Young Sup Forums esque right wing boys are a big problem
And that problem is growing
Young Sup Forums esque right wing boys are a big problem
What did the comment section say though?
Have you ever seen a Faberge egg? They're pretty fucking impressive if you see them in person. Does Spain have any in museums? I saw them in San Francisco and New York City.
>What do I do when students won't accept my propaganda and call out my bullshit
>How do I make students conform to my personal beliefs
>How come my job is sometimes challenging
This is what happens you alienate certain demographics by being a complete ass to them.
And it looks like they're gonna double down on their so-called "rhetoric" instead of taking a good long look in the mirror as xirmselves.
Well, you actually fucking did it Sup Forums. Your autism has made the next generation of children aggressive Conservatives. Maybe I won't have to worry about my son being a commie after all.
>And that problem is growing
then you guys better start capitulating and giving ground because it's not going to stop.
but do you think?
Why is that faggot even a teacher?
He is a counselor. Which is even more pathetic if he can't handle opposing ideologies
Gen Z is not a meme. Society now despises white males, it is only natural that the white male will revolt against this. The only problem for America that it is not majority white, spics and niggers are still marxist, but now the white man might actually stand up for itself
Talk to the kids, this is happening at a fast rate, it's imperative that these kids anger is capitalized on.
>mfw he doesn’t know he’s being mocked and takes it literally
The left is reaching new levels of brain damage. 8/10
I just know that in the cities it's no different except it's right wing black kids who drop red pills and are open about the mistakes of previous generations
Problem? Thats a solution, a final solution.
This walked in on my 18 year-old brother and his friends talking about the J.Q. when I was back for thanksgiving.
For every post, there is a thousand lurkers. Remember that men.
>I work as a counselor at a school
Into the fucking trash it goes
Exactly. Often I'm addressing the lurkers with my posts more so than who I respond to
>Right wing
>Black kids
Pick one
HWNDU showed me things
Yeah, well your post was shit.
t. lurker
t. lurker
The Boomer's naive experiment of moving past race and gender will die out with them.
The same way the Greatest Generation's taboos against mixing with niggers and faggotry were violated...
so too will the Boomer's taboos against race realism and male superiority.
Before Sup Forums politics was always top down and private
>Now the private opinions have ported their way into this public space we call Sup Forums
affirmative action is racist
get over yourself leftist
I love you, too, user
lurker here. never stop lads
lurk more until you unnig yourself you little shit
>tfw just waiting for the day when saying heil hitler is acceptable again
Stop linking to every post you damn faggot.
Isn't it glorious?
Stop waving rabbit dick in my face!
This guy. Google him he's a real cunt he hates white people
I think Sup Forums has just become a bunch of rural teenagers who have shit idols because of shit parents. Only a fucking 16 year old could be as arrogant to spend 5 years watching pewdeepie videos and think he’s a man.
We need a plague for generation Z, at least the boys. Coming up on 30 and a bunch of money, and the girls are coming on 21
they literally brought it on themselves for pushing their shit so hard
this faggot is a gubmint gibsmedat-funded talkstitute who probably doesn't like the kids who point out his entire career is bullshit
Kek, noooice. The future is bright
>rebbit meetup
>joke photo
>it shows the real you
kek. This one stays.
>thinking anyone here actually watches pewdiepie
he's only been signaling for the last year or so anyway, before that he was just a retard who screamed at videogames
I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about and have only been here for 2 years, max
fuck off back to the_donald where you belong
Who could have guessed that after all most of the white people don't really care about white guilt and social justice? There will be a counter-reaction when they're forced.
Our boomer generation had kind of reverse movement to this called taistoism (taistolaisuus) in which they turned against the consensus of society and rebelled against their conservative parents by embracing communism. I'm quite certain that we will have more and more reactionary youths just because the institutions and structures of the society, that are liberal now, repulse them.
We're winning and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it.
Why? Because at the end of the day there's nothing cool if you're a teenager abour your soy boy teacher and the fat lesbian guidence counciler. They've become the authority figures and they're even easier to shock and rile up than anyone the hippies pissed off in the 60's.
Well said, which I think explains pic related
>Why? Because at the end of the day there's nothing cool if you're a teenager abour your soy boy teacher and the fat lesbian guidence counciler. They've become the authority figures and they're even easier to shock and rile up than anyone the hippies pissed off in the 60's.
