USA btfo
How can they ever recover from being condemned and hated by the entire world and the UN?
USA btfo
How can they ever recover from being condemned and hated by the entire world and the UN?
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We don't care
We still here. What are you going to do when the world hate the US?
Now we get to stop paying them. I hate getting BTFO like this.
If this isnt a wake up call to everyone idk what else is.
The entire world hates the jews except for the leadership of the US, because it sure aint the people that support those fucking kikes.
Realize that Trump will drag us into ww3 to save the jews, have fun sending your sons and daughters to die for kikes.
the same applies to all races/religions that try to hijack our country
lmao no one gives a fuck about the world hating america
>inb4 shitty 56% memes that eurofags spam even though their countries are the primary targets for white genocide
>Canada abstained
Thank you based Trudeau!!!
14 to 1 vote.
All of their votes are VOID because we're a permanent member
> America BTFO
did he really say this?
Everybody that voted against it is third world.
>The entire world hates the jews except for the leadership of the US
Imagine being this naive, that you think THE END BOSS of fucking GLOBALISM, the UN, hates jews. Jesus christ you fucking simpleton.
>Inb4 realizing those are isolated cases in most countries, unlike Dinduland.
this whole thing was just embarrasing to everyone involved
from all the other members demonstrating how impotent and neutered the UN really is by accomplishing literally fuck all despite a vast majority "voting" against it, to the United States ambassador literally throwing a hissy fit in the UNSC chamber and acting like a jilted lover 'hur we wunt forget dis insults'
shameful display all around
Pretty simple...not..give..a...fuck
So, business as usual? Get fucked, UN.
Dont think im arguing for globalism, fuck the UN. I dont really care about them. But the significance of their collective contempt for the moving of the embassy proves they dislike the jews, at least to some extent.
The US is more controlled by JEWS than the UN. Tough pill to swallow. Fuck the Jews AND the UN. '
Trump is such a blatant Jew lover. How did you Nazis not see that when he was the parade leader for that Jew parade in NYC?
Who the fuck cares. The UN is an outdated institution that accomplishes fuck all to begin with. Better to use the fifty billion we shove into them to improve our infrastructure.
USA is becomming friendless in the world
Kek, only three EU countries abstained.
Agreed. Fuck the US. They've lost the world stage and now are a bunch of ignorant losers with no culture or future.
You guys have always hated us.
Were just finally telling you to go fuck yourselves as retaliation. Long, long overdue IMO.
Kill yourself.
>Germany voted for it
We are back!
They love it. Americans thrive on the entire world telling them they're wrong.
Also they hate Muslims and paying for foreigners.
Hey, Latvia, Poland and Croatia doesn't hate you.
The end of peace and prosperity approaches, Yuropoors. We created the world you live in and we can end it.
Lol the Euros are so used to complacency they think if the US stops acting as their bodyguard they won't have to remilitarize, they literally think it's gonna be sunshine and lollypops once the big bad US occupying force goes away.
so true
fuck Donald. I fucking knew he would turn out to be a Jewish plant. But I didn't listen to my brain and now this is what I get.I hope the Palestinians burn the new embassy to the ground.
Most actual american families have a history steeped in blood. We live for war, it's what we do best.
Smart move burgers. The whole world is laughing. At you, not with you.
muricans created the migrants mess of Europe, so FUCK THE MURICANS.
BOLSONARO 2018! TRUMP 2020! GOD BLESS DUTERTE! FUCK UN! COMEBACK JESUS! **Hitler Did Nothing Wrong** Poland I love U.
On a side note, cute gookmoot.
>USA have become to fat and retarded
You wont end shit faggot now suck that jew dick boy. INB4 MUH NUKES.. Reminder Europe has CERN and can make anti matter bombs now
Anyone that abstained and voted against the vote should be declared honorary Americans.
Shut the fuck up you stupid eurocuck, the UN is an absolute pile of steaming shit and is no better than the League of Nations were. If you actually believe this has any merit at all, then you might be a fucking retard.
Here's the thing, the UN knows the jews are tricksters and is currently being tricked, or, at most grudgingly accepting the outcome of failed desert wars and artificial refugee crise.
The US is opening their assholes for the cut (ironically the only western country that also practices this and sells the foreskins to rabbis) cocks of the Jew and openly proclaiming their love for them.
The question becomes, pick your poison. The US will forever be locked in a spiral of Jewish hegemony and worship. Israel and US are joined at the hip and if one goes down, so does the other. The UN and EU is infiltrated by globalist jew types (not all globalists are jews, just most of them) but could potentially uncuck themselves if there was no more Israel, which the US protects.
