Tom Hanks is dead to me. He has completely outed himself as a complete dumbass. He said he would not go to the White House for a screening of his new pic if POTUS invited him. Charlottesville figured big into his disgust of Trump. BTW Thank you LARPing Nazis who follow the either CIA plant or ((them)) plant Robert Spencer for that black eye on the rest of us. And of course he did not mention the commie thugs Antifa that have been wrecking havoc all over the country. My pleasure in watching Apollo 13 is now gone. FUCK
Fuck Tom Hanks
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Is that the guy from bachelor party?
Conservatards get triggered so easily lol
Wehhh people have differing opinions wehhhh movie ruined wehhhhh. Grow the fuck up
Tom Hanks has been anti-Trump since day one. I don't know what you're so mad about, OP. He's among the Hollywood elite. Which reminds me - if there's one guy in Hollywood who gets dragged down in this sexual assault mire that will actually shock me, it's Tom Hanks.
who cares?
he sucks
Hey guys check it out, It's literally a nothing burger.
Yes agreed that would be weird. Spielberg going down from sexual assault mire would be funny and horrible though.
It’s almost like being a sheep to celebrities is bad thing.
Your welcome?
>being this butthurt
Coming from the website that elected a reality tv star
and a successful billionaire.
>bankrupt a casino
>borrowed from daddy til it was gone
>borrowed from the russians until they owned his dick
>sold his daughter to the kikes for real estate that's shit
Yeah, he's a real success.
Who cares. He’s been good in some good movies. I don’t care about his personal life
His small loan of a million dollars surely helped him in filing for bankruptcy 6 times
>Charlottesville figured big into his disgust of Trump
That's fair. I wonder if somebody will point out this to him. All those seig heiling Nazi Larpers really were controlled opposition.
Fucking hilarious
He was awesome playing that retard guy Forrest. Come to think he was good playing a faggot with AIDS in Philadelphia in that other movie.
Tom Hanks is great didn't you watch his latest movie where he moves to Saudi Arabia and fall in love with a Muslim woman and find happiness?
Charlottesville was designed top to bottom to demonize Trump, republicans in general, and the dastardly "Alt-right" which the media hijacked and defined because memes against Hillary are not to be tolerated. I suspect they didn't mean for someone to actually die. But they were probably happy it happened. The cops were told to let them fight and they did. Every "white supremacist" group in america is so infiltrated with FBI that they probably unknowingly recruiting each other. And we know the FBI heads wanted to manipulate the election anyway. Several groups were there. Including some just protesting the removal of the statue. So Trump tried to acknowledge that and of course the hissyfit media jumps on it. Media plays their role by lumping everyone together into "alt-right" to keep the narrative going. Are celebs like Tom Hanks too dumb to see that? Maybe. More likely, they don't care.
>for a screening of his new pic
This fag is still working?
>not for long
>having a liberals understanding of entrepreneurship
WOW I am so sure someone as totally successful in life as Tom Hanks is very concerned about what a group of idiots on Sup Forums thinks.
time to play the "google the headline and find what complete horseshit website this screencap is from" game
ah-yes-complete horseshit
Doesn't matter if he is, but we can voice our opinion as we wish.
Nevertheless, some people here are scare you now
unfortunately for Hanks it is not just Sup Forums anons that will be pissed and not ever want to give his movie another $$$
He wasn't invited and wasn't going to be, so he fucked his cuck self.
>Tom Hanks wouldn't go to the White house to see a film.
Nobody asked his faggot ass there in the first place.
>people shit on obama
>OP loves it
>someone declines a hypothetical invite from a literal criminal orange buffoon with dementia
>OP needs a safe space to vent and cry alt-right tears to
>a celeb is a retard
HOW DID WE GET HEREHE??????????????????
Hanks has skeletons in his closet, only question is gonna be how young they are and which sex.
that picture has renewed my will to live
Can't think of anything even MORE TRIVIAL than the ones on your list? C'mon, bring on the minutia. Every last drop of scorn and flopping hates.
Name one time.
You can't.
>sold his worthless name to hotels
>pimped his hair for tv
>demanded to be in Home Alone
This fuck never did shit but suck russian dicks for condo sales.
Only 14 year olds and future baristas use the word triggered
People like you make me fucking sick. Hating someone or someone's life work that has NOTHING to do with politics because of their politics. Who gives a fuck what Tom Hank's politics are? Enjoy him as an actor or not. We are so fucking divided right now because everyone thinks they are smart enough to understand politics and because of the massive media bombardment that only reports divisive stories to everyone. Stop being a fucking sheep.
t. Conservative that works at Tesla
He is my nigger. He does everything I axe.
He's actually the epitome of success.
Hell with Hollywood. ill never watch another POS movie again out of that cesspool again....
>Tom Hanks is dead to me.
>People like you make me fucking sick.
you faggots have to go back
>in all fields
He's been a liberal faggot for awhile. His son is a wigger
Chet haze, nigga!
He's got to keep his Kike bosses happy.
Jack black is the only celebrity Id be sad to see go full libtard
it's cool with me
if the clitons or the niggers invited me to something wouldn't go.
Jack Black is a jew. His mother's maiden name is Cohen. Into the oven goes Nacho.
He's a manlet soyboy in hollywood. How can you possibly imagine he isn't a raging leftist?
