaction was, and I kid you not, "Who allowed him to have access to Putin!". So there goes your president, he's a tv clown alright. He controls his golf ball, if anything. Sad story.
Deep down he knows shits going down, so yeah. But without balls, you cant be a leader.
Mostly shills and shill victims
Unfortunately, ShareBlue really stepped up their game post election and they got a firm hold on this board.
Whenever someone tells you supporting Israel is being a kike lover, gently remind them that even Hitler supported such state, and I don't know about you but, although not a fan of Hitler, I don't think he was kike lover at all.
Doubt me? Google up the Haavara agreement, and use your new knowledge to fight back the shills that infest this board
>He's backing Israel on their illegitimate claim to Jerusalem
Why is it illegitimate? Jews have had their first and second temples there. If you understand enough about the Jews then you know they just want to be left alone to practice their rites in their temple. If they get to build one in Jerusalem, then all the prophecies will be fulfilled and the Jews will finally be home.
This is a master move from Trump you stupid bong.
>threatening all of the US allies who won't support Israel's illegitimate claim to Jerusalem.
Who the fuck are our allies? You? We spend more than the next 20 of our allies combined. Fuck off queens guard.
>Kind of hard not to consider him a Jewish puppet
He likes Israel and the Jewish people are the wive of the human race. When papa is unhappy, no one cares. When mama is unhappy, no one is unhappy.
Keep the Jews happy, keep the Mossad out of your business, and the world goes back to peace.
Fuck off shepard's pie.
>when he's literally willing to sacrifice all of his allies for the sake of Israel's expanding borders.
You bongs deserve to get fucked in the ass and the mouth for reneging on Brexit. I hope EU fucks you in the ass, and we drop you as our ally so that you can get orally fucked by all the muslim migrants.
>The neo nazi larpers will always be mad that trump isnt throwing jews straight into the oven.
They LARP man. Their happiness and unhappiness is also a LARP.
>Ultimately the jews infiltrate both sides of every conflict you cant name the jew without isolating yourself anyone that seeks power has to suck the jew cock.
Fucking state of Sup Forums man. Time to upgrade the meme arsenal boys. Being able to properly articulate who the enemy is half the fight won.
Call the the elites by what they are: Satan worshiping pedophiles. Don't take shortcuts by calling them Jews. Jews can be normal Jews or Satan worshiping pedophiles.
If its 1488d chess where he fucks over jews and muslims then il support him, right now not so much
defend this
>But without balls, you cant be a leader.
Trump has no balls.
>Kraut flag. Checks out.
You stupid fucks couldn't even march out of Berlin if the Nazis were revived today. Fucking disgrace to the Kraut race.
Now this thread will be deleted
>Why does Sup Forums hate Trump so much?
are you stupid?: this place is 24/7 shilled by libs, muslims (/sg/) and every other board from here to reddit
>You stupid fucks couldn't even march out of Berlin if the Nazis were revived today. Fucking disgrace to the Kraut race.
>implying nazis are bad
>Why is it illegitimate?
Jerusalem was not part of Israel when the nation began. if you're not up to speed on 50 year old middle eastern politics, Israel has been constantly expanding their borders for a long time now. They've claimed a lot of land and declared it to be the land of the ancestors to justify slowly stealing neighbouring territory, it isn't just Jerusalem.
>If you understand enough about the Jews then you know they just want to be left alone to practice their rites in their temple.
Fucking lol
>If they get to build one in Jerusalem
What's stopping them? They already control part of Jerusalem, Palestine controls the rest. The issue at hand is the US embassy moving to Jerusalem, legitimising the claim of it being the Israeli capital.
>This is a master move from Trump you stupid bong.
Is this what r/The_Donald actually believes?
>Who the fuck are our allies?
Anyone you currently give funding to. Funding is the lubrication of international trade, nations expect their backs to be scratched before they will discuss trade and cooperation. Trump is threatening to cut funding to all nations that voted against recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and considering everywhere except the US, Israel and some tiny African nations voted not to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, you've effectively declared the whole world your enemy.
>Keep the Jews happy
Is that Trump's foreign policy in a nutshell? Or a summary of his presidential term so far?
>wah wah butt mad amerimutt telling bongs what they deserve
>implying nazis are bad
Nope. Implying the Kraut who posted this
is a fucking disgrace to the Germanic peoples, and would not be able to even march out of Berlin if the Nazi party was revived today.
The Kraut's post wouldn't be acceptable even if he was Turkish. Fucking disgrace to the legacy of Kemal Ataturk.
Maybe it's because he loves being a jew butt plug
>Nice pic.
