Other urls found in this thread:
what dumb thing to do
>Good goyim do exactly what the rabbi tells you.
He can simultaneously take your shekels while charging you interest
Trump just got the media to put an evil money grubbing kike on their front page.
You think the executive order today was a coincidence? He gave evidence on the pizza party kikes.
The absolute state of /r/The_Donaldtards
I'm not angry Donald, just disappointed.
Trump is a kike puppet. It's time to officially recognize him as such. First he officially declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and now he's exonerating criminal Jews. This one in particular employed over 400 illegal immigrants. So much for America first, eh?
Ohh come on guys this is just part of the 43d chess game. You ahve to give to take.
come on this president will surely be the one he's on our side he even posts on pol. come on goys, there's no way we're wrong.
The president isn't a puppet he was rightfully elected.
And he couldn't have done that without commuting this guy's sentence...?
He made sure the dude would be dead broke.
and now thanks to the pardon at least 1 mil more people know his name and what he did...really activates them neurons
He would've been dead broke in prison you fucking shill
How do you shills even live with yourselves lying to people and supporting people like this
>Trump (born Schmuyle Finckeldrompff) decided to help one of his fellow chosen.
What a fucking surprise
but MAGA amirite?
12d Backgammon
>In November 2009, Rubashkin was convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering. In June 2010, he was sentenced to 27 years in prison. In a separate trial, he was acquitted of knowingly hiring underage workers. He served his sentence in Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville in Mount Hope, New York. In January 2011, his lawyers filed an appeal; on September 16, 2011, the appeals court ruled against Rubashkin. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from that ruling on October 1, 2012. On December 20, 2017 citing the large bipartisan push for the measure, President Trump commuted the prison sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, after 8 years served. This guy was mega kike 9000
Jesus christ get your shit together murica
47 d backgammon hurrrrrrrrr
Hail trump durrrrrrr
wtf i hate trump now
>hurr Trump just commuted the sentence of a evil kike who abused animals and used illegal immigrants as workers
Trumptards are the most delusional people on this board.
Trump just got an Orthodox Rabbi out of serving his prison time. Both Democrats and Republicans are cheering this on, while Jews are dancing in the streets.
>President Trump on Wednesday commuted the sentence of a former kosher slaughterhouse executive who was serving 27 years in prison for financial crimes.
>Sholom Rubashkin, a 57-year-old father of 10, was arrested in Iowa in 2008, several months after Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided his meat-processing plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants. Rubashkin was cleared of knowingly employing underage immigrants, but was found guilty of money laundering and fraud.
How is this bad? another capitalist free!
Remember when the 4D chess meme was unironic?
Of course!!!
>10 more yids like this kike
You know its bad when no one can defend him unironically.
Join us Goyim! :D:D:D
Oй вэй
So is any MAGAposter going to defend Trump or are they just pretending this didn't happen?
yea, it's not that big of a deal
No difference between these two posts. R*dDIT GET FUCKED
He literally frees a Russian/Jew that was in prison for have 400 illegals employed in a 2000 population city when most of his voters hate illegals and voted for Trump for that reason, of getting rid of illegals, alone and you're saying it's not a big deal?
Run-on sentences are fun by the way.
kek, trumpies btfo
based trump maga!
8ch had a dozen threads on this guy and all of them were prematurely nuked by the mods, bumplocked, and users were banned.
This is also the same Jew who brought a bunch of shitskins into Iowa
Sup Forums is wrong yet again lol
Remember goyim would never get away with this
Trump was the bait to draw out WN so they could be redlisted. He got us nice and comfy right out in the open. The truth is, White nationalism was never back on the rise - it was an inorganic movement by the Jews to target and identify us for the next step in their (((plan))). There's a reason all these threads have been deleted and bumplocked on infinitychan (11 times in a row, until the mods were exposed and finally left one up, after the banned all the informed posters). And anyone who spoke out against Trump during the election was banned. The only people Trump is playing 4D chess against are white nationalists.
Why do you think everyone leading the (((Alt-Lite))) is a Jew? Shapiro, Milo, Lauren Southern, Spencer, Loomer. All of them are kikes. Trump's top advisor, Jared Kushner might as well be an out of the closet Zionist kike. We were all played, including me.
Trump let this Rabbi go at the behest of Alan Dershowitz who has ties to Mike Cernovich, aka this infinitychan's lawyer. Dershowitz represented Jeffrey Epstein. Trump appointed the limp dick prosecutor in that case, who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist, as secretary of labor.
