I've been seeing many articles about how bad flouride is, how correct are they?
I've been looking into ways to avoid consuming so much flouride through water and toothpaste.
Redpill me on flouride
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Do you chug down your toothpaste, user? You phase out of this around five years.
Also watch out for things like corn flakes. If they were made with fluoridated water, then all the fluoride got concentrated and left behind in the flakes when they were cooked.
Nice, eh?
Fluoride in tap water is at such a low ppm that it does no harm to your health, but still offers benefits to your dental hygiene.
you dont need to chug toothpaste for the flouride to effect you
its a halogen and its very reactive, hydrofluoric acid is so potent it seeps through your skin and reacts directly with your bones
to explain it to a layperson, it is one electron from completing one of its valence rings, so it REALLY fucking wants to react with something and get that last electron to make it feel whole
its like its about to cum and it really wants to cum, is in a horny desperate state to cum
anyway, its in low ppm in water supplies, but regardless its retardation and mommy state bullshit, if you don't keep your dental hygene up that's you're own fucking fault, its retarded the government does it for that reason
well that is that's what they say its for, I'm honestly not opposed to the whole pineal gland calcification theory myself
top shill
There's no way to know that because there's no control of the dosage, nor do you know how much of the water comes in to physical contact with the surface of the teeth or for how long.
It's so absurd you have to be mentally retarded to parrot that.
It's the Jew of elements, in terms of wanting electrons.
>good for teeth
>contacts teeth the least amount of time versus every other use
It gets absorbed through your skin when you shower, wash face, and wash dishes
You drink it everyday, in your water, coffee, tea, soup, sauces, etc
You consume it everyday, in your prepped foods, processed foods, sodas, juices, fruits and veggies watered with tap water.
>good for your teeth , don't swallow toothpaste
high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.
The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.* Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. The children studied were up to 14 years of age, but the investigators speculate that any toxic effect on brain development may have happened earlier, and that the brain may not be fully capable of compensating for the toxicity.
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,” Grandjean says. “The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
been filtering my water and using flouride free toothpaste for about 6 months. I still have chronic pain, but it's decreased a lot. my shin splints have definitely come down heaps.
what do you use to filter the flouride?
Reverse osmosis
John Kellogg was a sick fuck dude and corn flakes were meant to dampen retard boners. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Causes severe calcination, all areas!
Look bro I've spent more time reading about this than I care to admit, here's the rundown:
Pregnant women need to avoid fluoride.
Lactating women need to avoid fluoride.
If babies drink formula, make it with unflouridated water.
Children under 6 should use non-fluoridated toothpaste because they will swallow it.
That's it. It's not very neurotoxic if you're over the age of 6. It's not good for you either, it's ideal to avoid it, but by the time you hit 6 your body can handle it.
If you read a fucking tube of toothpaste, it says, "not for children under six." That should activate your almonds.
Don't ask me for a fucking source, I am sick to death of this subject. I'm getting my PhD in medicinal chemistry and I have two kids so I dedicated some time into learning about this to take care of them. I figured this out, and those are the conclusions from hours of reading papers.
If you really want sources, just read everything on the subject published in the journal Environmental Health Sciences.
I don't know why your retarded government feels the need to fluoridate the tap water.
Also making GMO's legal? You guys are poisoned to the core if you don't watch what you consume.
Hitler used it
Proof he didn't
proof of your statement faggot
You can search the topic there is lots of info that claims he did,there's info stating he didn't. I just don't believe our government really gives a fuck about our teeth so I feel there's more to it