>Jerusalem was not part of Israel when the nation began. if you're not up to speed on 50 year old middle eastern politics, Israel has been constantly expanding their borders for a long time now. They've claimed a lot of land and declared it to be the land of the ancestors to justify slowly stealing neighbouring territory, it isn't just Jerusalem.
Yes. They want their Lebensraum. They're an ethnostate and will go the ends of the world to do it. Why does this make Jerusalem illegitimate bong?
You have forgotten your world conquering days bong. Because you swallow media's cock without hesitation.
Nothing in the world is illegal until the person/entity who says so can enforce laws that make it illegal. If Jerusalem is illegitimate, then who will punish Israel for this transgression? Get me? Now let go of the Big Black Cock (BBC) from where you get your news.
>Fucking lol
??? Why this a laughing matter?? All of the world's problems arise from the Jewish people being prevented from reconstructing their temple. If this is not a sign that they're the God's chosen for you, then you deserve to get that butt fucking from Mohammed tonight.
>What's stopping them? They already control part of Jerusalem, Palestine controls the rest. The issue at hand is the US embassy moving to Jerusalem, legitimising the claim of it being the Israeli capital.
The Philistines can either integrate into Israeli society (like they've already done), or they will be wiped out by Israel. Your protests or vigils won't matter.
Evolution is here, and as cruel and heartless this sounds, Palestine will never be able to beat Israel until Israel decays from within.
>Is this what r/The_Donald actually believes?
Is that where you lurk? Why are people mentioning this so often these days? Is this some new joke on Sup Forums that people think is funny?
>Anyone you currently give funding to.
That makes them our vassals. Not allies.
>Funding is the lubrication of international trade, nations expect their backs to be scratched before they will discuss trade and cooperation.
We control the petro-dollar. You know that means? If countries want oil from SA, they need to shell out $$$. Do you know how they get $$$? By selling us shit.
We don't need to scratch anyone's back. All that Brobama shit is gone.
>Trump is threatening to cut funding to all nations that voted against recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital
Fucking A. About time those cocksuckers got called out as non-allies.
>and considering everywhere except the US, Israel and some tiny African nations voted not to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, you've effectively declared the whole world your enemy.
And? Does the world think it's capable of taking us on? Or is it more accurate that with our current resources we can beat/nuke the shit out of most of the world.
See bong, you no longer remember what it feels like to be a hegemon. The only realistic threat is nuclear warfare. The U.S.A cannot be invaded by land (maybe the illegals will come and replace the white population). If there's a nuclear war, everyone loses.
There's a reason why we say the land of the free and the home of the brave. We're not cucks (yet).
>Is that Trump's foreign policy in a nutshell?
No. It also involves reminding countries that we control the petro-dollar and we are the most advanced militaristic society in the world.
>Or a summary of his presidential term so far?
One year bong. Patience is a virtue.
>wah wah butt mad amerimutt telling bongs what they deserve
Shame isn't it. Your ancestors conquered the world and here you can't even out-shitpost a former colony.
>Absolute state of the Brits.
Kikesuckers like you need to hang. Kikes literally meddle in our politics like no other. True parasites. They have the largest lobby. They have the most dual-citizen congressmen. They're desert shithole gets billions from our taxpayers and they've attacked us and stolen secrets from us without ever fight ing beside us.
they thought he was a crypto nazi and pulled a "what the fuck I hate trump now" when they found out it wasnt the case
It's shills and leftypol that hate Trump.
True Sup Forums praises Trump like a fucking God, as everyone should
Marxism always find its way to infiltrate his host.
>Yes. They want their Lebensraum. They're an ethnostate and will go the ends of the world to do it. Why does this make Jerusalem illegitimate bong?
If whites don't get their ethnostate, no one does. You'll notice that it's Jews promoting migration to white western nations. In fact Israel deports it's illegal African migrants to Australia and Australia thanks them for the privilege.
>All of the world's problems arise from the Jewish people being prevented from reconstructing their temple.
So why haven't they built it? Again they already control part of Jerusalem.
>If this is not a sign that they're the God's chosen
I really don't mind replying to bait user.
>The Philistines can either integrate into Israeli society
This has nothing to do with the question I asked. if Jews are causing trouble because they can't build their temple, why haven't they built their temple in the part of Jerusalem they control?
>Is that where you lurk?
>Why are people mentioning this so often these days?
Because this board became infested with Redditors who blindly support Trump. Yes he was the best option in the 2016 election. Yes Sup Forums backed him. Yes he does sometimes move in the right direction. But times like now, in which he is threatening all of his other allies as he white knights for his Jewish puppeteers, it is time to call him out for it.
>Is this some new joke on Sup Forums that people think is funny?
New? It's existed as long as r/The_Donald have flooded this board, so early 2016.
