Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense, and to protect your family, home and country?
>pic related
Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense, and to protect your family, home and country?
>pic related
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That is a gorgeous rifle. I would prefer if the barrel was bead-blasted though.
Hey bro, the Korean War called, they want their wood furniture back.
>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse
Because I have a handgun and a WASR-10
This is the gun equivalent of deconstructionist architecture. Consider suicide if you think this looks good.
There was a rumour that one was used in a mass shooting in Las Vegas, but nothing was ever found out about it.
I'm not cuckservative.
>hating on wood furniture
t. tacticool
Didnt that guy from Grey State use one too?
Because I have ar-10’s. Cool furniture though gunbro.
God damn son, I like that AR. I own a few black rifles, as all red blooded Americans should, but none of them look as good as that rifle in your pic
ATF pls go
It’s got the old school wholesomeness of an ak with the accuracy of a modern rifle. 8/10
That stock is gorgeous, but the shroud is barf.
I own 17,000 firearms alone I am the biggest arms deal south of the North Pole. I am the united states government.
It looks aerodynamic. A big plus firing from the back of a truck?
I'm sure it's very functional, but I can't say I'm a fan of the cheese grater look.
Agreed, have the normal quad rails on most of mine. I’m a big fan of bipods
>he's not NCR
Get fucked legion scum.
308 master race.
The AR vs AK rivalry is silly to me. Different tools, for different jobs.
Any rifle rivalry*
Didn't look at it, and thought that was the AR vs AK chad/virgin meme.
> Protecting with a pea shooter
Yeah, no...I'm a MAN.
I'd like to agree so bad but it got used by bean niggers and nig niggers more than the saffers/rhodies
Because I own an AUG.
Shotgun for home security, AR for national security, and side arm for public relations.
>Shotgun for home security
>using a shotty for anything besides hunting critters
a smaller mp7a is ideal.
something that can be flash suppressed, penetrate body armor, and be concealed
I am hoping a bullpup config for a proprietary casing emerges to reduce barrel length enough to make fed killers massively cc'able
even a shaft mag 9mm'd be pretty good. the irs/fda is armed ith old subs but cant put on body armor
>shotgun for home security
>wanting to do drywall work after shooting a home invader
Because ar-15 is the apple of guns.
I used to think the shotty for home def is a good idea, but if you're dealing ith multiple home invaders thats a nonstarter. you'd need 40 rounds to defend from post apartheid africa types of gangs
Same ole song and dance, I heard it all before. I like my shotgun, so sue me.
I'm pretty confident in my ability to defend my household.
Damn it user why must you remind me of my desire to put wood furniture on my AR by posting this? I was going to buy a Colt SAA clone but now it’s going to some god damn wood stock kit!
just amazing, though Ive never been into stainless steel barrels, its great on that
Rhodies used G3s?
>that wood
>that ar
I mean its what I use, but I use slugs, dont know about .
I figure I am going to have to do drywall work either way so I might as well cause more damage to attackers. I realize that a rifle could make up for it in rate of fire, but usually the less shots you fire the better off you are legally.
It's a civic duty to make a point to kill home invaders, if you don't they live on to victimize more citizens or suck up the tax dollars of citizens.
Please do it like in your picture, the one from OP made me cringe.
The combination of wood and plastic is just awful.
>Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense, and to protect your family, home and country?
I don't have a family, I rent an apartment from jews, the USA is beyond saving, and I don't care if I live or die. Does that answer your question?
my bad. just south africa. I thought one of those had been an fnfal
my point stands, they're both kind of nigger guns
>but if you're dealing ith multiple home invaders thats a nonstarter
Semi-auto loaded with a tube of 00buck will do the trick
.308, 12g slug. These all work fine
Just kys then, sheesh
If you don't kill them, some ambulance-chasing jew will help them sue you
>I live in the peoples republic of california
Because I haven't quite finished saving up for one yet.
bottom one is an FAL
>calls himself redpilled
>doesn't own an AR2
The one at the bottom is that nu Stg 58 so it's FAL based at least.
Who cares if it's used by niggers? All widespread rifles are.
because i have an ar-10
Fucking hell I love that AR-15. Wood furniture ARs in general are amazing.
no sense making your life into a game though. even if the rifle only has a 3% chance greater to save your life, take it
it gives you more options. faster reloading, suppressive fire, greater lethality, ability to penetrate armor (spic gangs are stealing armor from the military) and ability to hit people through the door they're trying to kick in/through their car doors/behind cover
no reason every single european male shouldn't have a fucking automatic rifle
the only thing remotely comparable is an mp7a1
This is what an ar 15 looks like when its made california legal. Notice the gay ass stock. Notice the 10 round magazine. And not only is it only 10 rounds. You need a fucking screwdriver to load a new magazine in it. God i hate california.