There was a time before your indoctrination camps that Jews were HIGHLY and openly despised.
lol don't worry America, you'll always have Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Togo hahahahahaa
This is the face of autism
I love how we abstain from everything and then suck US balls to get free shit
lmao no
first we cut funds, then we cut water, then we disassemble to u.n., then the e.u. falls apart, then we glass the middle east... etc. have a nice day faggots
the absteiners wanted to vote yes but are cowards
but nice way of making it look better for you
>Choosing between jews and muslims fighting for some arbitrary land
Anyway empathize with muslims
We'll never recover. If only we had Obama to save us, or Hillary to lead us. But instead we'll just fade into obscurity as Russian bots lead the Iranian Revolutionary Guard into the New World Order. MFW
thats why lots of nations are helping china rise
especially germany
most nations will help them with simple things, like using yuan, look at japan >we hate china< while using yuan and not dollars to trade with them
no defacto hate burguer, but the thing i hate about you the most is your kike worship
just because of that i hope your nation falls
UN sucks.
This is also one step in removing the eternal victim status from jews and Israel which will undermine both of them globally.
Well yeah but I still want documents.
same feeling bro
for some reasons i end up empathizing with muslims... mainly because jews watch me like a goy
Yeah abstainers were the worst of the lot. Canada wouldn't dare piss of their excellent Muslim and SJW population, yet America is too important of a trade partner to vote against. So our PM the Turd acted like a pussy, surprise surprise.
I don't like to see Trump suck up so hard to Israel, but it's none of the UN's business if he wants to recognize Jerusalem or not. I guess they've solved the world's problems and don't have anything better to do.
>EU falls apart
>all the EU jews run to America
>we glass the middle east except Israel
>give all the middle east to Israel
This is how it would actually happen. Trump is a jew puppet.
>I guess they've solved the world's problems and don't have anything better to do.
>Implying most of it doesnt come down to ZOG
No too fast
?, africa can be solved with poisoned drugs , done , and learn to avoid africa ,.
>Canada and Mexico both abstained
>the UN votes to "make null and void" the US transferring the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
>pol unironically cheers the globalists shitting all over american national sovereingty and self-determination to put their embassy wherever they want
stormfags, everyone
on the contrary kike
its amaizing how quick Sup Forums sucks jew cock whenever their leader does
>that eurofags spam
It's Americans spamming them, newfag
That's why they always use Euro/UN or some other memeflag instead of default
UN is nothing for security council memebers.
> every country that voted with us or didn’t vote need something from us
Also, what exactly can the U.N. do? It’s not like they could put sanctions on us when we have veto power. The U.N. is useless anyway, the whole goal was to keep world peace but they can’t even do that correctly. Seriously why does everyone keep them around?
Canada, third world? Sorry but Canada need unless 10 years more of enrichment for it.
>Trump losing all USA allies for Israel
canada abstained
Its not an ally if you lose him due to such bluff.
Doesn't understand 4D chess is being played. This is just hastening the destruction of Israel and increasing antisemitism.
shut up cuc
israel is the us greatest ally
I agree. Only Israel is our true ally
>people acting like this vote matters at all.
Relax faggots. It's just grandstanding by all sides.
i wish but i doubt
third paragraph
I dont think so, but whatever is done its not so serious and damaging to say turn France or Britain from US.
Anteing is like say "sorry we want vote against it but we don't want annoy to burgerland, only see our country.
>Jerusalem for the kikes.
>Jerusalem for the cockroaches.
I would say there is a third option.
The all mighty Truckasaurus is American!
Fuck the UN everyone who votes against us is wrong, even if we are also wrong.
garbage. franklin was anti churcharroyo property
I guess he could've said it, but there isn't evidence to suggest it was otherwise propaganda created
isolated in the world
I don't side with Israel. Trump is betraying America on this issue. He just wants to please the evangelical kike slaves.
the whole world can't stop us from doing what we want.. think on that.
Trump is betraying America, yes.
Israel should remain in the shadows until we've given them enough money so it's advantageous for them to press their claims.
lol they just did. and it's gonna get worse
we are laughing at the entire world
us gives about the same amount of money in bribes/aid to egypt
>they just did
>like that time they stopped Bush from invading Iraq
too scared to vote.. should be kicked out of the UN
>Here's the thing, the UN knows the jews are tricksters and is currently being tricked, or, at most grudgingly accepting the outcome of failed desert wars and artificial refugee crise.
No it's not like this at all. Jews control the UN, and are thus on both sides of the issue. This way they can simultaneously be the winners and helpless victims
maybe that couldn't stop it but iraq is going to sue (like many others) and they'll win. in the end that war is going to cost a lot more than a few trillion
The difference is this administration really means it when they say “they won’t forget this”
lots of countries have things they won't forget
>the loser of the war will sue the victor for winning
look at iraqs vote egypt's vote
>lol they just did
it is merely foot stomping.. nothing was stopped. Our embassy is still moving.
illegal war.
I honestly doubt Trump could give a shit about the embassy issue, it’s purely symbolic, and symbolism is free.
But it does provide a pretense to exist the UN and cut foreign aid almost worldwide.
And also, if you guys haven’t noticed, this repurposes the weaponized immigrants to start attacking the jews and synagogues in the nations where they were ushered in. Now they’re getting a taste of multiculturalism themselves.
>wasted 5 trillions
>get ISIS in return
>"victor" of the war
LUL, ameritards everyone
>illegal war.
that's racist.. we call it undocumented
according to who