Funny? Hilarious in a dark sort of way.
Either you are a shill yourself, or a retard, or a newfag
Fuck off.
>Trump doesnt suck jewish Co...
Trump just got an Orthodox Rabbi out of serving his prison time. Both Democrats and Republicans are cheering this on, while Jews are dancing in the streets.
>President Trump on Wednesday commuted the sentence of a former kosher slaughterhouse executive who was serving 27 years in prison for financial crimes.
>Sholom Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, was arrested in Iowa in 2008, several months after Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided his meat-processing plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants. Rubashkin was cleared of knowingly employing underage immigrants, but was found guilty of money laundering and fraud.
>jewish Co...
You are so easy to spot it's shameful Oliver
What does Kek mean this?
>You'll notice that it's Jews promoting migration to white western nations
If you have to explain this to someone on Sup Forums, it's better to just assume they're baiting or shilling and just ignore, bong
So many stupid fucking spook shills on here
>"hurrrrr dumpf is a joo puppet"
>"id prefer the shit stained psychotic neighbors of Palestine to take over Israel and Jerusalem and have an even bigger possible nuclear stockpile"
fuck off faggots
No, I know he's baiting, but I'm in a chatty mood,
How is muslims having nukes any worse than jews having them?
Being anti-Israel isn't being pro-Palestine. I'm sure most anons would be happy if they wiped each other out, failing that it would be sufficient for our meme president not to side with the jews so hard he ends up literally threatening all his other allies.
Brit bong wrecked.
>If whites don't get their ethnostate, no one does.
How about you start by trying to get an ethnostate together. Can you? No? Then shut the fuck up. Wait your turn. All great civilizations fall because of evolution. How? Great races rise under extreme pressure. Those who survive have evolutionary drives that force them to act all the time. Once they are dominant, there are no constraints on these evolutionary drives and they go beserk and decay. Let Israel win if you can't win. They will then decay. You can then form your ethnostate. It's all part of the cycle of life.
>You'll notice that it's Jews promoting migration to white western nations.
To empty out their Greater Israel area. Yes. It's part of their plan. Can you Brit cunts close your vagina and prevent the immigrants from coming into your lands. No? Then as cruel as this sounds, steel yourself against the buttfucks that are going to come in the future.
>So why haven't they built it? Again they already control part of Jerusalem.
No point building a temple that Iran will nuke. The temple will come. Maybe not during Trump's time, but it will come. There will be peace for many years after that, before the Jews get judged by their god (their civilization's decay). It's been prophesied and it will happen.
>I really don't mind replying to bait user.
Not bait you daft.
>Because this board became infested with Redditors who blindly support Trump.
You'll find sheep everywhere. The best tactic is to stand and fight. To counter shill when all other sheep posing as Sup Forumsacks run away. That is true discipline.
For doing so. I tip my hat to you bong. You're not all that bad.
>But times like now, in which he is threatening all of his other allies as he white knights for his Jewish puppeteers, it is time to call him out for it.
How does him declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital affect you bong?
>All of the world's problems arise from the Jewish people being prevented from reconstructing their temple. If this is not a sign that they're the God's chosen for you, then you deserve to get that butt fucking from Mohammed tonight.
Hello foxnews
He was redpilled on zionist pedophilia and many dirty things in congress. Robert David Steele and Mattis
hi, newestfaggiestfag
>Hello foxnews
I still love him. So glad I voted for him
Shareblue and the the leftist shills have FULL ON FUCKING INVADED.
Don't fall for this shit.
Also, sage.
The way he is shitting up the place and destabilizing USA's role as a world leader really is pretty funny.
Sup Forums loves trump
you're just reading shill posts by jews or ironic jews
Stormfaggotry is (((their))) most effective psyop.
Stormfags owned this board before (((they))) even knew what Sup Forums was, retard.
>Shareblue and the the leftist shills have FULL ON FUCKING INVADED.
Then stand and shitpost you neet. Out shitpost the shills.
Sure, he wasn't redpilled about jews
Sure, his kids all married and bred with jews
Sure, he just surrounded himself with jews his entire life
All just an awful mistake and as soon as he works it out, he'll start putting America first
Trump just 4d finessed this shit, even down to the slurred speech
Make Israel great FOREVER!
Btw, how is your wall building going? Not Israeli-Palestiian one.
He's going full Zionist, all the talking heads on Faux news are going more pro Israel by the day. We're one false flag away from another, "you're with us or you're against us" speech like the shrub did and Faux News will be waving the flag furiously once again.
bc the site is being systematically brigaded by leftypol SJWs. i thought this was obvious
They'll get their wall once they've built Israel a wall first.