The movement is dead it would seem
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand this thread won't even make it past 100 replies before its archived. I hate to be this guy but we don't stand much of a chance against the Jews. You retarded mongrelized 52% niggers can't even show any interest in something that actually matters.
>why dont u own a gun pol?
>hahaha BLACKED
threads regularly hit the bump limit.
People are too dumb. It all ended after WW2. This board is one big meme LARP. I suggest you migrate to a different irrelevant country (even the Midwest isnt safe) and go innawoods. The West is being marched off a cliff and there is nothing we can do to stop it, they control everything. It's not even a mild exaggeration.
>"Most Delusional People on this board"
You mean Communists and Euromuts?
Looks like he payed through to the right people, not that there was ever any doubt who runs the USA
Someone posted this on 8ch, thread was anchored. You'd think the rabid anti-semites would turn on Trump after this.. but all the mods protect Trump when something bad happens. Makes you think...
He didnt pardon him.
He basically eliminated the remaining time of his sentence.
Which means, the government still recognizes he commited a crime.
Other people had done exactly the same thing as him, and only received 1 year in prison. His sentence was bullshit.
He lied to a bank about how well his business was doing to secure additional loans.
I'm pretty much fucked user. I'm too poor to migrate anywhere and I'm too poor to prep for our imminent doom. At this point I'm going back to normalfaggotry so I can enjoy what's left of the """"good"""" life before it gets 10,000x fucking worse. Good luck to you user.
I just came here from 8ch after Mike the Kike banned me for talking about this. The mods deleted 11 threads in a row and banned all the other anons actually discussing it (not shilling/shitposting)
The jew hired over 300 illegals, in a town of just over 2,000 people. And Trump eliminated the remaining 18 years of his 26 year sentence. I thought Trump was anti illegal immigrants? Wake up you reddit spacing fuck.
>There are Jews, Christians and Atheists in America
>Somehow if a bunch of Jews, Christians and Atheists support Trump you extrapolate the fact that Jews support him as if it was THE PEOPLE OF THIS RELIGION EXCLUSIVELY who are on his side and excluding the Christians and Atheists who are behind him
>Calls other people delusional
You're SO retarded.
It is quite hilarious when people on 8ch go on about cuckchan when their board is actively interfered with by some retard, or even worse, malevolent mod. I just love pointing it out.
Not an argument you dumbass shill. Fact is he let someone go who stands for everything his voters despise.
Are you autistic? No. It's not autism, it's retardation. Why don't you use your brain and read the entirety of the post and realize I am making fun of 8ch posters. Idiot.
>Alex, I'll take Irony for 800
He wasn't disagreeing with you. He was mocking the retards and shills that would inevitably reply to you trying to defend Trump's kikery.
My bad, I'm posting in other threads and mixed up what I was reading. I'm the dumbass here.
Youre arguing with shills user, why bother
Even these forums are controlled by kikes. Do you see a pattern yet? They control everything. Its like I'm living in one big fucking Jew matrix. Hitler was right when he called it a Satanic Power, it infests everything there is to be infested.
At this point I see little hope. The world's strongest military is completely controlled by them. And soon the second most powerful military in the EU will also be controlled by them.
No, user, you're not. You're smart enough to at least not go down with the ship.
michael shannon could play a pretty decent unibomber
Where would you migrate to if you could?
Memes aside? Argentina.
>Agricultural business in America doesnt hire illegal immigrants
Also he was never convicted in regards to his hiring practices. He was only convicted for lying to a bank. IE Fraud.
>rub a skin
ohdear... those poor babies
Why? I thought it was getting bad over there too. Or do they just have more time than the US?
If I had the money to move there it would be to wine country, like Mendoza, far from Buenos Aires. I don't think its that bad down there though. Argentina has a big American ExPat community. Southern hemi should be safe from most nuclear fallout too, if something like that ever should happen.