(((Jack Black)))
Tom Hanks invited to secret piss party in WH.
>name one time
didn't he just post a list?
>become so successful that people pay you just to be associated with your name
yeah, massive failure. he might as well be on welfare.
>be thom janks
>collect type righters
He's a kike that pushes marijuana on young folks, death to that jew
Based Tom Hanks.
Also fuck your ZOG emperor kike Drumph.
I was guessing Otm Shank
>pol hates jews
>pol loves trump
>trump supports israel
>pol loves jews
Jews win again
Bravo faggots... Bravo
So ironic that Trumpies get so assblasted when someone says something negative about Trump or a celebrity doesn't like him yet call leftists snowflakes
>He said he would not go to the White House for a screening of his new pic if POTUS invited him
I wish Hollywood had elections so we can vote all these assholes out and replace 'em. Then maybe we'd have good movies again.
Fukn lol
that's the kind of catty passive-aggressive thing a snowflake would say
This childfucker owns a "freedom medal."
If you ask me, i think he should go back to GREENBOUGH ALABAMA!
He's banking on #resistance faggots yaasssssing over this and going to see his shitty WaPo movie.
He figures its a smart financial move to promote his new garbage
Yup, I'm disappointed. After such great work on Band of Brothers, Tom Hanks had a special place in my heart for telling those WWII Vets' stories. I'm a former Marine. I thankfully didn't need to die for this country.. But others have. Tom educated the entitled, good for nothing, lazy pieces of shit generation about what values used to be. Telling the story of Dick Winters and Easy company, interviewing them before they died, is a sort of national treasure. Heritage, if you will.. I had great respect for what he did making that movie and the effort he put into it. I'm actually quite disappointed in him. It's easy to say "Fuck Tom Hanks." However, my disappointment surpasses even a statement such as that.
He's intelligent. His career would have taken a hit if he supported Trump publicly.
Every day, I add another celebrity to my boycott forever list. They’ve completely turned me off of movies, music, sports & corporate big box stores. And it feels good, man. Not to mention the money I’m saving, but I’m rediscovering music & arts of yesteryear and it feels really really good, man.
I think it was Tom Hanks' son that was at the Bataclan where the terrorist attack happened, so his hatred of Trump when he criticizes Islamic terrorism is especially weird.
I wonder what he thinks of his son for maybe being anxious around Muslims now.
Very true. Same here, user. The list keeps growing, and I think that I am checking out of entertainment altogether.
No. Half the country likes Trump. Half doesn't. He alienates himself from half the populations money and admiration. These celebrities are fucking retarded because they can't keep their retarded opinions to themselves.
op is a faggot, he is an actor not a role model, you are an idiot for being affected, i fail to see what's the sense of this thread?, i don't care if he is a the fucking devil or that asshole dalai lama he is an actor not a politician it does not affect your life in anyway possible.
Is Hollywood irrelevant to anyone else here? I mean, I try to catch trailers once in a while, and use IMDB User Reviews exclusively to see how the movie is. Other than that, I have no use for these people. None at all.
I don't care what they think, I don't believe they have any talent, I think acting is a farce, and if I never saw or heard from any "famous" person ever again my life would change not one bit. Not one.
Fuck tom hanks
I got sick of his shilling for (((The greatest goyim generation))) long ago
>Not boycotting the pedowood.
Wow OP you are a huge faggot
>a hollywood cocksucker is a retarded libfag
wow this must be hard for you OP
The half that controls his industry hates trump more vehemently than anyone else.
Not a sheep, really. There was just an illusion they maintained when the people the wanted were in power that despite our differences, at the end of the day, we were all on the same team. When Colbert and Stewart had their shows on Comedy Central they had conservative guests on a regular basis. There was a sense that they were laughing with us and not against us. That all cahnged with the 2016 election and the subsequent election of Donald J Trump. Those same oh so tollerant celebrities ignored the middle America that was hurting and basically told us all to shut up and vote for Hillary, you fucking racists. And when we didn't, they let the mask drop and let us know they had never held us in anything but contempt. That to them all we ever were was suburban and rural retards and that HOW DARE WE,IT WAS HER TURN! So yeah. I shouldn't be surprised. After all, all those Hollywood celebrities got where they were by sicking dick and putting out. So here we are. Hollywood celebrities continue to throw temper tantrums and show us that they ever really were was pimps and their whores.
according to cdan hes a pedo. according to private jet pilots and crew hes a major asshole.
its been fuck this guy for a while u
But i am liking polar express movie. It is magic.
But Obama gave Tom Hanks a freedom award at the white house and provided obama with his fav movie quote:
"Life is like a box of hot dogs"
-Forrest Hump(s little boys)
Richard Spencer married a Georgian communist cryptojew and is a mongrel himself. You see 99% European individual is worse than a nigger. Racial hygiene is quite like homeopathy, the smaller the dose of impure blood the more devastating the consequences, since the mongrels dirty genes are concealed somewhat by their mixed phenotype, they also sully the culture through being more psychologically brown, in fact it's highly risky to even talk to them, which is why we're campaigning to emotionally remove Americans and Southern Europeans of all kinds from this board through bullying.
are you 12? Tom Hanks has been one of the biggest libcucks in Hollywood since forever.