why whites do this?
what a souless people
why whites do this?
what a souless people
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Says the korean.
>implying a nigger wouldn't
>implying a chink doesn't
>implying a jew wouldn't to a goy
>literally a black guy and an asian guy in your picture
>inb4 yeah but dude white culture
Whites arent even human
Because consumerism
People in the west are getting overweight and lazy. They like their fat foods, meat included.
If it was up to my choice, beef/pork/etc would be banned.
Eat your fucking veggies and fish, faggots
We're hungry?
>left guy is asian
>right guy is black
we are the people who loves animals
we have laws mandating that they're stunned and killed painlessly
At least we kill our animals humanely and we don't eat fucking dogs!
You must take life to maintain life. This is the rules of the universe. Now go shit in your rice patties and return to your kbop shovel head.
You're right. Whites have more neanderthal dna in them than niggers, Whites are parahuman
Dude in korea i saw people in street market baking a dog
Ban kosher tbqh senpai
Everything people accuse "whites" of doing the rest of the world does tenfold
>mug patriarchy
>islamic and east asian societies are far more make dominated
>muh animal abuse
>chinks are notorious for this
>the abusive workers in farms are literally all illegal mexicans and other third worlders
>muh greed
>westerners are literally the most charitable people on earth
t. third worlder who escaped to america
meanwhile in korea
Unsheared sheep going into "some mechanical device" loose cattle in the background, loose sheep standing around on a grate.... Sorry, doesn't happen like this here...
why south Koreans do this?
what a soulless people
>South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.
>South Korean officials became aware of a horrific practice of eating aborted fetuses after Seoul Broadcasting System showed a documentary on Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the fetuses. One Chinese doctor on the documentary took out fetuses from his refrigerator
>“The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.
>“The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.
>“Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummeled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.”
Everybody knows the ancestor of the whites are chimpansees and the ancestor of the blacks are gorillas.
why is there a cow just hanging out?
Throat slit. Not stunned with a captive bolt gun.
I'm guessing Kosher or Halal slaughter here.
Please go back to your country. The only reason America was ever good is because it was made by whites. White males to be exact
For anyone interested Nogs are literally not the same humans as we are. They lack the neanderthal DNA that has made us so successful
Why's it photoshopped?
Why don't it show the stunning and incapacitation of the animals so they feel no pain or fear?
Can't make this shit up, the white mans burden not only exists in the minds of self-hating whites, but everyone else as well it seems.
The fuck is this world ever going to do without us?
he is white
Exactly. You should go back to africa and live with your fellow "humans"
thats "top of the food chain" to you, squinty nigger.
that thing looks like an industrial halal slaughtermachine
>Horrific footage has emerged online showing a driver in South Korea dragging a pet dog on a leash behind a sedan.
>According to Sunchang Police on Sunday, a 50-year-old male driver was accused of driving downtown of Sunchang, North Jeolla Province, with his pet attached to the back of his sedan by a leash. It was killed by being dragged to death along the road Saturday, police confirmed.
did you ask him for some?
And this pic shows a black man Kek
koreans are no different from chinks
It's called demand with the intelligence to offer supply.
Because we have access to other animals than dog
I know this must be strange to a korean, seeing animals other than dogs and cats on the dinnertable
why did you shop in the live sheep and cow?
That looks shopped.
I can tell by some of the pixels, and having seen quite a few shops in my time.
t. dog eating gook
also one of the dudes in that picture is clearly a nigger
>Dont kill da sheep, don kil da kow
>Clobbers friendly neighborhood dog without a thought
and a chink as far as I can tell.
Apart from the shit-skins. WTF is going on? Whatever they are doing it looks highly inefficient.
Photoshopped as fuck, the animals would freak the fuck out if they saw that. Also I can tell from the pixels and I have seen a few photoshops in my day.
>a slaughterhouse picture
Whites kill animals the most humane in the entire world. Go to a halal or kosher slaughterhouse or an asian one, you're going to see some shit. And go see how africans slaughter animals.
Where do you think meat comes from? Grows on trees? Lie some more OP lie some more.
just an accident
why was it important to photoshop in those other animals? Did this photo not make their point without embellishment?
This is a shoop. Besides the obvious, the fur is not allowed to touch the meat and blood in an American slaughterhouse.
Not really, dogs and silkworms are the only dishes im not interested not even to try
what I got from this thread is blacks and Asians are subhuman, which we already knew.
no he is white aryan man
How come nobody is pointing out the obvious shoop? OP is a faggot.
yeah it could be a halal slaughterhouse
generally the rule is that other animals waiting to be slaughtered shouldn't be in the same room as the slaughter takes place
halal slaughterhouses don't have to comply with the same rules as normal slaughterhouses. basically they operate outside the law
>why blacks do this?
>what a souless people
whites are the only empathetic people, everyone else are a bunch of soulless worker ants trying to mimic us, fuck off you'll never be altruistic like us because we are gods chosen.
Pick one.
its a sacrifice for the feminist cult.
That's African tier
>Soyyyy boyyyy
for the lulz
I have a strange feeling that those animals aren't real
should we kiss/tongue their assholes like they do in Africa? Or maybe eat their shit and drink their piss like they do in India?
Beef is delicious and cows are prey animals.
Honestly I was expecting worse. A quick blow to the head or two is actually humane by normal east Asian standards.
it's food you fucking chinknigger, not that you wouldn't know anything about that since all of your men are retarded soyboy faggots that only eat grass
You don't know the first thing about halal slaughter except what your dad read in the daily express. Educate yourself you stupid fuck.
yes, in belgium here they closed some of those because of that.
and i have seen one during my job (electrician and horeca) i know how they look like, this seems like one, hence my comment.
but where would this be? black and asian? England? or maybe Germany
you stupid fuck
you are an american aren't you?
always those stupid insults... ugh
i'll invite you over and show you ;)
Torture makes it taste better. It's a fucking cow for christ sakes.
The industrial revolution and new vaccines was a mistake. Too many dumb humans on earth who should be dead
This is a fake image. The sheep and cow are not splotched with blood, but the workers are? Unbelievable. They also are all looking at the camera like they've been photoshopped in from google images stock photos.
Looks like PETA propaganda.
What exactly are they doing?
Why sheep and a cow? Different breeds.
Cool blood bro.
(((who))) owns most slaughterhouses? das rite, kikes
Quit complaining about meat prodection and go back to sucking U.S. Army cock, satellite state.
>Chinese coal emissions, south American deforestation, 90% of ocean plastic come from 10 rivers in Africa and Asia.
>why whites do this?
Picture with 2 non-whites.
Sage retarded shit.
Factory farming is awful, as is boiling a dog alive.
>only on fellow chimps
What a godawful Photoshop.
>south American deforestation
That's because there's basically no forests anymore in Europe and America, so we're supposed to preserve our vegetation to make up for everyone else destroying theirs
what animu is this?
Black Magic M-66
At least these guys kill them before they boil them
"humane slaughter" is an oxymoron retard
and you're a hairless monkey
could say the same about humans, what do we really have? no claws, no powerful jaws with massive teeth, can be easily overpowered. besides a higher intellect. chuck a kid in the woods and it dies
Yeah, as already pointed out by observant anons, it's a halal slaughter machine (in France); and it's shopped. And the dude in the back is black as coal.
no shit it's shopped, it was just juxtaposition
Animals were put on this Earth for us to consume.
it's not a white thing
it's a human nature thing
get it right, retard
>photoshop live animals into a slaughterhouse
Africans eat other humans.
Well whites have low iq. Not racist, just fact.