>kids are married to Jews
>recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>tells the UN he'll stop funding any country opposing the Jerusalem decision
>commutes Sholom Rubashkin from prison (major supplier of Kosher meats across the nation)
>tax cuts that mostly benefit (((Wall Street))), illegals & single mothers
>hires former Goldman Sachs higher-ups like Gary Cohn to run the economy
>removes net neutrality so Jew ISPs can throttle & block "antisemitic sites" & Jew you out of your money
>illegal border crossings are back to Obama level
>sanctions against Russia & now arms Jew-controlled Ukraine
>accept refugees from Australia, puts the cap at 45k refugees, gives a shitton of aid to Puerto Rico
>refuses to address monuments being torn down
>mexico isn't paying for the wall
>can't repeal obamacare
>fucks around in the middle east
>escalates situation with Russia
>no aid cutoff to sanctuary cities
>hillary isn't in prison
>is ok with arresting Assange
>signed bill to let ISPs sell user data
>anti Assad
>said DACA should stay because it's a "case of heart"
>hasn't done anything about BLM, black violence, antifa or any cultural issues (especially in colleges)
>approved of leftist rioters in Boston
>calls himself a globalist
>doesn't want to get out of NAFTA, even though he claimed he would
>the only thing he talks about is how well the stock market & Wall Street is doing, as if it's helpful to the average American
>constantly sucks Jew cock, Israel cock, commemorated the Holocaust 3 times since he took office and whined about "Holocaust deniers"
>Ivanka said she wanted to take in more refuees
>isn't even politically incorrect anymore
>called himself a "nationalist and a globalist"
What else am I missing?
Trump was basically Obama for white people.
B-but secret agent Punished Trump!
me too.
thread theme: youtube.com
Seriously where the fuck are all of the anons that usually defend Trump no matter what? I'm used to going in these threads and seeing paragraph long posts in support of every social or economic issue that comes up. This board really is shilled to death.
You defend this. Go on. Try.
Jews don't support Trump unanimously but Trump supports, backs, employs, and pardons Jews no questions asked.
But they always try to spin everything in Trump's favor no matter how ridiculous the explanation sounds. The least they could do is say some stupid shit like it's more 87 D chess; he just wants to gain more trust with kikes so it'll be easier to fuck them later. Something.
Oh yeah I forgot he also created the first permanent military base in Israel and keeps backing Saudi Arabia.
pic related
>The least they could do is say some stupid shit like
lets not and say we did.
Kikes aside, the judge met with police and prosecutors 7 months before his arrest to discuss prosecution strategies which is collusion. She also had a husband who had stocks in the prison she put the detained illegals in to make extra cash. This federal judge was a corrupt figure with a history of abusing her power so it’s a good thing her sentencing of kike was undermined by the president otherwise she would keep getting away with shit like this. We have a corrupt justice system and this helps cut out people like this power high bitch who thinks she’s superior for having a vagina.
Sholom also was targeted by the leftist Jewish newspaper company ‘Forward’ because of his conservative views and refusal to unionize.
PETA also didn’t like him and targeted him as well but fuck these pussies, they are socialists that hate the free market.
The dude might have been the literal merchant meme but it’s clear what was going on behind closed doors. The state tried to bankrupt and seize this dudes business Marxist style which didn’t work in the end. If they can push a 27 year sentence on a first offense Jew imagine what they could do to you.
No link?
Hes building up hate for Kikes slowly world wide, Trump going full ethnic cleansing on his second term and ascending his throne as president for life of earth.
Post YFW trump pardons the Unibomber
Retard alert
Jewish enough to be a grass?
Why is it always socialists bashing trump for commuting this guy in threads?
>Kikes aside, the judge met with police and prosecutors 7 months before his arrest to discuss prosecution strategies which is collusion
You're implying Jews don't constantly use their positions in the judicial system as lawyers & judges to favor their own and fuck over "goyim". This corrupt kike is exactly the sort of person who was colluding all his life and would do the same thing as a judge.
>Sholom also was targeted by the leftist Jewish newspaper company ‘Forward’ because of his conservative views and refusal to unionize.
Jews are pretty much the only ones who are allowed to openly point out greedy/kikey financial practices of the Jews.
You will hear Hareetz openly addressing Israel's involvement in the Iraq War whereas this will almost never be mentioned in the Western Jew-controlled media.
>PETA also didn’t like him and targeted him as well but fuck these pussies, they are socialists that hate the free market
>an organzation dedicated to animal rights doesn't like animals being treated like shit and doesn't think "muh free market" will fix everything
Imagine my shock.
>everything I don't like and that isn't purely about shekels is "socialism"
Nice spin though, Shlomo.
Not every corrupt judge in the world is a Jew, many are but not all of them. If this dude was so well protected by the Jewish mafia why did it take 8 years for him to get pardoned. He did the crime and served the adequate time, 27 years is over kill especially for a first offense and it also sets a negative example for the Justice system as a whole.
>Jews are pretty much the only ones who are allowed to point out greedy/kikey financial practices of the Jews.
The Talmud also instructs devoted Jews to kill defector Jews. This dude was selling fake kosher handled by Mexicans so he doesn’t seem all that devoted to me.
>muh PETA are the good guys
Imagine my shock that the leaf cares more about animal rights than he does about a functional economy. Have you fucked your dog yet today?