Do you know how fucking hard it is to get one of those without being an admin?
They are literally two rifles from two separate countries that fullfill the same exact basic infantry rifle role you moron.
Quit talking out of your ass, it makes you look bad.
Ew. No need for all that razzle dazzle on my tool.
I have a friend that has a normal stock. the fuck is that maoist contaption
i like how it looks, besides the screwdriver part
So do I, and I own one. Just gotta go featureless.
>no reason every single european male shouldn't have a fucking automatic rifle
Can't argue with those digits
>ability to hit people through the door they're trying to kick in/through
Can't say a shotgun isn't good for blasting through a door though... That's literally their fielded use.
>ability to penetrate armor (spic gangs are stealing armor from the military)
Shoot anyone wearing any armor with a 1300fps 1oz slug and see if they're still ready to go immediately after
stop fetishizing guns. it's fucking gay
Unless he has a fin on the grip (or anything else that makes it so you DONT have a pistol grip), then that is illegal in CA.
Because I'd rather not destroy my place with over-penetration.
not really
aks are a better fit for decentralised armies. theirs corps are structured differently and they engage in different nces even if theoretically they are just infantry
Youre not allowed to have a pistol grip in california.
youre fucking gay
>obligatory "autist reads far too much into things for his own good" poste
Basic infantry rifles that fling 5mm pieces of lead at people. Each respective country uses it for the same purpose.
the chances of encountering a nigger home invader one on one is rare.
home invaders and gangs are the salient threat. to engage multiple people you need an automatic rifle, period
really? fuck. hes taken it to a range run by the cops before. it evn has the cuck button release
I like the AR15 A1 style with wood furniture. I think a slab side made out of case hardened steel and burled walnut furniture would be the sexiest gun on Earth.
Fuck you faggot.
>Shotgun for home security
it's like you hate your house and furniture
just use a semi-auto pistol with hollow point so it doesn't go through walls or bodies
Are you sex shaming me?
we can still buy AR15s in Cal, we just can't tacticool it out with all the stuff a person might want. Yet the core pew pew pew part is the same.
I don't own one due to the cost and lack of need. I have a few handguns and I never wanted to drop the $$$$ into an AR. I would rather have something like an MP5 but that's a total non-option out here.
Ghetto C308 checking in
>thank the shitty 90's attempt at a release for the $550 pricetag, newer ones w/PTR barrel, recieiver and trigger are great
>stop fetishizing guns
I sexually identify as an Apache attack helicopter, stop oppressing me you intolerant xenophobe
>to engage multiple people you need an automatic rifle or shotgun
The box mag shotgun options are rather plentiful these days.
The American Army vs You with an AR15
they don't though. ars are used by military that have military/financial backing to attack entrenched positions are distance
aks are used by essentially terrorists that have non-stated state backing to attack police/civvies at
You get your knowledge of shot spread from Call of Duty, don't you?
You can either have a stock like in this Or you have to put a stupid fin on it like this. They dont like pistol grips because they think “it helps you kill more people”.
I get the impression that you really know what you are talking about. You sound really smart.
are those even reliable?
because an AR for self/home defense is retarded and anyone who tells you otherwise is retarded or larping or both.
for home defense a handgun or a short shotgun is way more manageable/effective
for an intermediate rifle, there are plenty of cheaper, more durable, easier to use firearms out there
>box mag shotgun
They need to be retooled for rimless shotshells before they're really viable.
If they were, they'd already be in service.
>t.butthurt poorfag who can only afford a maverick 88
Or you can ignore unconstitutional faggot laws like a good American.
absolutely hangable
Reporting in
>tfw bought before they had the paddle mag release version
Insurgency is nigh impossible to get ahead of. It's why USA has been fighting a bunch of disorganized ragheads with Soviet era weapons in Afghanistan for 15+ years. Now replace them with white people who have modern weapons. Moreover, the US military is not going to just level its own country. People bring up things like tanks in arguments like this too. They don't know that tanks are borderline useless in an urban warzone.
Also the US military is like 90% right-leaning. If the government ever did pull anything, literally hundreds of thousands would defect and bring all of their gear with them. Don't be foolish.
AR-15 is shit and can't puncture level 4 body armor get yourself a real battle rifle.
>t. nogunfag who thinks price=quality
if I miss with a pistol, I have one hole in my wall/couch
if I miss with buckshot, I've got 8
the #1 reason an AR shouldn't be your first or only rifle
how the fuck do you even hold that?