>tfw you're indirectly red pilling lurkers with every shitpost.
>Help I cannot refute a literal child
always amazed me how many fucking lurkers there are here
I only shitpost to train Google's AI
Exactly. I was turned from leftist ideas due to arguments I saw here, so now I make sure to argue that shit when I see it.
Easily my favorite timeline, user.
>that thread full of lamenting teachers and parents unable to deal with the fact they are losing the youth
This is amazing..
the word is out
I could get on with right wing black ethno nationalists. I might even think they were cool.
Did you join in the conversation?
This pic explains how I arrived here
Looks like...
the goyim know.
>passed to me by a friend
i liked the original, where OP didn't even know how to screen shot, and showed the following responses.
Mike Stucklberry, or whoever this no name is, is completely unrelated an only trying to get views
This has gone way beyond pol. It's everywhere there is a public forum. Twitter, youtube comments sections. Anywhere and everywhere.
>To all ultra-new fag, parents and BOYS AND GIRLS
Now get the fuck out!
No, he started jacking it into a potted plant.
( He’s adopted )
>We literally tell youngsters to be more righteous and eat vegetables.
Damned leftists. Know only how to indoctrinate children, switch out definitions, and whine about having to work.
Listening to these people is mind boggling. The only way they know how to react is by asserting they are right to the kids. Saw one woman say she had to "keep reminding him what his opinions and values are" in regards to her son. She just kept telling him "we don't believe that".
Same here.
mine too
If race-traitors get the rope, what do you think species-traitors deserve, user?...
I see antifa all the time posting le 56% meme. Good job, idiots.
We control the youth. The future is ours
Don't forget, you're here forever.
Can you imagine swapping "Sup Forums whites" with "Tumblr Blacks"? These people need to be gassed.
The irony of someone with her skin tone posting that picture is fantastic.
Perhaps the counselor should stop being a beta-esque faggot and get a fucking backbone. Just a thought...
This is fucking beautiful. We will overwhelm them this next ten years.
We are storming the Beaches of Normandy, and we are going to win. Let us continue to conquer and redpill the minds of those still asleep.
>We are the Nat Soc
>Yet we are storming beaches of Normandy
Could be worse
My dream is to be hanged by Generation Z for not being conservative enough.
I would die happy knowing the youth of America have a brighter conservative future.
The fact that these neo-marxist monsters think it's their job to tell people which politically ideology they should support, is insane.
They treat right-wing ideology as a mental disorder that requires counseling and medical treatment, while gender dysphoria is treated as an acceptable identity that the worlds need to adapt to, rather than a mental illness.
christ this resonates with me.
They can talk about doing this, but we all know that they won’t. There’s no rehabilitation of The Enemy.
I live in an inner city ghetto and I see more blacks wearing Nazi gear and throwing up Roman salutes than I see white people who do the same out in the country. Never seen anything like it before, last thing I would have expected.
Alternate timeline.....welcome to the future leaf.
i didnt post for a whole year before i found this place. too scared
Heil Hitler. The Spirit of Nature - the Soul of Wotan rises again.
thats beautiful user
>your son sneaks you dutifully away to a private burial lot instead of the mass graves they put the gypsies in
i will never understand watercress
>pepe shirt
So more plebbit 9gag slaves? I've never met anyone that openly and happily talked about the chans. At best it was a nod that they did something like that, but that was all.
Please share stories, user. This sounds interesting.
There's reality, and there's everything else.
While we're mopping up rejects in our own country bigger issues like China rising to the forefront of global political control is habbening.
The Chinese are ruthless, and a strong Right-Wing America led there/here by the degenerate left/lazy-fucks war will start when they start trying to impose... doing the same thing as the left currently... referencing the past.
What do then Sup Forums?
i still dont understand nig-weaboos, but maybe i dont have to. capped this a month or two ago on tinder
Just to make their heads completely explode as the russian hoax falls apart....
what the fuck
wtf I like kids now?
Thats the UK though. That'll always be a shithole.
Scientists have predicted what the average American will look like in 2100... and it's BASED
She's kinda cute, but being on Tinder really subtracts points from her.